Alex no demon volume 6 chapter 42

After kinto had woken up from death with a huge burst of energy blasting out of his body, zenon was in disbelief seeing that his arm was blown off due to the beam that was shot out of kinto's reawakening from death. Zenon was in utter disbelief and shock, he exclaimed "How?? How can this be?!! I crushed your heart, you shouldn't even be standing anymore! Is it that you humans have the power to defy even death now?!", kinto slowly raised his hand with his head faced down, "Hey..... you talk too much!", kinto said calmly and then proceeded to shoot a red beam of energy that blasted through zenon's chest, just berely missing his heart. Zenon was in utter shock, he said to himself "What the.... was that an attack? Where did it come from? How did he shoot it that fast?", kinto faces up with his eyes field with nothing but annoyance and anger "I told you not to underestimate me, but you went ahead and did it anyway. Because of that, you're going to die!". Zenon was enraged just by hearing kinto's words, he scremed in anger "HOW DARE YOU..... HOW DARE YOU DEFY A HIGHER BEING LIKE MYSELF!", just by screaming this, multiple arrows and balls of energy made from zenon's power started too appeare all over the air scape. Kinto looks left too right for a moment before taking a deep sigh and saying "What a pain.". Suddenly, all the beams and arrows made from zenon's rainbow like energy started flying towards kinto at full speed, kinto's explosive mark takes the shape of a magic circle with smaller circle inside of it, along side with symbols. As soon as it activated, he instantly zoomed of, dodging and effortlessly weaving the attacks being shot at him at rapid fire. These attacks were powerful enough to create giant explosions all over the landscape, kinto was easily dodging all the attacks, he was moving much more smoothly than before, while doing so, he said to himself "I don't understand how I'm able to just stand back up after getting my heart crushed, neither do I understand what I saw in that dream like state. All I know is that....", kinto jumped up into the air and right infront of Zenon. Just as zenon seemed like he was about to attack, kinto gave him a devastating punch to the face which sent him flying accross the air and into mountains, as he makes a landing, kinto appeared by zenon's side and proceeded to punch him again while sending beams of energy flying at him. Zenon was able to regenerate his severed hand and was also shooting beams of energy to counter that of kinto's, as he was doing so, kinto's comes in and punches zenon on the gut, so strong that zenon coughed out blood with his eyes turning white. As zenon was just in disbelief, kinto comes walking to him at a distance and completes his sentence with an insane grin on his face and with his hair floating and his eyes glowing "All I know is that I can't die here! Hell no!", he powers up a huge amount of energy into his arms and was turning them into huge balls of energy, kinto had an unhinged smile on his face as he yelled "IVE BEEN MEANING TO BLOW THINGS UP MORE THAN USUAL LATELY, AND I THINK I HAVE THE PERFECT TEST DUMMY FOR IT!" Son on the other hand saw himself kneeling In despair in a dark void, he was having a monologue "No, I can't die here. I still want to become stronger. I still want to live. I can't die here, no way!", he then heard a very familiar voice telling him "Like hell allow that.", son was in utter disbelief when he heard that voice, it was a voice he knew well. He turned behind him with a shocked facial expression just too see sorata standing behind him "Like hell I'll let you die like a dog.", he said in a disgusted manner.Suddenly the void turned into a colourful place, son was in shock "Saito....?", he asked, sorata responded with an annoyed look while turning his head away at the same time scratching his head "Don't look at me like that. It makes me annoyed seeing you in this state.". Sorata kept quiet for a moment before he then smirked and said "But still, I'm glad to know you made it this far", son started to have tears slowly dropping from his eyes while smiling at the same time wiping them away "Damn it, you just had to show up.", saito replied with abit of annoyance "Like I asked to be here. Anyways I ain't going to let you die here, no way." Son then said to his brother who was standing infront of him "I just.... I just can't. That guy is way too strong, I've tried everything I could. Everything, every single move I know, they aren't any match for him", sorata seemed abit annoyed as he said to son "Since when did you get emotionally weak? Damm it, where did I go wrong?!", son yelled at him in annoyance "You went wrong by being a mass murderer In a criminal organisation!", sorata replied with more annoyance "Don't blame me, blame the old man!" They both keep quiet for a moment before they both take deep sighs, sorata walked up too son "You're such a pain, but don't worry, I'm here to help.", he placed his hand on son's chest with a grin on his face and said "I'm going to give you all the help you need!" While neon was walking away with the smoke at the background due to his fight with son earlier, he said to himself "That human was unexpectedly strong, I doubt u would stand a chance if he somehow got back up.". Suddenly, a huge burst of flames blast out of the ground reaching the sky, neon was in shock, he exclaimed "Huh? What kind of fire power is this....?!", he then looks at his front with a terrified and annoyed look on his face "What the hell!", he saw son with not just an incredible amount of flames bursting out of his body, but with his body turned into flames. His body and his clothes were now pure flames, son was looking like an absolute monster made from flames, he was just simply terrifying. Sorata said to son while they both where in their inner mind "Look kid, if you want to win a fight despite being in a hard situation, you have to recall the reason why you're fighting, you can't just give up. Even if it kills you, stand up and fight. Otherwise you would never know how capable and powerful you are", sorata proceeded to have a grin on his face, he said "And when you fight and break past your limits, new power will open. And when that power opens, at that moment, you will become truly UNSTOPPABLE!".