Martial Soul Classification

**Chapter 10 Martial Soul Classification**

"Wow! She's actually a Level 22 Great Soul Master!"

"That's incredible..."

"And she's so beautiful..."


As soon as Bai Lu introduced herself, she immediately attracted the attention of the entire class, who began to admire her.

Everyone's attention suddenly shifted from Tang Yuehua to Bai Lu.

Gu Ziyi couldn't help but look at Bai Lu. She must have done that on purpose to help Tang Yuehua divert the class's attention.

After Bai Lu introduced herself, she sat down again without adding anything more.

She didn't even notice Gu Ziyi's gaze. Many people in the class were now looking at her.

To Bai Lu, the impression she had of Gu Ziyi was from his foolish behavior yesterday, like a very ordinary boy with nothing worth her attention.

In other words, no one in this academy was worth her attention.

She only came to experience and accompany her cousin in her academy life.

And it was just an Intermediate Soul Master Academy. Once she reached Level 30, she would find a way to join an Advanced Soul Master Academy and then strive to join the academy's elite team.

As a Soul Master, there's no one who doesn't want to participate in the Soul Master Competition.

"Alright, all students have introduced themselves!"

"Student Bai Lu, you have the highest Soul Power level. How about you be the class monitor?"

After everyone introduced themselves, Teacher Yang Hui spoke again.

He asked Bai Lu if she would like to be the class monitor.

"Okay, teacher, I'll accept the position of monitor!" Bai Lu agreed without any hesitation.

As the class monitor, she could take better care of her cousin.

"Very well, then Miss Bai Lu will be the class monitor!"

"If anyone has any questions in the future, they can report them to the monitor first!"

"On our first day of class, we'll simply review the classification of Martial Souls during lesson time!"

"Soul Masters' Martial Souls are primarily divided into two categories. Does anyone know what they are?"

Yang Hui, the teacher, asked a simple question to the students.

"Teacher, I know. Martial Souls are divided into beast Martial Souls and tool Martial Souls!"

"Yes, they're beast Martial Souls and tool Martial Souls. All beast Martial Souls are animals. Other Martial Souls that aren't animals, including plant Martial Souls, are tool Martial Souls..."


(The responses above are the students answering the question.)

As soon as Teacher Yang Hui finished asking, the students rushed to respond first.

Everyone was obviously aware of this simple question. So it was answered easily, without suspense.

"Good, you're right. But what about Soul Beasts? Did you know that Soul Beasts are also divided into two categories?"

Teacher Yang Hui smiled and continued asking.

"Teacher, I know. They're divided into animal Soul Beasts and plant Soul Beasts!"

"There are two types of Soul Beasts, just like us Soul Masters."


This question wasn't difficult for the class either.

"Very good, it seems everyone knows this already!"

"But the teacher still wants to emphasize this for you when it comes to choosing your Soul Rings."

"There are two types of Martial Souls for us human Soul Masters, and there are also two types of Soul Beasts. However, they don't match when it comes to absorbing Soul Rings."

"Among them, beast Martial Souls can only absorb Soul Rings from animal Soul Beasts. This is because beast Martial Souls cannot absorb Soul Rings from plant Soul Beasts!"

"Tool Martial Souls are special in this regard. Except for tool Martial Souls that resemble plants, there are no restrictions on absorbing Soul Rings from other types of Soul Beasts. Whether you choose to absorb animal or plant Soul Beasts, it will be the same for tool Martial Souls."

"But for plant-type tool Martial Souls, you should prioritize absorbing Soul Rings from plant-type Soul Beasts!"

"You must remember this lesson. Don't be tempted to absorb high-quality Soul Rings from a different category just because you find them easily."

Teacher Yang Hui continued explaining the nuances of Soul Ring absorption from the podium.

The students below listened carefully, but some listened with boredom, as they already had a very clear understanding of what the teacher was explaining.

"Teacher, we are already very familiar with this classification and absorption. Our previous teachers always warned us about this!"

"But teacher, why can't beast Martial Souls absorb Soul Rings from plant-type Soul Beasts? And why can't plant Martial Souls absorb Soul Rings from animal-type Soul Beasts?"

"What happens if someone tries to absorb one?"

At that moment, Gu Ziyi suddenly raised his hand and asked Teacher Yang Hui.

"There's no reason, it just can't be done because they are different types!"

"Yes, animal Martial Souls must absorb Soul Rings from animal-type Soul Beasts, plant Martial Souls from plant-type Soul Beasts..."

"Classmate, you're so stupid..."


After hearing Gu Ziyi's question, the other students responded one after another before Teacher Yang Hui could reply.

Some students even looked at Gu Ziyi as if he were a mentally deficient idiot.

"Students, quiet down. Student Gu Ziyi has actually raised a good question!"

"Perhaps none of you know the reason, so today the teacher will explain it to you!"

"The reason is incompatibility. It's not that plants and animals can't be absorbed by a different category, but the Soul Skills that come from absorbing such Soul Rings are often weak or even useless. Sometimes, they don't even generate a Soul Skill. That's a consequence of absorbing mismatched Soul Rings!"

"We all know that a Soul Master's Martial Soul evolves as they continue to absorb Soul Rings. Absorbing Soul Rings from a different category will definitely prevent the Martial Soul from evolving, and the Soul Master might become crippled forever..."

At that moment, Teacher Yang Hui called for quiet, praised Gu Ziyi for his question, and finally answered it.

Upon hearing Yang Hui's explanation, Gu Ziyi couldn't help but admire the teacher.

In fact, he had asked this type of question to his previous teachers, but none of them could explain it. They all knew it couldn't be done but didn't know why.

"Teacher, I don't think that's entirely correct, is it?"

But Gu Ziyi continued to question.

"Oh? Does student Gu Ziyi have a different idea?"

Yang Hui looked at Gu Ziyi with surprise and became interested in his thoughts.

He began to realize that Gu Ziyi was different from his classmates.

"Teacher, I think that under certain circumstances, it's actually possible to absorb Soul Rings from a different category of Martial Soul!"

"For example, plant-type Martial Souls that resemble vines could absorb Soul Beasts like snakes or spiders because they share similar traits—they all have control-type Soul Skills to entangle their targets!"

"And the opposite should also be possible, right? Can't they be absorbed too?"

Gu Ziyi stood up and slowly expressed his hypothesis.

He wasn't like Yu Xiaogang, who simply concluded that it would work without even testing it, publishing an unproven theory.

It's normal to have ideas. As long as you don't claim you're right without any evidence, others won't mock you.

Gu Ziyi made this argument to preempt Yu Xiaogang's theory, but he only mentioned it at the moment, mainly because he wanted to stand out in front of Tang Yuehua to catch her attention.

Without even turning his head, he knew that Tang Yuehua and Bai Lu should now be looking at him, surprised by his ideas, just like the rest of the class.

(End of chapter)
