Awakening The Silver Wolf

"Lilith, no!" I shouted for her to come back but she was already charging towards the gigantic figure at the center of the field, who was cutting down people as though they were sheeps.

Goddess, he was huge.

I lunged towards Lilith, desperate to pull her away from that man. There was no chance we could stand against him, let alone Lilith alone. But a wall of wolves and humans blocked my path, trapping me in a desperate helplessness.

The more I kill, the more they keep coming.

"You monster!" I heard Lilith shout as she got close to Darius who didn't even look in her direction.

Yes, that's good. Ignore her.

"Rowan! Joseph!" I shouted, trying to see if I could get their attention. I haven't gotten any luck with my own battle and Lilith was getting close to Darius.

I was thrown off my feet, tumbling forward. I instinctively braced myself, but the impact still sent me sprawling face-first onto the cold earth. I tried to roll away, but I was too slow.

A crushing weight slammed onto my back, forcing a grunt of pain from my lips. Blood welled in my mouth.

I struggled to raise my head, desperate to see if Lilith had reached Darius, but the weight pinning me down was too heavy. I was trapped, unable to even lift my head.

Panic tried to seize but I pushed it aside. Lilith would be fine, I won't let anything happen to her.

My fingers fumbled for the gun at my hip, but I was still pinned down, unable to move. Then, a searing pain lanced through my shoulder, sending a jolt of agony through my body.

I screamed in pain and the wolf's claws were dug deep into my shoulder, the pain so blinding, my vision went white.

I bit my tongue and tried to push the pain aside, trying to become numb.

With a surge of adrenaline, I managed to move my hand again. I snatched my gun and fired, the shot finding its mark.

The weight lifted from my back, and I scrambled to my feet, ignoring the searing pain in my shoulder as hot blood streamed down my arm. My only focus was finding Lilith.

My heart pounded furiously when I couldn't find her or either Darius. I searched the field, and I almost dropped to the ground in relief once I found Lilith.

But my blood immediately ran cold once I saw who she was with. She was fighting with Daruis.

I ran, ran with everything in me to get to Lilith. "Rowan!" I tried again. "Joseph!" Still no answer.

For fuck's sake where were they? They better be somewhere fighting their own battle and not dead.

Lilith and Darius were engaging furiously. Despite her size, she was holding her own well. But for how long?

I aimed my gun at him, but I couldn't get a perfect shot. I could hit Lilith. So I kept running, kept cutting down anyone who blocked my path.

Suddenly, Lilith cried out, going down on her knees as Daruis broke through her defense and his sword found her side.

"Lilith!" I screamed, the sound so loud, Daruis turned to me.

I didn't think, I just fired my gun. Daruis took two steps back as the gun hit his shoulder but he didn't go down.

I wouldn't be surprised if the bullet didn't go through all those muscles.

Darius turned to me fully, and I tried not to back down from having his full attention. He had his back to Lilith who was rising slowly.

I reached Darius, my sword rising instinctively, ignoring the agony in my shoulder. He met my strike with his own, a force that sent tremors through my teeth and widened my wound. But I held my ground, refusing to yield.

Daruis showed no sign of being shot. His movements were fluid and graceful. Not a single sign of pain.

My breath came in sharp gasps as I faced Darius, his towering frame casting a shadow over me.

The wound on my shoulder throbbed, each pulse a reminder of my precarious state, but there was no turning back now.

He charged, a massive wall of muscle and fury, swinging his sword in a deadly arc. I ducked low, feeling the wind from the blade brush my hair.

I rolled to the side, scrambling to my feet just as he turned.

I lunged forward, thrusting my sword toward his midsection. He blocked with a heavy swing, the impact reverberating through my arms.

He retaliated with a downward strike aimed at my head. I barely sidestepped in time, feeling the rush of air as the blade missed me by inches.

"Impressive," he said, his voice smooth and at the same time gravel.

"Die," I hissed through my teeth and lunged again.

On and on we danced as I drew him away from Lilith.

None of us was gaining the upper hand, but I felt myself weakening. The pain in my shoulder was roaring in fury for me to stop, and I was losing too much blood. It wouldn't be long before I lost consciousness. Or die.

He was huge, so huge, and it was getting difficult to hold my defense.

The darkness and Darius's hood obscured his face. I yearned to see my enemy's expression as he met the end of my blade, or as I met his. I craved that final, defining moment of recognition.

I couldn't let him dictate the pace. I darted around him, aiming for his legs in a desperate attempt to trip him.

But he was quick, stepping back with a grunt. Darius swung again, and this time, I felt the sharp edge of his blade slice into my arm, a searing pain that made me grit my teeth.

Fury ignited within me. I was small, but I was not powerless.

I surged forward, feigning left before pivoting right, aiming for his side.

He wasn't wearing armor so my blade sliced through. Darius roared, pushing me back with a brutal kick that sent me sprawling.

Pain exploded in my shoulder as I hit the ground. Gritting my teeth, I rolled away, pushing through the agony.

Darius advanced, but this time, it wasn't my sword that blocked him.

Lilith blocked Daruis sword from slicing through me. I saw her shake from the impact.

She met his blow, again and again, but Daruis was now furious. It seems he has been holding back, now he was meeting every blow with three of his.

I felt my strength slipping, the world around me spinning as the pain from my shoulder became unbearable.

I tried to pick my sword and helped Lilith but the pain in my shoulder was too great and my consciousness was starting to fade.

"Not now," I begged as I looked up at the moon. "Please not now."

It happened so fast.

In a cruel twist, Darius found an opening, swinging his sword with devastating force.

I watched in horror as the blade connected, and Lilith staggered back, hitting the ground hard.

"Lilith!" I screamed, panic gripping my heart.

Lilith lay still, her sword slipping from her fingers.

Time slowed, and the world faded to a dull roar as I felt rage boil within me.

"Get up!" I screamed, but there was no answer. The silence that came was suffocating, a void where Lilith's strength had once surged.

Fueled by desperation, I picked up my sword and charged at Darius, fury blinding me to everything else.

I swung my sword with all my might, but Darius was ready. With a swift, dismissive motion, he knocked me aside like a rag doll.

Pain exploded through me as I hit the ground, the world around me dimming. I barely registered the laughter of my enemy as darkness took me.