The Older Sister is Defeated

**Chapter 43 The Older Sister is Defeated**

"You promised not to cause trouble, didn't you?"

Gu Ziyi looked calmly at Bibi Dong.

Bibi Dong was of a higher level and certainly faster than him, so there was nothing he could do to take something from her hands.

"I'm not causing trouble, I'm helping you!"

"As the older sister, isn't it my duty to help my younger brother?"

Bibi Dong raised her head and said with a proud smile.

"Okay, give me your hand!"

After explaining—or rather, arguing with him—she quickly asked for Gu Ziyi's hand.

He didn't say anything after hearing her, because he knew it was useless to say anything. He could only place his right hand in Bibi Dong's outstretched left hand.

After holding her little hand, Gu Ziyi began to transfer Soul Power to her.

Only his Soul Power could be inscribed onto the blank talisman using the soul bone. So if Bibi Dong wanted to play, she could only do so by receiving his Soul Power.

Holding her little hand, which was soft and velvety, felt comfortable. Gu Ziyi didn't have any daydreams about it though—he wasn't a pervert.

Once Bibi Dong received Gu Ziyi's Soul Power, she began holding the soul bone in her right hand and imitating how he had just inscribed the talisman, starting to write on the blank one.

Bibi Dong did well for the first two-thirds of the inscription, but gradually slowed down toward the final part.

At this point, Bibi Dong's left elbow nudged Gu Ziyi.

The signal was obvious, so he quickly guided her.


Gu Ziyi, who was still in the Mantra state, was emotionless. He knew that cooperating with Bibi Dong was the best choice right now and immediately began giving her directions.

With his guidance, Bibi Dong's inscription didn't stall, though her speed continued to decrease.

In Gu Ziyi's heart, he had already prepared for her failure, expecting both of them to meet with disaster.

However, what surprised him was that Bibi Dong remained quite steady this time and gradually caught up to his previous progress, just missing the last stroke.

"I started writing more lightly..."

In her final step, Gu Ziyi merely pointed out the reason for her earlier failure, then stopped guiding her.

After hearing his words, Bibi Dong, who was holding the soul bone, made a firm final stroke.


As soon as Bibi Dong completed the last stroke, the blank talisman suddenly glowed with green light and finally stabilized.

A talisman was fully formed, and the inscriptions on it were almost identical to those on the Wind Talisman next to it, which Gu Ziyi had created by directly using the soul bone's ability.

"Yes! It worked!"

Seeing her success, Bibi Dong jumped up in excitement.

She was also very happy. She hadn't expected to succeed and manage it before Gu Ziyi.

"See, I told you, your big sister is here to help you!"

"Now that it worked, why don't you quickly thank me?"

Bibi Dong took the Wind Talisman she had made and started showing off in front of Gu Ziyi's eyes.

"Yes, thank you for your help, big sister!"

Gu Ziyi quietly thanked her and then took the soul bone from Bibi Dong's hand: "I'll try again now!"

This time, Bibi Dong didn't cause any more trouble—she was still thrilled!

Gu Ziyi then resumed inscribing, still very stable, quickly reaching the final stroke.

Following what Bibi Dong had just done, he made the final stroke strong and all in one go.


The cyan light disappeared, and another Wind Talisman was successfully produced.

"Not bad, not bad. With your older sister's example, the younger brother finally managed to finish as well." Bibi Dong saw that Gu Ziyi had also succeeded and was excited for him, but didn't forget to take credit for herself.

"Yes, thanks to my older sister's demonstration!"

Gu Ziyi was momentarily speechless. When he succeeded, he had already taken the initiative to stop the Heart-Purifying Curse Talisman.

If the research and development was successful, you should be happy when it's appropriate.

Gu Ziyi could really understand why Bibi Dong didn't like his ability. Under normal circumstances, he didn't like it either.

"Did we really succeed?"

Bibi Dong still couldn't believe that Gu Ziyi had been studying something for so long, only for her to manage it with a few adjustments.

"Of course we succeeded, but we still have to wait and see the specific effect."

Gu Ziyi confirmed.

Then he took the talisman he had inscribed and checked its effect.

Wind Talisman: increases speed by 15% after use.

Gu Ziyi quickly understood that the Wind Talisman he had inscribed was much weaker than the direct transfer of the soul bone's ability into a talisman.

However, this was acceptable since he had finally succeeded in his endeavor.

"My Wind Talisman only increases speed by 5%. That's so weak!"

At this moment, Bibi Dong also checked the Wind Talisman she had inscribed and voiced her disgust.

"It's normal for the effect to be weaker at first, but it would be unusual if it were equal to the original effect!" Gu Ziyi commented after hearing her.

"I see. What's your effect, little brother? It must be the same as mine, right?"

"Mine is 15%."

The corners of Gu Ziyi's mouth curled slightly, making her feel embarrassed.

"Ahhh, what! Such a difference!"

"I don't care, it must be because the Soul Power you gave me was too small."

"I want to try again!"

When Bibi Dong heard Gu Ziyi's answer, her face fell, and she spoke, unconvinced by her defeat.

"No matter how many times you do it, it'll be the same. After all, it's my Soul Power. It's normal for me to perform better!"

"Big sister, please stop causing me trouble. I want to summarize the experience first."

Gu Ziyi waved his hand, not prepared to continue indulging Bibi Dong.

After finally succeeding in his research and development, of course, he had to summarize his successful experience.

"Hmph, then I'll go find the teacher and tell him I helped you!"

Bibi Dong hummed softly and hopped away with the Wind Talisman she had made.

She wanted to show off to Qian Xunji.

Gu Ziyi looked at Bibi Dong's back, smiled foolishly, shook his head, and ignored her.


Then he summoned another blank talisman and continued inscribing a new Wind Talisman.

This was the benefit of successfully developing the inscription method. Using the soul bone as a brush to create talismans, Gu Ziyi could keep making them as long as he had enough Soul Power.

If a soul bone is used to activate its soul ability and inscribe it into a talisman, it can only be activated three times in a row. After that, Soul Power must be used to replenish the soul bone or wait for its natural recovery.

This would take at least a day if relying on his own Soul Power.

In general, before his research succeeded, Gu Ziyi could only make three Wind Talismans a day, but now there was no such limit.

However, he still couldn't completely escape the limitation of needing the soul bone to inscribe a Wind Talisman.

One after another, the self-made talismans were inscribed one by one. Only when Gu Ziyi's Soul Power was more than half consumed did he finally stop.

Gu Ziyi checked and found that the Wind Talismans he made increased speed by 15% to 20%.

'It looks like I need to keep practicing.'


At this moment, the door was opened.

"Little brother, I brought the teacher!"


(End of Chapter)
