More information about the war

The sky was bright and had beautiful white clouds drifting beneath it, soft rays of sunlight pierced through the clouds and fell on the lush leaves of tall trees while the gentle breeze caused them to tremble.

In the middle of a large river that was dozens of meters wide was a tall pagoda that had three floors and was as huge as a hall, the pagoda seemed to be floating above the river and wasn't bothered by the ripples caused by fishes that leaped up before diving back into the water; it was like a secluded section of the space.

Inside the second floor of this pagoda were people dressed lavishly, some wearing brocade dresses, silk robes, fine regalia, and fearsome armor. All of them sat on small mats and sat in a circular formation with serious expressions on their faces.

They numbered up to fifty in the room of the pagoda, and all of them radiated impressive aura and had the demeanor of important figures.