Chapter 31 - Nsfw, optional.

Later that evening, in the canteen, a company of "seeds" was feasting together. Even Xin was peer pressured to buy decent food.

"This is still mediocre. You should try the game I cook after hunting." Xin said, finishing a second portion.

"You are trying to boast your cooking to a noble, do you realize how absurd it sounds? I've been to establishments you don't even know exist." Murong Zhan had this prideful noble persona, but he mostly used it for teasing. Xin thought it was done in good faith, so he didn't mind.

"So, the best cut of boar meat with red salts and pomegranate seeds, stewed with blue onions, rice and soy sauce, some cilantro and red pepper isn't good enough for you? To dip your Tealstone barley bread into this stew, is this not something you'd consider?"

"Oh, shut up, it actually sounds appealing. Such a brutal, unrefined palate. A warrior needs to enjoy something like this, occasionally. I'll concede this one."

"Not the first time you conceded to me, Murong Zhan." Xin proudly lifted his chopstick.

"Don't forget who carried you in that fight." Rui Ming smiled, and drank the remnants of his wine in one gulp.

"Thought you said we contributed equally?" Xin smiled, too.

"Guy was giving you face. He's an absolute beast, outmatched me completely." Lei gestured with a chicken leg as he spoke.

"Don't be so harsh on yourself. You even broke my blade, once you refine your technique, you'll be a formidable fighter."

"This Windshitter is elevating you to boost his own prestige, in two days he'll call you fodder again." Murong Zhan said.

 "What did you just call me? You think it's a funny nickname? Looking for a fight?" Rui Ming had a blank, slightly threatening expression.

"Windshitter, I said. Is this not how you introduced yourself?"

Rui Ming relaxed his facial muscles: 

"Hehe, I am fucking with you. No hard feelings. Until there are. Then I'll spill your guts."

Lei laughed.

"Fucking psychos, you three. Xin, let's go for a leak."

"But I don't want to."

"I said let's go for a leak, you dummy."

"Oh, sure."

They exited the hall, and went into a remote corner, both a bit tipsy. 

"What did you want to talk about?"

"Xuanwu approached Feng Chonglin with an offer. He said he'll visit their representative in a neutral location after work. Think it's wise, letting him negotiate without us?"

"Well, if he negotiates something on top of what we agreed on, we'll make him regret this. I took a huge hit for him today, and for you, too."

"What are you talking about?" 

"I was summoned today. Shenmiao Meiling, the Iron Fairy."

"Wait, she is from the "little lions"? Underdogs, these guys. Undercats, hehe. What did she want?"

"Felt like she wanted to fuck me, to be honest."

"Oh, look at him. Don't lie to me, what did she actually want?"

"I am telling you, it felt like she was flirting at times. I didn't bite it. But she also had something else to discuss, of course."

"You didn't bite it? I'd bite the shit out of her. Seen her without armor once, what a perfect figure. I like it when the girl is a bit meaty, those childlike palace ladies are quite boring."

"You fucking retard, is this what you want to discuss? She heard your 'sugar mommy' comment, by the way, so keep that mind if you decide to pursue her. Got a hearing method, I assume. When Huang Lingbo and Xie Xiaodan tear your dick off, don't tell me I didn't warn you. So, will you let me speak, or do I have to endure another horny monologue?"

"Calm down, squirt. I'm listening." Lei grinned, but also showed a troubled expression.

"Squirt? Whatever. So, she offered me a hand of her niece in marriage, said she's pretty and all that. Offered to become her disciple, too..."

"Shit, seriously? And you?"

"Well, she is going to attempt to break through to rank three, and she wanted to become my patron. In exchange, I needed to tell her everything about uncle Ti and the inspector."

"Fuck me! That's tempting. What did you answer?"

"Listen, bro. Women are like shirts and pants, brothers are like arms and legs. You think I give a fuck? You and granpa are my retarded family, so I declined and feigned ignorance. She started threatening me. I told her she has no leverage or reason to go for me. She said she'll let it go, but we are on our own now."

Lei took a few seconds to process what he heard.

"Shit, man, you have my eternal gratitude! I feel morally obligated to suck your cock, but I'd rather hire someone to do it instead! Any establishment that you like. But did she truly let go? A spurned woman is worse than a demon."

"She was probably betting on seducing me with her offer, to get all three of us under her finger. A smart plan, but I've read it. And no, I don't think she'll haunt us. Feng Chonglin agrees."

"You told him, but not me?"

"I am telling you now. Was looking for a moment when we were alone."

"Whatever. Look, I am visiting the merchant guild tomorrow, will be there all day. Was invited to a feast, I'll be presenting our case in front of the higher ups. And Granpa is visiting the sect after his negotiation with Xuanwu later that day. The joint deal is progressing well."

"Good to know. Alright, let's finish eating. I wanted to visit the library."

"And I still have some elemental well qi limit unspent, I need to train my Molten Heart."

Xin nodded. Will Lei seriously train his technique when drunk?

Two hours later, a slightly tipsy Xin was back in his room. There was no one there, and he lay down on his bed, his head heavy from all the stress, alcohol and socialising.

Vivid imagery entered his mind again. Uncle Ti dying, the inspector's dog moaning pitifully as it gets stabbed. Feng Chonglin choking uncle Ti's sister, or whatever he even did with her. The face of an evicted girl, so young, yet her innocence crushed. What will happen to her kid?

Tealstone. The boar again. Screw this.

He remembered the weeks in the safehouse, constant leisure and training. No sect politics, no mortal danger, it was such a great time, even if it came right after the tragedy. 

Jia Li.

So pretty, so gentle. Why didn't I take her? All I had to do was behave like a human, she certainly liked me. Xin felt a tingling in his pants.

"What was the last time I even pleasured myself?" He thought. One time won't hurt, huh?

Xin untied his robes and decided to be quick about it. His neighbours could come back any minute.

He closed his eyes and imagined Jia Li again. Her breasts, her spring flower smell, her traditional dress. He imagined taking her, pressing her to the counter she usually served him from.

Still, the relief didn't come, no matter how hard he tried.

What's wrong with me? Did I break it somehow? Suddenly, he imagined the Iron Fairy and her niece, and taking them at the same time. Xin was embarrassed, but it was a kind of fantasy that he enjoyed. He kept nervously polishing his spear, anxious about his neighbours returning, but the relief just wouldn't come.

Unexpected to himself, he imagined lady Meiling walking in, scolding him for soiling the sect with his indecent actions. This made his heart beat even faster. He then imagined her pushing him on the bed, her hands wrapped around his neck, choking him as her lips covered him in kisses. He never seen her naked, but his imagination worked well enough, creating a vivid image of her soft breasts bouncing as she rode him.

He finally felt himself climax, then cleaned his hand, panting heavily.

"I'm so fucked up. I hate this." Xin said out loud, staring at the ceiling.