Four ranked beasts

The battle was still ongoing, and the soldiers and fighters were doing their best to keep the beasts from coming closer to the wall; the people on the wall were constantly providing support and focused on shooting down beasts that got into their attacking range.

Feifei, Wanxu, and Linxu were like monsters in the midst of insects. The three of them had cleared a large area and turned it into a land of corpses and blood; over three hundred meters had turned into an execution ground for beasts by the three of them, and they had almost reached the forest where the beasts were pouring out from.

This had lifted a great burden from the shoulders of the town's people, they now had fewer beasts to deal with and were able to rest and catch their breaths.

For a moment, Leon was left with nothing to do and was wondering how the situation on Muging's side was going.