1. Perpetual Flames and a Divine Host

It all began with a deep red sky which bathed a weeping Akairo Kivuli Kamaitachi in its light as he beheld at what could only be described as a mosaic of corpses.

A gruesome display that sat beneath the setting sun which cast the world in horrible shades.What was once the stone-paved courtyard of his grandfather's manner had been turned into something that resembled the floor of a slaughterhouse with several of the corpses missing their internal organs and various other body parts.

Several police officers could be seen tiptoeing across the yard while laying yellow tape but as many as they were, none of them stopped for the boy who stood before the scene in his primary school uniform.Instead, they gave him cold glances and whispered callous things."How could they have allowed this to happen?"

"Why didn't they just pay off the United Armies to protect them""He'll be fine. He probably has a rich relative who'll pick him up at the station."More tears slid down Akairo's face and, as they did, as his vision grew darker and his legs grew their weakest, those tears evaporated.Akairo then let out an anguished scream and, as he did, his body was consumed by a fire which erupted from his very skin.

It's here that the police ran to his side but at this point, he was in so much pain that his mind could bear consciousness no longer and so, as they rushed him out of the courtyard his vision finally left him.

The last thing he saw was his father's body as it sat against the fountain in the centre of the courtyard.His trusty beach shirt was covered in blood and his neck had been cut open....Akairo awoke with a gasp and a racing heart. Every part of his body apart from his scalp was covered in bandages which were stained with blood.

He frantically clutched the thin blanket that covered his body with his wrapped fingers all while scanning the room he was in with widened eyes.It was a small, dimly lit room, no bigger than the bathrooms in some small houses.Its concrete walls were old and covered in grime.

Akairo was sitting on the top half of a bunk bed placing him next to the room's only source of light, a rectangular window that allowed a most foul smell to flood into the room. It was a combination of sewage, piss and what could only be decomposing flesh.Akairo sighed before crawling out of bed, allowing the window's light to illuminate more of his body.

At age seventeen, his frame looked underdeveloped. He was short, standing at only one hundred and fifty centimetres tall, his limbs were thin and he stood with a hunch. What little of his skin was visible, although a light brown, was covered in an array of fresh wounds. His eyes were baggy and his neck long curly grey hair messily covered his face.

Loosely hanging on his shoulders was an old white vest and bound to his waist by belt was a pair of worn woollen pants.Akairo lightly stretched, wincing in the process as pain radiated throughout his body.He then walked out of the room via an already-opened door.It led into a corridor which was dimly lit by a rectangular window on the wall to the left and lining its concrete walls were four other doors.Akairo turned to leave the hall but just as he did, someone crashed into him.

"Ah!" He cried as he fell to the ground.A small boy, one who was no older than thirteen but one who weighed a little more than Akairo, had tackled him to the ground.The boy greeted Akairo with a grin which was missing several teeth and Akairo greeted back with a weak smile."Good morning, Lieve."

The boy's smile brightened upon hearing Akairo's words and him being so close allowed Akairo to see deep into his big green eyes.Lieve's pale skin was covered in fading scars and he also wore an old white vest."Could you please get off of me?"

Akairo pleaded and Lieve complied by jumping onto his feet, doing a quick spin and a deep bow. Making his long, golden hair fall forward."Is Big Bro back yet?" Akairo yawned.Lieve nodded before rushing to the door of the room next to the one Akairo had woken up in.He then reached out to grab its shiny round handle but Akairo gestured that he stop by frantically waving his hands."Stop! If he's back then we should let him sleep."

Akairo whispered but, to his dismay, Lieve's face twisted into a grin as he tightened his hold on the handle.Akairo shook his head only for Lieve to push the door open with all the force in his body, revealing the relatively clean room of a man who slept face down, half-naked on his bed.

His exposed torso revealed his light brown skin, large muscles and a multitude of scars.His hair was cut short and his ears had several nicks on them.Akairo's heart jumped as the door behind him opened."Hey, leave Big Bro alone, will ya?"

A soft voice yawned.Akairo turned around to find a woman glaring at both him and Lieve with half-open eyes. She was twenty-two years old, had pale skin and had black, neck long hair which messily hung from her head. Her lips were lined with scars that had yet to fully heal and her breath was infused with the smell of cigarettes. She wore a grey vest and black panties revealing tattoos that varied from incredibly detailed to crude ink scribbles.

Her bright blue eyes locked onto Akairo who quickly pointed at Lieve, who could be seen tip-toeing towards the sleeping man.The woman sighed before walking into the room and gently holding Lieve's hand.She then led him out of the room and, with a single look, she signalled that Akairo close the door.He complied before following the woman out of the hallway.He followed her into a small living room, one with three sofas, a TV and a coffee table but this wasn't their destination.

They walked through the living room and into a fairly large and fairly clean kitchen which was brightly lit by the many lights above.It had an assortment of stainless-steel counters, and sinks and sitting within or atop each of them were countless steel pots and plates.Behind one of the counters, preparing breakfast, was a tall woman with greying blond hair which was tied in a bun. She wore an old, yellowing white dress and an apron. Her arms revealed her fairly pale skin."Go forth, my peanut soldiers. Stand proud and wave your flag high."

The woman sweetly sang."Mornin', Mom.""Good morning, Engel." Akairo greeted."Good morning." Engel sang without turning.Akairo then followed the sleepy-eyed woman through a door behind the kitchen which led into the brightly lit bathroom. A room that was four times larger than Akairo's room. It was lined with surprisingly clean grey and white tiles and featured both a shower and a bathtub.Akairo let out a weak groan as the woman let go of Lieve who rushed towards the shower.

"Take off your clothes first!" The woman snapped as she took off her vest, revealing even more of her tattoos and small frame.Lieve complied and threw his clothes away before allowing the water from the shower head to run.Akairo on the other hand let out another groan."What?" The woman, who now stood naked, asked while allowing water to flow into the tub."N-nothing. It's just… don't you think it's time I started bathing by myself like Big Bro?"

Akairo asked while slowly taking off his vest."First off, you know why Hamia baths alone. You also know why I need to help you. Or… maybe you just don't want to spend time with poor old Irren and Lieve?""No- it's not that!" Akairo cried while holding his left arm. His heart still hadn't calmed and had begun to painfully knock on his chest.Irren closed the faucet before entering the tub. She then gave Akairo an understanding nod."Don't worry. I know. Now come here."

Akairo nodded and walked up to the tub where, after removing his clothes, he removed his bandages with the help of Irren and this revealed that almost his entire body was covered in burns that had yet to completely heal. Some of them were opened by the removing of the bandages which took with them countless large scabs, much to Akairo's agony.Irren tried her best to be as careful as possible but there was not much she could do.

"Now, hurry up and shower before Lieve eats all of the hot water. Speaking of which, stop it!" Irren yelled prompting Lieve, who was gurgling the water from the showerhead in his mouth, to spit out the water he had stored.Akairo nodded and joined Lieve in showering. During this, Lieve gestured that Akairo help him wash his long golden hair.

After getting his hair washed to his satisfaction, Lieve allowed Akairo to return to bathing and it wasn't long after that they were finished.Irren helped Akairo dry himself up and she helped him apply an oily ointment onto his skin. She then helped wrap him in a fresh set of bandages before joining him and Lieve in changing into similar but freshly washed clothes.

Irren threw everyone's dirty clothes into the laundry machine before accompanying the boys back into the kitchen where Engel could still be seen cooking.

They walked past her again and returned to the living room where Lieve jumped onto one of the three sofas.Akairo joined him but was having trouble sitting still.Lieve noticed this and so gently placed his hand on Akairo's shoulder but Akairo didn't respond.Instead, his breaths grew more rapid and his heart knocked even harder on his chest.His eyes became unfocused and his vision grew dark.It felt as though he couldn't even breathe the air around him and so he tightly held his neck with a trembling hand."Kairo!" Irren yelled.

It seemed as though she had been calling him for some time since her face was twisted with concern."Let's eat breakfast real quick. I'll ask Sully to accompany you out, OK?" Irren said.Akairo nodded and, after nodding back, Irren entered the hallway that led to her room.Akairo turned to Lieve who looked just as concerned as Irren as his hand remained on Akairo's shoulder.Akairo gently placed his hand on Lieve's before turning forward and staring at the table all while taking many deep breaths.

Engel eventually entered the room with a tray which held four bowls of porridge.She placed the tray on the table allowing Akairo to see her youthful face. Akairo had expected her to have more wrinkles for someone in her fifties but she had only a handful on her forehead and next to her eyes. Her usually bright blue eyes were less so in the dimness of the living room since it was lit only by a single yellow light on the ceiling.

Engel glanced at Akairo and saw his distressed expression."Need to go?" She asked so softly that her voice would have been lost anywhere other than the near-silent living room."Yeah," Akairo answered."Alright. Eat up first."

Engel said as she sat down.She joined Akairo and Lieve in eating and Irren joined them shortly after only she was wearing a more formal set of clothes. A figure-hugging black shirt and a sky-blue shirt which had the name "TalKom" written above its breast pocket. Her hair was also now bound in a ponytail.Irren reached out to grab her bowl but, just as she did, the light suddenly turned off making her and Engel sigh."It would be easier if we started counting the days that didn't happen," Irren said while eating.

"They'll patch things up until all that's left is the spit and tape they used. That being said, I heard Southview was attacked by the Devout. Apparently, no one's been able to contact anyone over there.""Oh? The mayor should send Sully and his boys to see if there's anything they can do to help." Engel suggested while keeping an eye on Akairo, who rapidly tapped his right leg in an attempt to calm himself. It never worked but it was something.

"I say fuck 'em. If it really was a terrorist attack then it would be smart to bunker down and protect the cities that still stand. Scrambling about will only leave us open for attack." Irren scoffed making Engel let out a low drone.Breakfast eventually came to an end and Engel collected everyone's dishes before returning to the kitchen.Irren stood up and led a quaking Akairo through the kitchen and into what was once an old Diner, although it had found a new purpose as a soup kitchen.

Irren led Akairo past the many steel chairs and tables to the front door which she opened allowing Akairo to leave first.He emerged onto the streets of the city that was known as Eastview.The sidewalks were crowded with commuters. They wore dark and worn clothes that varied from simple shirts and pants to heavy-duty clothing that was covered in scars, grease, burns and patches.Countless old and battered cars drove across the damp roads and towering above all this were massive skyscrapers. Dark towers that cast the city in cold shadows.

Flying between them, in double files, were Hovercars, Hoverbuses and other airborne vehicles.Looming eerily, even higher above, beyond the clouds in the dark grey sky, was what appeared to be a moon with a gigantic golden tree atop its northern pole."Come," Irren prompted while nodding to the right.

Akairo followed her and the primary reason he wasn't cold, even while wearing only a vest, was due to the heat released by the machinery in the city.Loud rumbling or crashing noises came from just about every building and this already crowded air was worsened by the sounds of countless conversations.

Akairo's heart jumped every time his elbow brushed against someone and he let out a weak cry upon bumping into a man causing whatever he held to fall."Oh- sorry!" Akairo apologized as the man picked up what appeared to be a metallic cube that was about as big as a soccer ball. Lining its shiny surface were golden lines similar to those one would find on a circuit board.Akairo looked up into the man's half-open eyes for a moment. The man wore a set of normal clothes but it looked like he and just stopped crying since freshly dried tears could be seen beneath his eyes."Akairo!" Irren yelled while grabbing his arm.

"Don't just stop for no reason in the middle of the street." She said while dragging Akairo along but the boy kept his eyes on the man who had continued walking down the street.He eventually turned forward and followed Irren more attentively.The two then arrived at an alleyway where a police officer stood. Between his dry, cracked lips was a cigarette.

He had tanned skin, greying hair, a wrinkled face and he, like most police, wore a dark blue uniform and an equally blue circular cap. His eyes, however, were different. His irises had a dim blue glow to them and his sclera were lined with dim blue lines arranged as though they were part of a circuit.

Akairo's attention turned to the officer's right hip which held a holster which housed a handgun."Mornin', Irren. What can I do you for?" The man asked with a deep and alcohol-infused voice."Wow, Sully, that's bad! The sun isn't even fully up yet!" Irren coughed while covering her nose and mouth."Hey, it's always six o'clock somewhere, right?" Sully grinned."I don't think that's how that saying goes! Ugh- never mind. Could you take Kairo to his spot? I gotta run to work.

"Sully's eyes brightened briefly as they fell to Akairo whose face was twisted in distress. At this point, he was regularly shifting his weight from one leg to the other."Mmm… alright. Oh, and say hi to Engel for me later, will ya?""Do it yourself!" Irren yelled as she ran down the street, bumping into several people in the process."Hehe, that girl," Sully chuckled before tossing aside what was left of his cigarette."Let's go."

He nodded to the right.Akairo nodded back and followed him silently all while taking many quick deep breaths."That's still gettin' ya, huh?"

Sully asked but Akairo didn't respond.Sully nodded in acknowledgement before leading him towards a massive wall that was nearly half as tall as the tallest tower in the city at seventy meters.The two arrived at what was called the Eastern Gate where countless people entered and exited the city through a controlled checkpoint that was watched over by heavily armed guards.Sully led Akairo towards the passageway meant for people travelling on foot but instead of stopping there, the two walked over to the passage next to it which was behind a tall steel fence.

There they were greeted by one of the armed guards. A tall man with pale skin and a reddish beard. His eyes, like Sully's, glowed a dim blue."Yo, Sully. What brings you to my domain?""Nothing much, just taking Kairo over here for a walk," Sully explained while placing another cigarette between his lips and lighting it."Those things are gonna kill you, you know?" The guard asked."Says the man who frequently soaks his liver in liquor." Sully grinned."Fair enough." The guard sighed with a shake of his head. He then nodded towards the large metal gate at the end of the passageway."Did you hear about Southview?"

The guard asked as he led Sully and Akairo through a space that was reserved for the guards since a lot of their equipment could be seen lying about."Yeah, but I won't say anything until we've heard a clear report on what happened or what the officials think happened," Sully said with narrowed eyes."Hehe, I'll be sure to call you then."The three eventually arrived at a much larger metal door.Sitting behind a glass window by the wall next to the door was another guard."Oh- hey, Sully! It's been a while.

And hello, Akairo. Is that why we don't see you anymore around here? Are you takin' baby sittin' jobs now?" The guard asked while pressing a series of buttons and just as he did, the door started opening."First off, I'm broke and can't spend all day drinking with you losers.""Says the loser." The first guard scoffed."And secondly, I'm just helping out Engel's boy," Sully explained."Alright, alright, we get it. Just make sure you come by soon, OK?" The second guard asked with a light laugh."I'll try," Sully nodded as the door fully opened.

He stepped forward to lead Akairo into a vast field of short dry grass but just as he did, a voice came from the portable radio hanging from his breast pocket.[Umm… Sully, you might wanna come down to Town Centre.] The voice asked. It sounded like it belonged to a man whose voice was much smoother than Sully's.

"Why? What's up?" Sully asked while holding the portable radio.[The detectors are going crazy down here. Could be something, could be nothing but I don't want a repeat of last time. So, come and help me make sure.]"Yeah, we looked like huge idiots, didn't we?" Sully chuckled.[Yeah, so get over here real quick.]"Alright," Sully said before returning his radio to his pocket."Ah… sorry, Kairo, but you're gonna have to go ahead without me. Hey, you idiots watch over him for me, alright?"

He asked while walking back into the passageway."Yeah, yeah." The first guard groaned."Thanks!" Sully said before bolting up the passageway."Well, go on, buddy. I'll be waiting right here when you're done, OK?"Akairo turned to the guard to find him smiling warmly.Akairo nodded and walked out into what was called the Inner Field.It was a vast expanse of grass and sand.Far off in the distance, another wall could be seen and beyond it was the Outer Field but that was beyond the city's bounds.

To his right was a fenced road which people used to access the Eastern Gate atop which stood a forty-meter-tall, stone statue depicting one of the four Cardinal Saints, Neîkos.Akairo wasn't sure but it always seemed as though there was a constant stream of wind that flew directly upward from the Outer Wall.He was never allowed too close to it so he couldn't confirm his suspicions.Countless cars and people could be seen standing stationary on the fenced road as people were slowly processed.

A few guards could be seen patrolling the ten-meter-tall fence but Akairo paid all of this no mind as he walked about a kilometre into the Inner Field to a spot where a large metal container sat.He opened it to find a thin red blanket folded neatly inside and a canister of water.He grabbed the blanket and spread it over the spot he liked.He then sat down and its here, beneath the sun in the wide-open space of the Inner Field, that he was finally able to breathe easily.His vision cleared, his breaths grew calm and his heart calmed.

He closed his eyes and focused on the whistling wind as it brushed across his face.He opened his eyes to take in the light of the sun.Akairo took an extended breath and nearly choked on it as everything from a few meters in front of him suddenly disappeared.What remained was a deep circular hole that went as far as Akairo could see, although, at this point, his vision threatened to leave him as his eyes shook.The hole also generated a vacuum that sucked in the air, resulting in winds that were strong enough to push Akairo forward a little.

The entire sky then turned red, casting the world around Akairo in a deep darkness.He looked up and quaked upon seeing five dark figures floating high above the hole.[Sit laus Domino nostro,]Akairo bit his teeth as the dark choir above sang a song with voices so beautiful, he was driven to tears and so deep, his bladder was unthinkingly emptied all while the sky grew redder and the air grew hotter.[quia ipse est tertius et ultimus,] The choir sang as tears continued to fall from Akairo's eyes.

Eyes which could not look away from the nightmarish scene they beheld.[finis et principium!]Akairo was then blasted backwards by an explosion that seemingly originated from the hole.His small body crashed into the ground and was pelted by sand and dust.His pained coughs were lost in the storm of noise but, much to Akairo's surprise and dread, the dust quickly cleared shortly after revealing a most terrifying sight.

Lodged into the very crust of the world was a cleaver that was half as tall as the chasm was deep.Its design was dark and twisted with a warped, bloated snake running from the cleaver's hilt to the tip of its spine.The choir above then began humming their cursed song and just as they did, another being fell from the sky only they were clad in a white regal robe which glowed brightly in the darkness that had befallen the world. Embellishing it were patterns of golden spirals and at its centre was a perfect golden circle.The being descended further, revealing that they were far bigger than any building Akairo had ever seen.

Their face was hidden behind a golden mask which had seven points rising from its upper half in a semi-circular formation.Akairo slowly crawled onto his knees and then turned his attention to the seven white glowing spheres that floated behind the gigantic being.He feared that one of them would rush towards him and hurt him but the spheres never moved too far away from the giant being.The being eventually reached the cleaver and their white shoes landed on its hilt. This resulted in the silence of the dark choir.

The massive being then stood atop the cleaver, as though weightless with crossed arms.They then inspected the world around them before looking down at the bottom of the chasm.They raised their right hand and after a moment, both they and the five other beings disappeared along with the redness that drenched the sky.Leaving Akairo alone again on the edge of the chasm.It's here that his body gave in.He fell to his side and began to fully wail....The dust had settled over what was once the city of Eastview.

A gaping hole in the world that was so deep, that light failed to reach its bottom.The setting sun cast the world in deep oranges and dark shadows.One of those shadows belonged to a figure clad in a dark brown, skin-tight suit of armour that emphasised their tall, feminine and muscular form. It was lined with a hexagonal pattern.Bound to various parts of the armour tactical straps, bags and extra armour.The figure held in their hands a Macuahuitl only, instead of being made of wood and obsidian, as was done traditionally, theirs was made of a flat dark synthetic club which had two rows of razor-thin crystals along its sides.

Etched onto its matte surface were three symbols: A jaguar, a deer and a child.Their helmet, which covered their whole head, was fashioned in such a way that it looked like the maw of a jaguar.Sitting atop the helmet was a plume of long black silky hair.The figure raised their Macuahuitl and held it as one would a guitar.

They then raised their right arm as the sun finally sunk into the horizon, casting the world in more darkness but its tip fed the last of its light into their hand and, in a single motion, they swung their arm downwards as if strumming the guitar.The figure then spoke, with a loud and distorted voice that sounded like a broken megaphone."That wonderful display by our lord signals the announcement of the Rockergirl's Debut Album: Void Dawn."