To Invite Ruin Part Three

It didn't take that long for them to cut down their numbers… All while Abaddon gazed at them with the excitement of a child who had gotten a new toy.

No—It was far more sinister… The way his grin seemed to spread from ear to ear was every bit unnatural as it was terrifying.

Such was the expression a creature of darkness made when it witnessed the pointless—agonizing suffering of humans.

To him, there was no better form of entertainment.

Knights of the house of Meldon began to feel an immense sense of unease, despite the substantial distance between them and the grounds upon which this massacre occurred.

They could still make out the bloody scene as one knight cut down the other, their screams, the agonizing cries for mercy.

Each silenced under the blade of one they each believed to be their comrade.

One would tend to believe that men of war wouldn't be affected by such a scene.