A Day At The Zoo

The three of us slept in Heeya's tidy room for the night. 

Naturally, Haein hissed at the idea of me sleeping on the bed and letting the two kittens sleep on the floor. Then, she was disgusted and scared of the suggestion that I sleep with Heeya in bed. 

Just what does she think I am…

Consequently, I ended up sleeping on the floor rather uncomfortably, while the two of them slept like babies after the heavy mental and emotional exhaustion that our eventful day brought. 

"Goor morning, Yui Unni"

I woke to an unfamiliar feeling of warm morning greeting, which wasn't entirely unpleasant despite the fact that my body ached from sleeping on the floor, not to mention that I really exerted myself the evening before on crafting a piece of abstract artwork with a human body. 

Well, I guess I was kind of an artist too now. 

"Good morning"