"Anyway, Leo's not human. That's all you need to know." Alice said.
"He's not... Human?" Noah was shocked and turned to Leo. "What do you mean? He seems pretty human to me."
"That's because he's taking on that form." Alice said. "He is my... what was that word again? Ah, yes, familiar. Leo is my familiar and that's why he can't go anywhere without me."
It took a moment before they could fully grasp her words.
"A familiar?" Noah repeated. "Hm, that's new. This is the first time I've heard of anyone owning such a thing."
Alice gulped, darting her eyes away.
"Well, there's a first time for everything." She said.
"Oh, I see. Well, it's no wonder you can have something like that since you're so powerful." Noah said. "So, how did you get it. Can I get one too?"
"No!" Leo and Alice chorused, taking him aback but he ended up laughing.