Then, let me keep hating you

"So, what is it?" Alice asked. "What do you want to say to me this time?"

Clarissa clenched her fists.

"So, you've gone into dungeons before." She said. "I could get that much from the conversation you guys were having. And you seem to be very powerful as well."

"Yes," Alice placed her hand on her waist. "So, is there anything I can help you with? Or is there anything you want to ask of me?"

"Stop acting all cocky." Clarissa suddenly yelled and Alice blinked, taken aback. When on earth did she act cocky?

She just wanted to get things over with so she could meet up with Mark and then go out to eat.

It had been three hours since the last time she had a 'snack' and her stomach was already silently rumbling.

"Just because you're very powerful and you've killed monsters... Is that why you're so cocky?" Her fists trembled and she gritted her teeth. "Because nothing and no one can get in your way."