Good bye

No… No… No…

This isn't how it was supposed to go.

I cursed at myself for letting myself get talked into this by Haein.

It was yet another November 9th and I was running away from the Hell Beast carrying the little angel in my arms, who was bleeding heavily from her severed leg. 

"Hang in there, Haein. I'll get you to somewhere safe"

"What's the point, Yui… Today is the last day isn't it?"

Belying the pain she must have been in, Haein gave me a smile that didn't seem forced. 

"But I can't let the Beast take you like this. No, not this time"

"I suppose there were other times it did then, heh"

That wasn't the point. 

Although I insisted that she stay away from me and enjoy her last day in this world somewhere peaceful and quiet, her insistence to do otherwise won me over in the end.