Good Girl

"Yui, come out! What's taking you so long?!"

As I heard Mother shout at me from outside the bathroom door, I sank myself deep into the water, sitting in a bathtub. 

If… If I could keep myself underwater like this, I would drown, right?

Would I be able to hold it?

Or would I fail and just get scolded by Mom for causing trouble?

Trouble it was, at home and at school. 

I only joined the softball club because of this girl I liked. 

'Liked' was a big weird term though, wasn't it?

I'm a girl - how could I 'like' another girl?

All I knew though was that I wanted to be as close to her as possible and spend as much time as possible with her. 

She was nice and friendly to me, but so she was to everybody else in the class too. 

I didn't like that. 

So I decided to join the softball club where she was the captain, hoping that I would get more chances to hang out with her.