Admiral Rudra, disguised as Almond, saw a rather familiar figure arrive at the city's entrance gate, and his eyes gleamed coldly deep within.
'Libero of Blood Claw…Alright, I'm taking you with me, alive or dead.'
The plan also included the capture of at least one rat so they could check their cloak and get into one's mind for more information about the so-called "Hollowstar", the new alien that invaded their planet and other things.
As a small gap opened in the barrier, Libero shouted, "Hey, bastard! Come inside, quick!"
The moment that gap opened, Admiral Rudra first used the second and third stages of his Focus Field as a straight line of invisible thread went inside, directly toward the plaza.
The second stage could let one sense everything in a narrower linear range—known as a Focus Line, with the advantage being that one could extend it far away instead of in the dome-like shape sensing range when using the Focus Field.