Kexell the Cursed Vagabond (1)

"Because? What's the problem?" Almond asked while he observed the darkness. 'Powerful, permeating, and all-natural mana that is abundant in this battlefield is in control of this field of darkness, keeping it constant and active.'

"Because that dragon is simply too strong!" Admiral Rudra clenched his fist. "The most infuriating thing is that he allows us to attack, but nothing happens to that monster. Instead, whatever powers we throw at him bounce back to us with an extra curse. Whatever our attacks could have an effect on it, instead affects us."

Shaking his head, the Admiral added, "Artifacts can affect him, and if we use some strategy, we could do something, but regrettably, that dragon has more artifacts than us."

"He calls himself Kexell the Cursed Vagabond, and eventually, he wants to conquer all four worlds, starting with ours because it's the weakest to him."

"All four?" Almond raised his eyebrows.

"Yeah, that's what he said."