A serene night is shattered by a deadly virus outbreak, transforming the living into monstrous creatures. Celine, a young girl, finds herself thrust into a terrifying world alongside her younger brother, Avery. As they navigate this nightmarish landscape, they encounter Shilo, a former classmate, and together they forge a bond to survive.
Their desperate search for safety leads them to Havenshire, a city walled by water rumored to be a sanctuary. However, they soon discover a darker truth: Havenshire is a corrupt haven, controlled by a tyrannical leader who sympathizes with the infected and believes they will be cured.
Determined to reclaim Havenshire and create a true sanctuary for survivors, Celine, Shilo, Avery, and a new unlikely ally, Jacob, join forces with a charismatic leader named Sam and his resourceful crew. Together, they devise a daring plan to overthrow the corrupt Governor George and establish a real sanctuary for survivors of the virus.
As they face overwhelming odds and confront the horrors within and without the walls of Havenshire, Celine must summon her inner strength and courage to not only lead the ones she's come to care for in the fight for safety, but also fight the battle that rages quietly within her. Because Celine has found love among the dead, but the question is; who will she choose?
nice story work and script for the book when I read
Great start to this story. Can’t wait to read more once I get some passes
read a couple of chapter, good work by the aurthor
nice book.................................
The first couple of chapter seem interesting so far. so keep up the good work
The picture gives me Left 4 Dead vibes..
good book loved the concept story and characters
Its okay. Just not my cup of story. All the best author
Just for FP..............................
Se ve que es una buena historia , espero que no me equivoque .
i am looking forward to giving this a try