I wanted to reach children, especially those with broken hearts

"Miss Alice is young and immature. She likes to eat and doesn't want to engage in any drama that compromises her freedom." Mark started listing out, making them wonder about his motive for doing so. "Miss Alice is a girl who grew up in a harsh environment. With no warmth. She... Needs a lot of care and I hope the association, as well as the agency, take that into consideration when dealing with her." He raised his head, stood up tall, and said, "So, yes. I agree with the motion to send her to school, even if it's just to get a diploma."

What Mark felt when he was saying that, was the feeling one would get when wishing the best for the person they care about. He wanted Alice to live a life that everyone else, well most people, got to live.

He wanted her to meet normal people, make friends if possible, and share tales of how her day went awful with a math teacher giving her a 'D' on a test she worked so hard to solve.