Hello my dear readers 🙏🙏.
These past few days and even some weeks I had been reading a lot of great novels and fanfics and hooked on binge reading the said books.
And so, reading thise books, gave me a minor headache with the flurry of ideas for improving this book or rewriting it or simply writing some other fanfics. So, this put me in a bind, and ultimately I decided on rewriting this book in a different way that it is written now... mostly the story will be similar but also different.
So, I would like you to vole, if I should go through this idea or simply continue writing this novel. Also I would like you to vote on a different fanfiction story I am planning, although the world it will be based on is not decided.
So, here are a few worlds I have finalized that you can vote on:
1. Pokemon
2. High school D×D
3. No game no life
4. Harry Potter
5. Any other you would like....
I would inform you about the decision, after a few days, so please vote and support me.🙏🙏🙏