
I don't know what's gotten into my head.

Perhaps it was that disjointed post-sex musings in my mind that led to this bad idea.

Perhaps it was the fact that I had killed Haein's father with my bare hands.

Probably though, it was just me acting on a whim and following the random urges as they rose. 

I've been doing that a lot recently it seems. 

I waited in a small cafe in Bangi-dong, not so far from the Olympic Park that I came with Haein not so long ago, which was also where I used to live a very long time ago. 

My father was late. As expected. I was neither surprised nor annoyed that he was late in coming to see his own daughter who hadn't contacted him for the past eight years. Add all the time I've spent stuck in the loop, it was probably fifteen or sixteen years since I last spoke to him.