Chapter 34 - Are we in an army?

Next dawn, Xin was packing his equipment and supplies. Unfortunately, he didn't buy any dao shards, but he bought an alchemy kit and a bag of holding to store important stuff in. After his shopping spree and repaying Lei, he had ten spirit stones left for a rainy day, and he planned to use them in combat or for an urgent buy.

He packed hastily, not minding his neighbours' sleep. These two irritated him too much, and he couldn't wait to get his own room.

One turned out to be a party animal, and constantly bothered Xin with small talk or rumours. He once asked Xin, who just came back from a full day's shift, for help with studying, and when he agreed, he sat to the side and watched Xin do all the work for him. After this incident, Xin started ignoring him, deeming him unimportant.

The second guy worked in the Administrative pavilion, and didn't have much interest in cultivation. He loved memorising stuff, and knew many facts about everything, but in Xin's view, he also didn't understand anything deeply.

He would get irritated when people disagreed with him, was constantly "anal" about everything, and was a prune, overall. Still, at least he was helpful sometimes , and wasn't the worst guy at heart, just painfully boring. 

The only neighbour he liked was Rui Ming, of course. Windsplitter was a bit naive and childish, and would sometimes get moody, even edgy, but he was genuinely an interesting person, on top of being a martial prodigy. He was also packing his things, donning his simple scale armour on top of thick fabric, his repaired sword in a scabbard on his belt.

"Heard about who comes with us?"

"Enlighten me." Xin was still sleepy as he answered.

"Murong Zhan, Yao Nang, Lei, too."

"Of course I know Lei's coming. Who else?"

"Wu Xiaoyun, wood path girl, and a water path guy, Su Xing."

"Both mortals?"

"Yep. They are decent. Every mortal in our squad is qi active."

"And the masters?"

"Yao Nang's boyfriend, Tu Qiang. I heard about him, he seems fine, despite your clash. Hope you two will let it go, I don't want this shit to interfere with our mission."

"Fuck. I've already let go, but not sure he has."

"Whatever. Then there's this guy, outrider Lu, rank one master, he's been doing caravan duties for a decade now. I heard he failed his rank two breakthrough four times."

"That blows. Let's not disrespect him, though. His experience could save our lives. What about the rank two master?"

"Xie Taowei."

"That Xie family?"

"Yeah, Xiaodan's brother. Except younger and nothing like his brother."

"It's that bad?"

"He used to have three disciples, don't know their ranks. They got attacked by some demonic cultivators, so he set up a formation, drained the disciples of their qi and killed the demons. This left his disciples with no means to defend themselves. Two died, one got maimed. It tarnished his reputation."

"Maybe it was the only choice he had in that situation?"

"Well, one of those who died was Xiaodan's favourite student. He blames his brother, they haven't talked since."

"All this drama, I hate it." Xin respected Xie Xiaodan, and trusted his judgement. Thus he decided to be alert about his brother.

"That's how people are. Let's stay mindful, but also focus on our mission."

"Best approach. You packed your things?"

"Yeah. All the travel gear, weapons, armour, some spirit stones, potions. I'll go grab the bow from the armoury."

"Let's go together, I need my arbalest and glaive."

The pair retrieved their equipment, then met their group near the sect gates.

Lei was already bothering Yao Nang. 

"Wait, you and that Tu Qiang guy broke up? What happened?" 

"Wu Lei, scram, seriously. I am doing my best to be polite, as we are a part of the same caravan, but could you leave me be? Tu Qiang is standing right there, why are you starting shit?"

"Look, I am happy for you, you deserve better. I don't want to disrupt the caravan, of course."

Tu Qiang approached them.

"Listen, I'll try and be a gentleman. I am a master, you are still a disciple. Don't provoke me or other caravan members, or you'll regret this. Do you understand?"

"Somewhat. Could you elaborate?"

"Lei! Stop." Xin approached him, and Lei instantly cooled down. "Lei will behave, you have my word, master Qiang." Xin delivered a martial gesture and a bow. Tu Qiang also bowed, but only barely. He was polite, but there was badly concealed hate in his eyes.

"Where are the others?"

"There they are." Murong Zhan pointed. He wasn't wearing any armour, and had nothing on him apart from a light bag and simple travel clothing. 

The pair that approached them looked rather colourful.

One was a woman in her twenties, with green hair and a slightly androgynous face. She had a stern, determined facial expression, and had a certain aura of authority around her. Xin found her a bit pretty, a bit handsome, and a bit unpleasant at the same time.

The second person was wearing a white suit of armour with blue ornaments, and carried a glaive. Most of his face was hidden by his helmet, but he had wide eyes, a lively facial expression and thin facial hair. 

His armour looks a bit better than mine, and that glaive is also more expensive, thought Xin to himself, trying to shoo the envy away. Whatever, I don't care.

They both approached, then bowed. 

"Master Taowei and master Lu will arrive shortly. How are you all doing?" The green haired woman asked. She had a pleasant soothing voice, Xin expected it to be a bit deeper.

"I am doing great, sweetheart. What's your name?" Lei greeted her and started his usual thing.

"Wu Xiaoyun. You?"

"Ha, my surname is also Wu. It's like we are already married, haha! Just kidding, my surname is a different character. Probably. I am Wu Lei, you never heard of me?"

"Is this your idea of small chat? Spare me, please. And no, I never heard about you."

"Don't worry, I am just joking around. Is your hair colour natural, by the way?"

"Su Xing, I found you a chatting partner. Please exhaust each other so that the others have a room to breathe."

"Sure, sister. It'll be nice to travel with you all, people. Let's hope none of us die!" He said in a playfully dramatic tone. Xin looked around, this joke made most people uncomfortable, but he chuckled slightly.

"Well, we'll all die, one way or another, let's at least enjoy ourselves." Xin smirked.

"I see that Lei is rubbing on you, brother." Murong Zhan said. "Where are the masters?"

Xin focused.

"Footsteps coming down from the gate tower. Probably them." His hearing gave him an edge over others.

He was right, the men who descended down the stairs were indeed their masters.

One was wearing expansive robes on top of a boiled leather doublet, tied by a thick black belt with an iron buckle, was tall and muscular. Master Xie Taowei. He carried a two-handed hammer, a signature weapon of many earth path masters, and looked to be in his later thirties.

A person with him was thin and quite lanky, carried a shortbow and a small curved dagger on his hip, and a bag of holding on his belt. He had thick, reinforced leather boots, but his clothing looked otherwise unremarkable. Outrider Lu, Xin concluded.

Master Xie Taowei took a step forward, cleared his throat and spoke:

"Good morning, scrubs. Let's establish the hierarchy. Me, master Lu, master Qiang, everyone else. In that order. Rule number one — you don't speak unprompted, you don't disobey. Rule number two — you use your brain when you are told, and you turn it off when you are told! We control your thinking, eating, sleeping and shitting. Did I make myself clear?"

"Yes, master!" Everyone answered. Xin already hated him. Acting like a drill sergeant, what a loser.

"I can't hear you!"

"Yes, master!" Well, drilling can be good, right? We have to work as a unit, this will boost our chances of survival. Is this guy leaning too hard on a cliche? Is he insecure? Is he actually incompetent?

"You, dumb face, green eyes, what's your name?"

"Xin, master!" Fuck, what does he want?

"What did I just see in your eyes, disciple?"

"I can't know, master! Pupils?" Shit. Why did I do this?

He slowly approached Xin, then put a hand on his shoulder. He then leaned forward, looking the young man in the eyes.

"Oh. Oh, I see. My brother's favourite disciple is a comedian. How blessed are we! Everyone, was this joke funny?"

No one answered.

"I am asking you all again, was his joke funny?"

"Six out of ten, master." Lei blurted out. He looked at Xin in solidarity. If we get punished, we get punished together. Xin didn't feel like it would help much, only irritate him, but appreciated the gesture nonetheless.

"Oh, it's that son of a whore Wu Lei. Wish I was ten years younger and someone swapped your gender, we'd have a different discussion."

Xin was dumbfounded. What's wrong with that guy? Is he a repressed sodomite?

"But I disagree. I'd give it a four. Everyone else but these two, thirty pushups, you fucking retards! I asked you a question, he was the only one who answered! You two, night duty!" He pointed at the pair.

The two rank one masters stood at the side with a stern expression, somewhat amused, somewhat confused.

"Everyone, I said! That includes you, masters!" He barked at them. "Finish this shit and move out!"

The group performed their pushups, then gathered the belongings and prepared to leave the sect. Their clothing was now covered in sand from the courtyard, and they tried cleaning themselves up. Mostly unsuccessfully. 

As they marched, Xin subtly scanned the group. Murong Zhan and Tu Qiang were just angry now, there was no hint of submission in their gaze, only the injured pride. We are a sect, not an army, we've got to be more subtle than this, Xin thought. Taowei's power trips might kill our cohesion.

Outrider Lu made an announcement:

"Listen, people! This caravan route used to be relatively safe, and was manned mostly by mortals and hired guard, with only the caravan leader being a rank one master. The times are different now. The capital recalled two thousand Border Guard home, so we can expect some nomad activity.

There are also remnants of the beast tide in the steppe, and the Fist sect might attempt an extortion, as they claimed a patch of land our route goes through. They haven't tried anything like that so far, but there is a chance we'll be first. Stay alert at all times. I assume everyone has read the missive, but I'll repeat it again.

First, we need to arrive at Bai Du's fort with a delivery. Two days later, we'll cross the Young Brother Mountain and head to the Riversong Manor for resupply, and rent some horses. Then we'll travel through the steppe, to the border city of Zadana, grab the delivery and head back. Fifteen days or so, if all goes to plan. Any questions?"

"Yes, master." Xin instantly showed initiative. "I am also a scout and a tracker, can I help?"

"Can you? Evaluating your prowess in this aspect is one of the reasons you were assigned to this mission, kid."

"Will we have enough time to collect the materials if we happen upon any?"

"Our package is quite light, so I don't see why not. Every material collected belongs to the sect, though, but you'll be compensated with contribution points, of course." 

Xin frowned. What a stupid rule, contribution points will certainly not be proportional to what the materials cost.

"Is it true that some bonemen still live in Zadana?" Suddenly asked Yao Nang.

"Indeed, I've seen some when I was last there. They are few in numbers, and you aren't allowed to approach them. It's not a museum trip, we are a caravan. Did I make myself clear?"

"Yes, master." 

The next two days were somewhat unremarkable. The group moved East, following the natural landmarks, scouting and chatting. During the rests, Wu Xiaoyun sang and played the flute, while everyone else shared campfire stories.

Murong Zhan's father had twenty children from different women in his harem, nine of them sons. He was supposed to become a bureaucrat, and was groomed to represent his family in the capital's court once he grew up, but in his early teenage years, he escaped his family's castle, and, with his bloodline and martial arts training, became a vagabond martial artist. Once he was found and returned back home, his family gave him an administrative position in the castle to keep him occupied, but he loathed it, and requested to join a sect, foregoing his inheritance in exchange. His family reluctantly agreed. 

Rui Ming was born to a warrior from another world, who had a strong wind path bloodline and had no memories of his past life. After meeting his mother, a wealthy farmer's daughter, he became a guard and even broke through to the Foundation stage. However, the pain of having all his memories, even his native language, torn away from his soul led him to a life of drinking and gambling, which ultimately resulted in his early demise. Rui Ming couldn't bear his mundane existence, and eventually abandoned his farmstead to travel and refine his cultivation and martial arts. 

Su Xing was an artisan's son, and enjoyed studying as much as he enjoyed martial arts, being a jack of all trades. At some point, his family started experiencing financial difficulties, and he joined the sect to make a career and provide for them, sending some money back. He joined the sect two years ago, before the edict, and only spent five months as an external disciple.

Sadly, he failed his first Foundation breakthrough, and was now trying to earn some money to attempt the second one.

Yao Nang was a peaceful farmer's daughter, but her grandfather was a local hero, felling a band of bandits with his bare fists. She met Tu Qiang and they travelled together, training and participating in martial arts tournaments, until they eventually set their sights on the sect, both aiming to become earth path masters.

Tu Qiang had won a local tournament some time before they arrived, and managed to break through to Foundation stage after investing his prize money, and the new edict allowed him to become an external master of his new sect. Apparently, once they finished this mission, he'd be finally elevated to a master proper. 

Xin and Wu Lei also shared their stories, and the story of them killing a yaoguai certainly raised their prestige in the others' eyes.

When asked about her life story, Wu Xiaoyun assured everyone that hers is the most boring, and kept playing her flute instead. The group still insisted that she shared anyway, but luckily for her, it was time to travel further, and Xie Taowei was getting irritated with idle chatter.

Two hours later, Xin and outrider Lu were traversing through the tall grass, ahead of the main party. 

"That's the glade. We can refill our flasks, and there are some edible berries there, too." Lu told Xin. 

"That slope right there looks like a decent ambush location, I'd be careful."

"I agree. Let me scan." He raised his finger, and a tree bud grew out of it, twitching with every caress of the wind. This technique was good at detecting sounds, but was hard to execute. Outrider Lu is quite proficient in wood path, Xin concluded.

"Hear anything?"

"Hush, boy. Two-legged footsteps, I think. Let's get closer. Got any movement methods?" He was whispering now.

"I can sprint for a long time, with my endurance bracers." Xin whispered back.

"Shit. Let's make do with what we have. Follow." 

The pair carefully proceeded forward, crouching as they moved, and traversed closer to the glade.

Outrider Lu pointed a finger at some bushes, indicating that there was some sound there.

Xin squinted his eyes, focusing his sharp eyesight, reinforced with qi.

Between the leaves, obscured by the shadows, Xin noticed something a normal person wouldn't. 

A small piece of human skin, slightly curved. He analysed the height of the bush and the placement of the clue he noticed to deduce what he was seeing.

At that height, it could only be the crown of a human head, and a bald one at that!

"Fist sect." He whispered quietly.