She knew!

That was what the emperor was thinking.

If she knew, did her whole family know as well?

But before any speculation was created, Xia Yu continued her speech.

"Upon hearing His Highness' honesty, I was on the edge of deciding to drop the engagement. I didn't want to impose on their love. It felt wrong for me to separate two lovers."

Miyojin stopped himself from raising an eyebrow. Xia Yu was twisting the truth!

What is she aiming for by doing this?

"But His Highness himself refused to drop the engagement. Because like me, he didn't want to disappoint the late emperor or His Majesty. He chose to be an obedient son."

Miyojin felt the heavy gazes of the two princes, Zhujin and Jinyi. They both knew how reluctant he was that day. But because of how Xia Yu delivered her half-truths, everything seemed to make sense.

"On the first night of our marriage, rumors spread that His Highness left the wedding chambers early. I didn't say anything about it. But now, since I'm airing out the truth, I would like to reveal what happened."

Xia Yu paused to take a deep breath. Her actions made her look like she was conflicted from within. When in reality, she isn't. And Miyojin knows that.

"The truth is ... Prince Miyojin did leave the wedding chambers but it was upon my request."


The sudden screech of the empress interrupted Xia Yu in her speech.

"You told me it wasn't true! You said they were just baseless rumors!!!" the empress continued with rage painted on her face.

The outburst of the empress caused the observing crowd to begin their whispers. But Xia Yu didn't falter a bit. She already has an answer to that. She turned her body towards the empress and bowed.

"Forgive me, Your Majesty, for causing you to misinterpret." Xia Yu began. Then she raised her head. Though her facial expressions looked humble, her eyes revealed a different message.

"But it was the Crown Prince who said that. Not me. If Your Majesty can recall, it was His Highness who answered for me when you raised the question. Your Majesty only assumed that it was true since I did not speak. But forgive me, because it is my fault that I caused you to misunderstand."

Xia Yu ended her apology with a bow. Then she raised her head and returned her gaze towards the emperor.

"The Crown Prince said he saw my husband leaving the wedding chambers that morning. It is true. His Highness visited me the next morning after he left the night before. He wanted to see if I was alright."

The empress lost her voice to speak. She didn't even know what to say. She felt embarrassment consuming her thoughts. After all, the Second Princess Consort told everyone, though indirectly, of her mistake.

"As I was saying... I requested His Highness to leave the wedding chambers for two reasons. First, he is in love with another woman. It didn't feel right for me to spend a night with a man with another woman in his heart. Second, I didn't want to pressure him to follow the traditions. I didn't want him to comply only to regret it later."

Miyojin remembered what happened that night. It was certain that what Xia Yu said was very different from what happened. However, she was able to rationalize it.

"I'm very grateful for His Highness' honesty. And I wish our relationship will be built upon that honesty. Thus, I wish to make a request to His Majesty for the sake of my husband and our honest relationship."

Xia Yu paused to solicit a response from the emperor.

"What is your request, Princess Xia Yu?"

"I beg His Majesty to spare the child and allow his mother to be a concubine of Prince Miyojin."

"And why would you request such a thing?"

Xia Yu looked at the emperor with eyes of sadness before she answered.

"Since the beginning, I had been the only child of the Xias. I didn't have any siblings to look up to or to take care of. If there were people that I considered my siblings, they were my cousins from the Chengs."

Xia Yu paused a bit to feel the atmosphere around her. They were all quiet, listening intently to what she had to say. And that is what she wanted.

"However, it is no secret to anyone that my three cousins are no longer alive. They all followed in the footsteps of the Cheng family. They defended our nation against the northern invaders. They gave their lives to protect us and died as heroes."

Xia Yu stopped speaking for a while. She felt her heart ached as she remembered her three cousins. She remembered those days when she received the letters which contained the bad news. Involuntarily, a tear fell from her eye.

"But the pain of our families' loss will stay with us for the rest of our lives. However, I'm not blaming this nation or its people. I'm also not blaming my family for not taking in concubines or for the lack of offspring. I only say this for His Majesty to understand where I am coming from."

Xia Yu swallowed back a cry and composed herself to continue.

"I always wanted a sister, another female family member who I can share my feminine woes and joys with. Having a concubine at the White Jade Courtyard will fulfill this wishful dream of mine. I also do not wish to harm an innocent unborn child for what his parents had caused."

Once again, Xia Yu bowed her head and pleaded with the emperor.

"Please grant my request, Your Majesty. Please spare the child and have mercy on his mother."

Everyone was silent. Not one person could utter a word. Even the emperor was hesitating on what to say next. The Imperial Council turned their gaze towards the emperor hoping he'd say something. The emperor felt them so he voiced his question.

"I understand where you are coming from to ask for such a request. But what about your family?"

Xia Yu knew the reason why the emperor asked about what her family thought about this whole thing. Lucky for her, her family is the best when it comes to situations like this.

"I heard the news of this when I was with my family. They said that they will stand with whatever my decision is."

With that statement, both the emperor and the Imperial Council felt relieved. The emperor looked at Xia Yu who had already raised her head. For the first time since this commotion blew up, the emperor smiled.

"The heavens were gracious for gifting me a kind and sensible daughter-in-law. My son does not deserve you." the emperor said, eyeing his son in the last part.

"For the sake of my daughter-in-law, I revoked my previous command. I give the fate of this woman and her child in the hands of Princess Xia Yu."

After making his announcement, he turned back to Xia Yu.

"If this concubine ever displeases you in the future, you have the right to punish her as you please. The Second Prince will have no say in this even if you decide to take her and her child's life."

"Furthermore, once the child is born. His mother will be the Second Princess Consort. That is what should be written in the Registry of Records."

Mo Lijuan looked at the emperor in shock and pain. She wished to appeal against this but she couldn't. The emperor would not listen to her. He also seemed set on punishing her in some way. 

It's better than abortion. 

She chanted to herself to feel better.

"And you..." the emperor said, pointing to Mo Lijuan.

She looked at the emperor and bowed at him.

"Yes, Your Majesty?" she replied in a small and terrified voice.

"You are to serve the Second Prince and his wife well. Do not cause any more trouble. Do you understand?" The emperor said in a stern voice.

"Yes, Your Majesty. I understand," she said.

The emperor looked at the four people kneeling with satisfaction.

"Then, this matter ends here. You may all go back now."

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Xia Yu said as she bowed once more to the emperor.

The emperor acknowledged this. Then, he turned on his heel and walked away. Without delay, the members of the Imperial Council followed the emperor. Soon, other people also began leaving the scene. Eventually, only the four kneeling people were left on the palace grounds.

This was the moment Xia Yu decided to stand up which caused the other three to stand as well. Then Xia Yu finally turned to look at Prince Miyojin and the Mos. They eyed each other silently.

Mo Lijuan was surprised to see how beautiful the princess was. She also witnessed earlier how smart and kind she is—no wonder the emperor favors her.

But before anyone could say a word to each other, Boyang entered the scene.

"Your Highness?" Boyang greeted as she bowed before her master.

"Yes, Boyang?"

"The room for Miss Mo at the White Jade Courtyard is now prepared."

"Good." Xia Yu said, smiling at Boyang. Then she turned her cool gaze back to Miyojin.

"It's best if we get Miss Mo settled in as soon as possible. Don't you think so, Your Highness?" she said in a tone that sounded concerned. But her eyes were so cold like an autumn night.

Miyojin had a hundred things to say to Xia Yu at that moment. But he didn't know where to begin. Also, Xia Yu's suggestion was winning him over. She's right. They should make sure Mo Lijuan is settled in first. Whatever is it that he wanted to say can wait for later... and when they are alone.

"Yes, you're right. They need to go home at once to pack. I will go with them to oversee."

"Great! Then, I shall see to it myself that Miss Mo's room is comfortable enough." Xia Yu said as she bowed to Miyojin.

"So farewell, for now, Your Highness."

With one last smile to the prince, Xia Yu turned around and left with Boyang who was trailing behind her.

By nightfall, Mo Lijuan was now settled in the White Jade Courtyard. She bid goodbye to her family earlier. They were all happy and proud of her. For they finally had someone in the family married into the Imperial Family.

They were also thrilled that she would bear the Second Prince's firstborn. They said the Registry of Records might not show her as the mother. But everyone who has seen and heard what happened will always know that she is the true mother.

Mo Lijuan was very happy with her family's support. Most of all, she's happy because she can finally be with Prince Miyojin whom she loves. The prince was right. Princess Xia Yu isn't an enemy but an ally. The princess was even nice enough to give her such a grand room.

Everything was luxurious. The furniture, the decorations, and even the bed she's sitting on. The princess also took it upon herself to give her some beautiful clothes. They all look magnificent, fitting for a prince's concubine. She wasn't able to meet or speak with the princess personally. But her maid, Boyang, told her all of the things the princess wanted to say to her.

However, a part of Mo Lijuan was still unhappy and uneasy. It was because of Prince Miyojin. He didn't look as ecstatic as she was. He, along with his servants, did accompany her to her home to help her pack. He also told her family that he would take care of her. He even helped in unloading her things.

But throughout that time, he was very distant. He would only speak to her when necessary. There was also very minimal joy in the way he spoke to her. It was like he was with her in person but his mind was somewhere else.

Her anxiousness only amplified when she got settled in. Miyojin told her to rest. When she asked if he could stay with her tonight, he declined. And what did he say the reason behind it? He has something important to discuss with Princess Xia Yu.

So it was she who was occupying the mind of her love. What happened between them during the one month of their marriage? All the things Princess Xia Yu said in front of the emperor, are they all true? What are Miyojin's true feelings for the princess?

Since she had no answers to all her questions, Mo Lijuan lay on her bed to sleep.

On the other hand, Prince Miyojin was in front of Xia Yu's room mentally preparing himself and his words. When he felt all set, he finally entered her room.