Appearance of a young master

"Yes, yes, it was wonderful. How much am I paying?" Leon nodded his head repeatedly and asked.

The boy smiled before saying.

"The meat was from a wild beast that was hunted from the forest. It can strengthen one's bones and increase their stamina if one eats enough, so the price for it is 3 silver coins. The wine costs 10 copper coins" 

Leon "..." 

He was stunned and could not help staring at the boy; he felt like his ears were playing tricks on him.

It wasn't that he was bothered by the claims of the boy about the effect of eating the meat, he knew that it was a marketing strategy and didn't mind it since the meat was well prepared and delicious; he would not mind paying more, the issue was that…Everything wasn't even up to five silver coins, how was he supposed to pay? All he had were gold coins!