Alex no demon volume 6 chapter 20

After raiga dealt a devastating blow on kazuki by stumping on him and throwing another devastating blow at him, kazuki felt extremely helpless with him starting to shift from his divine form, kazuki says to himself while laying on the ground with blood gushing from his mouth "This guy, he's more stronger than anything I've faced... he's even stronger than...", raiga says to kazuki "You insolent human being, to think you would posses the divine power of creation and deal so much damage to me, it's almost as if you were blessed by the power of God.". Kazuki says to himself "Back then when alex and I fought zodia, it took two of us breaking our limits to kill him, as of now, alex and I Individually can give zodia a long run for his money, but yet.... this fucking monster can still overpower me!", raiga says to kazuki "Like I said, I'm going to kill you and use your corpse to feed the dragons. I'll take of your head.", raiga raises his sword up and was about to kill kazuki. Right as he was about to do so, a beam of light flies straight from the sky and blasts raiga on the face, this beam was able to send raiga flying, raiga then see's a silhouette made of red and pink energy flying above him as this unknown foe prepares a punch and then proceeds to him on the face, this punch caused an explosion that made raiga scream in pain. Kazuki stands up with blood gushing out of his mouth but with his injuries starting to heal due to his regeneration. Kazuki asks himself "What the heck was that?", he takes a closer look at the thing that saved him and realised that it was deo who had been covered by a huge amount of energy, deo turns to kazuki with a serious expression on his face and asks "You okay kazuki?", kazuki responded in shock "Deo? What the..... what's this energy all over you?", deo replied "It doesn't matter now. But if i had to explain, I'd say it was my trump card. But damn kazuki I've gotta say that your creations are pretty splendid." Kazuki then replied "I dont understand what you're saying.", deo then say "When I got knocked by that mother fucker, I crashed into the core of one of your planets. The energy from that core had the energy on the same level of a dwarf star, I absorbed that energy unconciously and then added it to the energy that I had stored as a backup plan in my heart.", kazuki was a little confused for a moment "Absorbed..... wait, you don't mean you..", kazuki is cut off by raiga who bursts out of the ground with a powerful amount of energy, raiga Screamed "You! DONT GET... DONT GET IN THE WAY OF OUR PLAN!". Deo is annoyed as he replied "This guy..... he's a power house.", he turned to kazuki and says "I know you're pretty beat up, but come on, let's kick his ass.", kazuki was breathing heavily for a moment, he then remembered shinki(His late elder brother) telling him "I'm proud of you kazuki. Now, continue to get stronger, okay?", kazuki then sighs with steam coming from his mouth with his dragons of doom crawling out of his back and wrapping round his body to form an armour, a cross then appeared on kazuki's fore head, he then says "Yeah! Let's kill this bastard!" Meanwhile son was having fun in his battle against neon, he was blasting crazy amount of fire balls that were causing nuclear explosions, neon on the other hand was finding it difficult to match his opponents power but was able to still fight back by creating giant flaming spikes to somewhat counter son's powerful attacks of flames. Due to the two fire users clashing, there were massive explosion of flames all over the sky and the landscape, neon was just getting overpowered by son's tremendous fire power, he asks himself out of annoyance "Why? Why Is a mere human overpowering me?! These things aren't supposed to be this strong! So why!", son was just laughing like a maniac with his flames going out of control, he created a giant fists of flames and tosses it to neon. As neon was about to get hit, he has a flashback of himself and seiten in the throne room, seiten asks neon "You sure about this? I mean you could just go to earth and lead the dragons with raiga.", neon replied "Nah it's fine. I'll go take care of any person I see roaming in the dimensional layers. They might be humans, but their not that strong.", neon walks away while waving to seiten "I'll be fine, so don't worry. You just focus on getting that crazy power that you've been fantasising about. Later buddy!", seiten looked at neon as he was walking away and just smiles "You really are full of yourselves, neon.", he says to himself. As neon was about to get hit by son's giant flaming fists, he yells in anger "I SHALL NOT BE DEFEATED BY A MERE HUMAN! I'LL BE THE STEPING STONE TO WHICH SEITEN CAN ACHIEVE HIS DREAM! I'LL MAKE SURE OF IT!", son yells out in excitement "Go to hell!", as his flaming attack rushes towards neon. Neon screams in anger which caused a huge amount of flames to bursts out of his hands and punch through son's attack. Son was in utter shock seeing this as he exclaims "Huh? Did he just....", neon flies towards son at an intense speed with his hands covered with an unbelievable amount of flames and punches son. Son was lucky enough to block this incoming punch but the power behind it was what left him in utter confusion, son exclaimed "The fire power this guy is packing, it's intense!", neon throws another punch at son which sent him flying to the ground. Son crashes to the ground but gets back up after some time, as he gets up, he said to himself "I was overpowering him a moment ago...." , he turns to the sky and is in utter disbelief. He see's more flaming spikes falling down from the sky more than before, he completed his sentence "How did he get so strong all of a sudden?", neon was in the air with the flames on his arms taking the shape of dragon claws, seiten then calls out "Dragonite form level one: Dragons furry."