Poetry of My Mind

40 days ago, there was a girl

Who couldn't care less that the world

Would come to an end by a fiend.

His green eyes, furiously they gleamed.

From heaven he descends

From hell, he arises

So the world ends

And she compromises

Her sanity, humanity, and all that mattered

Or didn't matter, it was all the same

Because either way, her life was shattered

And there was only one, whose name

She could remember

From October till November


And I used to rage in the past like when I wanted to be somebody but then I realized I couldn't be anybody and the world was so fucked up that it drove me mad and I used to implode but now I explode and then I just binged on indulgences and let myself loose in the sea of meaningless entertainment content that never made me content so I was so frustrated to the point that I -


Couldn't believe my luck that this beauty took 

the seat