The knife pierced through Almond's head. In the next moment, Almond scattered away.
'What?!' Karven's eyes popped out.
Suddenly, he saw a flash of spiral below him and danger bells ringing as he immediately reacted by detonating his hammer and directing its self-destruct explosion behind him, where Almond had appeared like a ghost with his sword.
His sword's blade stormed with a dreamy yet thick silvery-white stream of energy filled with colorful, mainly golden sparks of nanoblades.
The sword cut through the explosion and whipped its explosive energy away before going for Karven's neck.
'Not you ain't!' Karven's knife burst with flames, darker than the rest as his eyes also glowed and veins all over his body shone.
However, Almond vanished while he was swinging sword motion, appearing to his right side with continued motion, causing Karven's pupils to shrink.
'What the fuck?'