How did Devon die?

Alice went silent. She opened her mouth, slowly parting her lips to speak when she felt an urge to throw up. She covered her mouth and her eyes shook in confusion.

What was that?

Leo watched her and then sighed.

He got up and grabbed Alice by the arm.

"She'll think it over. There's still some time before she gets contacted by the agency, right?" He asked and Devon nodded. "Well, till then, let her think about it a little longer. And please, do not be disappointed by her answer. Believe me, whatever choice she makes from here on out, she takes deep consideration into it. So, respect her wishes."

Alice followed Leo towards the stairs and though she waved her hand at him, saying she was okay, he shook his head, refusing to heed her words.

"I will wait down here." Devon suddenly said and Leo rolled his eyes towards him. "I am in charge of taking Alice to meet the Chairman, so when she is ready, she can come down and we'll leave right away."