While Almond was in an enlightenment state, Zek and other members of the faction arrived there one by one, starting with several people with Zek, and saw him floating cross-legged in the air on the training ground near the pond.
There was a barrier around him created by Big D to prevent others from waking up Almond from his enlightenment mid-way.
Zek also realized Almond was in an important meditation based on the aura and the phenomenon around him.
"How do we wake up Boss Almond?" Malin rubbed his chin.
"We don't. Let him wake up on his own," Zek said, informing others as he looked at them. "He is in an important meditation as you all can see. Let's wait for now."
"This area is pretty massive and private land around the mansion is also big enough, haha. How about we spar against each other in the meantime."
"We can do that, but does anyone know what's happening with Boss? That phenomenon around him looks like space matter…"