It was just before morning in Pennsylvania, America. The year was 2039 and Rachel had just been woken up by her daughter, Eliza. Both Rachel and Eliza had charcoal black hair and dark skinm which were complemented by amber eyes.
-"Moooom! Come on you have to wake up!" Eliza said, tugging at her mother's light grey shirt while she lay in bed, wanting to sleep just a tiny bit more.
-"Sweetie what has gotten into you? When I have to take you to the park you stay in bed until the last minute." Rachel then slowly rubbed her eyes and looked her daughter in the eye. She still couldn't believe that her little girl is already five years old.
-"But today is when we get a letter from daddy! Come on I want to know on what adventure's he going!" Elizah then banged her little food against the floor to display her eagerness but then stopped when she remembered she wasn't supposed to do that. "Sorry mommy"
Rachel was just thankful that she regrets her actions, but she can also understand why she's acting that way. The little girl hadn't seen her father in two years already and if she were to be honest, Rachel was also extremely curious on how her husband is doing, but also extremely worried.
She then slowly got up and went to wash her face along with Eliza. Once they finished they then got dressed and started slowly descending the stairs of their apartment down to the mail box.
Rachel wore a stylish brown dress with a tree design along with some rather tight fitting shoes while her daughter wore a similar design, but her dress had roses, daffodils and lilac designs. Joseph used to call them "The fae that stole his heart", the little poetic punk.
They both decided to get together a few years before his enlistment. They had met while she was studying acting and he was stuck in the drama club. She was the main actress and he was the one in charge of the props. She was always fascinated by how he could make those props so realistic and so, he fascinated her until it was time for her to rehearse her lines yet again. He was standing there, looking at her clothes like they were the most precious things in the world. She then looked at him, breathed in and then said 8 words:
"I think I am in love with you."
The way he stared at her lke a fish out of water was the best and it was also the best present when he asked her to marry him on her birthday.
They then had Eliza when he was on leave and left her with his parents. Rachel would have been mad at him if the whole thing wasn't her idea, and also if he hadn't managed to get back home before Eliza was born. Joseph was a man of miracles though, he always managed to surprise her with the stunts he managed to pull off either due to him being too stubborn or too dedicated.
When he got back from the war, Rachel was beyond delighted, but she was also worried about him. He looked like he hadn't slept in days and his eyes were changed. They were always a dark green, but she always likened them to pine leaves or a thorny bush when she wanted to tease him but this time.... They looked rotten. The shine in them looked extinguished, with some life remaining in them still only because he managed to get back home and see her safe.
She knew that he sacrificed a lot to come back home. That he may have done some untasteful things but she also knew that he had done it for what he thought was the greater good and what would keep his family safe. And so, she decided to play the role of the ignorant wife that was just glad to see her husband come back safe from the war and would be there as a beacon for a warmer and kinder place. Because she knew he would do the same.
-"Mom come on! Open it!"
Rachel then suddenly realised she was infront of the mail box. She slowly rubber her fingers against her brow and then slowly opened it. Inside was a single sealed letter, with the destination written in familiar handwriting.
Eliza slowly walked back up to her house along with her mother, extremely excited to see how her father was doing. She knew that her father was gone because he had to protect a very dangerous place from bad people and to protect some people with 'inky hands', which she didn't quite understand. Why would people get ink on their hands? Are they stupid?
Eliza was so excited that she almost forgot about the stares they got from the neighbours that wanted to check out the commotion. She knew she was a bit rude by stomping the ground a bit with her foot, so when she asked her mother if she should apologise but she instead said "Don't worry, they are mad about something else". Maybe she had ink on her hands?
Rachel then walked back into her home while Eliza was studying her hands intently and then rushed over to the bathroom to wash her hands. She was a bit perturbed but when she asked what happend, all that she got was "I don't want to have inky hands!". This is a really tiring day.
The tired mother waited patiently until her daughter was back and once she was, she began reading the letter. Little Eliza was watching with excited eyes as Racher read the following:
"Dear Rachel and Eliza, the tree I know I can always lean on when I am tired, and the small sproutling that is bound to grow into a mighty tree, towering over all. I am currently writing to you while on route to Switzerland via train. I will be traveling through France and then go directly to the border. I hear that Adam is also stationed there so with luck, I might meet with him and have an easier time.
The journey has been tiring and I have had many a restless nights while far away from you two, and away from the comforts of home. I have also learned a few recipes from some books while on the train in order to better learn french and to come back to amaze you both with the best sweets you will ever taste. I think I read about something called 'Aeglare'? I only remember it from a conversation on the train, but I hear it is very delicious.
The following is for Eliza, who I hope is reading this with excited eyes and open ears.
I am now in Switzerland while writing this and I have to tell you that this is a very bad place, but you also don't have to worry as your father is here to protect everyone. This place is filled with very bad things and people. I have battled with fantastical creatures that I bet you haven't seen anywhere else and that could scare even mean old Bernard away with just a glare. I met a young man here, someone that looks like you could snap like a twig, but I see a very powerful fire that burns in his soul.
It is funny how people outside America don't really use 'fire in your soul' that much, and instead they use different, funny phrases. I also met uncle Adam, the guy I told you about that talks funny. Anyway, he has managed to outrank me and is now a sergeant. Don't worry, I am sure I will manage to outrank him in time and hopefully, I will also be able to get back home before you start school.
I have met a very mean man by the name of Adolph as well. He is the one responsible for....sharpening our swords and making sure we stay safe. Now I will study him and make sure that you won't come back home with a boy like him, and if you do then I will know where to hit and cause him... displeasure.
From your loving father.
The following is for Rachel, who I hope is healthy, strong and safe."
Rachel then started reading the rest of the letter in her head while also chastising her husband over putting so many difficult and crude words in his part of the letter for Eliza.
"Hello Rachel, I hope the neighbours aren't giving you and eliza too much difficulty. I have to be honest and say that what I am facing here is rough and I am telling you this because I wish for there to be as little lies between us as possible. I have something I know I will never be able to atone for so I have come here in order to try and set things right. A lot of researchers have come and gone and it seems that they are finally starting to fix things little by little.
The army is doing well and I am doing well but I also want to tell you that the possibility of me coming back alive isn't high. I want you to be strong and do anything to make sure that the both of you are safe. The environment here isn't safe for someone unprotected and yet people still choose to come here while I have to escort research teams in and out. Mostly in. Stay strong, and know that I love you.
From your loving husband, Joseph Derevov"
Rachel smiled a bit as she read the letter and then put her hands on her face, as if trying to mask her tears from her daughter.
'This letter has been tampered with.'
Rachel slowly moved her shoulders and tried to mimick the sounds of crying while trying to think of something.
'Someone tampered with the writing. The first part written towards Eliza looked genuine but I am not sure. Someone has also started following me while I walk Eliza in the park and now this. The only apartment I found that was within our price range was one with a lot of window's and had no drapes or something to be able to block them. Something is going on and I think I am being watched.'
Rachel then slowly pinched her cheeck as hard as she could while raising her knees up to make herself cry. The pain was extremely unpleasant but she had to deal with it. She still vividly remembers what Joseph whispered into his ear before leaving on the ship.
"Act like I am saying something romantic, I don't have long. I have done something bad in the world war and I think the government is trying to send me on a suicide mission. I do not know why they hadn't just killed me outright but I am sure they will try something. I know you can keep you and Eliza safe Rachel. Now kiss me while saying 'I love you too'"
Rachel was stunned and did not know what to say or do and so she just pulled him in for a kiss and then said the words she might never tell him again.
"I love you too."