Grand Admiral Rudra's Analysis, Draven's Investigation

Two hours passed by as Grand Admiral Rudra finished watching everything.

The Arcane Eyes they've deployed were in the outer areas of all eight corners of the labyrinth and some in the eight major areas.

Since there was a shortage of Arcane Eyes to deploy it at all spots, the ones in the eight major areas moved around.

A few had moved a bit further, which luckily captured Almond's adventure in the Fallen Monastery town that Aryan was watching when Grand Admiral Rudra arrived here.

Looking at the footage of Almond's combat in Fallen Monastery Town, Rudra's eyes glinted. "Why is he killing monsters when he is already at maximum level? And he is not particularly training."

There were people who fought just to hone their combat ability and learn more about their skills.

But from what he observed, Almond was in a very efficient and quick hunting mode.