Runo was abit confused as too what deo said "Huh? What do you mean the problem is me?", deo explained to her "Well, my beautiful not so smart wife....", this sentence from deo made her slightly mad as she pointed a blaster at him with a frustrated smile on her face "You mind repeating that sentence my soon to be headless husband?". Deo continued his explanation "That right eye of yours can see practically anything and everything irregardless of how fast an object is moving. But, it is only able to see 50 movement per second. I could have increased it for you tho, but the thing isn't about being able to see everything with they eye, it is being able to process the information you're seeing." Runo then tries to explain everything deo just said "So youre saying that I have the ability to see how fast something is moving with my right eye, but the only draw back is that I won't be able to process the information I'm seeing. Is that it?", deo replied to runo "Yeah, that's precisely right. If you are able to see everything, you might not be able to have the capacity too contain what you're seeing. And if you can't retain what you are processing, you won't be able to react to whatever you're trying to keep up with." He walks to his laptop as he started to work on a project that looked like a satellite, while doing so, he explains to runo "Its just like when you're reading a book. If you cant procees the amount of information you're taking in, then it's pretty much impossible to keep reading and understanding.", runo takes a deep sigh as she says "It doesn't matter, all I need to do is too keep training with the new power you've given me. And when I keep doing that, I can become more like the woman you want me too. Right?", runo let's out a cheerful smile to deo. After the flashback, runo and vahellen are trading intense blows at each other In the air, they start flying around and causing huge explosions in the air with their blows. As the fight went on like this, runo said to herself as she stretched out the hand her bracelets were on "Deo is one of the reasons I'm as strong as I am today. When we were still kids training under sughi sensei, he was always there for me. And he helped me to strive....", she powers up a huge amount of red energy with the help of her red bracelets and yells "IM NOT GONNA LET ALL THAT GO TO WASTE!", and proceeds to blast out a tremendous amount of red energy in the shape of a snake. Vahellen saw this attack coming at full speed and yelled as well but in excitement "OH PLEASE! DONT MAKE ME LAUGH!", as she turned her hands into powerful blasters and shot out two powerful beams of energy to counter runo's attack. The clash of their attacks caused a huge nuclear explosion that was taking out mountains in an instant. Runo said to herself while looking at the huge explosion caused by herself and vahellen "Right now I should be at A-rank no doubt. But I should be able to control the amount of energy I release so I don't turn a nearby country into ashes.", vahellen comes flying out of the explosion at top speed with her arms turned into two huge swords "YOU'RE GOING TO DIE!", she exclaimed with an insane smirk on her face and with excitement. Runo just snaps her fingers which caused huge chains made from energy to blast out of the ground to capture vahellen. Vahellen was just flying at top speed as she was dodging all the huge chains bursting from the ground. While doing so, she charged up a huge amount of energy into her arms as she says in excitement "THIS IS MY ULTIMATE TECHNIQUE THAT FAR SURPASSES ALL MY PREVIOUS ATTACKS IN SPEED AND STENGHT! SPECIAL TECHNIQUE: VALDEHEN VALKAHA!" Vahellen shot a very devastating and powerful amount of energy at runo, runo seeing this attack was in shock due to the huge range of the attack. But to runo, the attack seemed slow, her right eye made the attack look extremely slow, "I can see it. I can see it all perfectly well. It's like time has suddenly become slower for me.", she lets out a smirk as she says "Like i said, I'm going to win! COME. DESTROYER!". Suddenly, a huge burst of yellow energy blasted out of runo's body, a cross shining with golden light appeared on her neck and a blaster that had a gold appearance with some touch of black appeared on her hand. Runo who was building up a huge amount of energy on her body as well as the blaster that was charging up a devastating amount of energy exclaimed "I TOLD YOU, YOURE GONNA LOSE TO ME YOU SHIT HEAD!", she sends off a deadly blast that completely overtook that of vahellen's. Vahellen was in shock seeing her attack getting overtaken like this "What the..... impossible! That was my strongest attack that is even strong enough to put valkary In a chock hold. So why?! Why is a mere human able to just deflect it!". Vahellen see's runo charging up a devastating amount of energy that was white in colour, a triton made from whit light appeared on runo's hand, runo with a smirk started to blast multiple attacks that were moving twice the speed of light at vahellen. Vahellen seeing thus attack couldn't react fast enough as she got overtaken by the barrage shot at her. While she was being overtaken, she was able to harden her body to withstand the blast, although despite that, her hard skin body was breaking and burning off due to the power of the blast. Vahellen out of anger said to herself "I don't care whatever power this damn human posses. Lord seiten wants this world gone and he sent all his forces to erase this world. I'm not going to let some blasted human get the best of me!" Vahellen started to charge a power amount of energy and pushes forward through the barrage of attacks runo was sending her way. She lets out a loud scream as she shot herself out of runo's blast "I WONT LET SEITEN'S WISHES AND EFFORTS GO INVAINE! YOU HEAR ME YOU FUCKING HUMAN SCUM?" Vahellen blitzed her way up into the air as she pointed her two fingers to runo which made giant needles made from her energy to appear all over the sky and starts falling down to runo. Runo just smirked as she started to see all of vahellen's attacks in slow motion, she started to fly and dodge all off her attacks as she prepared a key made from energy. Vahellen started to charge up another attack on her fingers but as she was about to shoot, a green beam of energy blasts her arm off. She is in shock as she exclaimed in fear and shock "What?! How?! Why?!", she looks up Into the air and see's runo charging up a powerful amount of red energy with a smile on her face. Not just that, but giant nuclear bombs that were four in number appeared all over the sky, runo explained while smiling "You see, three years ago, i used this devastating attack on an opponent, but I was only able to summon one nuclear bomb. Now that I've gotten stronger, I can summon four at once. And with the help off my Cathalist...", vahellen was just in fear and shock seeing runo powering up a powerful attack, she exclaimed in fear "What the hell! Why am i losing?! I worked so hard to get this strong, so why." Vahellen's arm was regenerating but in a very slow manner and she was bleeding out very badly, she had lost her whole arm from the shoulder downward, and had a large whole on her chest. Runo while powering up her four giant nuclear bombs explained to vahellen "I used my orotishira to blast and seal your arm and a part of your heart away. Without your heart working properly, regenerating is almost impossible for you!" Runo yellow "Cathalist! Let's finish tye job!", suddenly, a huge snake made from red energy blasted down from the sky and started to fuse its power with runo's nuclear bombs that were the size of mountains, runo yelled in excitement as her nuclear bombs fell down to vahellen "Special technique: Nuclear Cathaclism!". Vahellen was shocked, angry and scared for her life. She yelled out "NO! NO! NO! THIS ISNT HOW THINGS SHOULD END. THIS IS SO FUCKED UP!" Runo's attack landed on her and caused a very powerful explosion. The power of the explosion was so strong that part of the explosion flew all the way to the lightning country that was in another continent. As kuro was just creating lightning arrows that were easily tearing through the dragons, he senses a huge attack coming "What the.....", he exclaimed as he turns around with a huge sword of lightning and slices through the huge beam of energy that could have destroyed half of the lightning country. "What the hell was that?", he asked himself. He faces his front and snapped his finger which caused more lightning arrows to appear all over the sky "It doesn't matter. Our real enemies are these damn dragons!".