It Has Began

Devyn bolted upright in bed, heart pounding so hard he could feel it in his throat.

His breath came in shallow gasps as the remnants of the vision clung to his mind, dark, monstrous creatures clawing their way out of the earth, cities crumbling like paper, the endless chorus of screams echoing through the chaos.

He rubbed his hands over his face, trying to push the images away, but it was futile.

They were more vivid than they had ever been before. He could still smell the smoke, feel the heat of the fire, hear the desperate wails of people running for their lives.

The dream, the vision, was back. And this time, it had been more intense, more real than ever.

His body moved on autopilot, legs swinging out of bed before he even processed what he was doing. He threw the covers aside and grabbed the map that had been crumpled on the floor next to his nightstand. It was worn from months of use, corners bent and lines of ink tracing every possible escape route, every potential resource location he had meticulously marked.

Red dots speckled the paper, each one representing a supply depot, an emergency shelter, a place where he could potentially find food, water, or medical aid. The thought of it all made his head swim. He wasn't a soldier or a survivalist, just a twenty-one-year-old architecture student. What business did he have preparing for the end of the world?

But the dreams. The visions. They had started a year ago. Vague at first, just flashes of disaster, fires, floods, crumbling buildings. But as time went on, the visions grew clearer, more terrifying, and impossible to ignore.

No one had believed him. Not his friends. Not his professors. Not even the authorities when he tried to tell them. They all looked at him like he was crazy, like he was just another conspiracy theorist ranting about the apocalypse. But Devyn had seen it. And he knew it was coming.

And now… it was here.

The ground beneath his feet trembled, just faintly, but enough to send his pulse skyrocketing. He stumbled toward the window, heart hammering in his chest as he stared out at the skyline. The early morning light barely touched the tops of the buildings, the city still wrapped in the peaceful quiet of dawn. But that peace wouldn't last.

The tremor came again, this time stronger. Devyn's breath hitched as a car alarm went off down the street, followed by the muffled sounds of people shouting. His eyes scanned the horizon, searching for any sign of what was to come.

He could feel it, the tension in the air, the way everything seemed to be holding its breath, waiting for the inevitable.

Suddenly, a loud bang erupted from below, followed by the sound of screeching tires. Devyn leaned against the window, looking down into the street. A small crowd was already gathering, people stepping out of their homes, staring at the ground, murmuring in confusion. Panic was spreading, inch by inch, like wildfire waiting to engulf everything.

His phone buzzed violently on the nightstand, pulling him from his daze. He snatched it up, his heart pounding in time with the endless string of notifications lighting up the screen.

Breaking News: Unexplained Earthquakes Across Multiple Cities. Mysterious Fissures Open Nationwide.

The headlines scrolled across the screen, accompanied by frantic news anchors broadcasting live from cities all over the country. Devyn swiped through, his stomach twisting as each new report confirmed his worst fear.

This wasn't just some random earthquake. It was happening. The world was beginning to fall apart, just as he had seen.

The ground shook again, harder this time, rattling the glass of his window. A deep, groaning sound reverberated through the building, and Devyn instinctively backed away, his mind screaming at him to move, to do something.

He sprinted to the storage room, throwing open the door with shaky hands. It was all there, his bug-out bag, meticulously packed with everything he'd need to survive.

Canned food, water purifiers, first-aid kits, rope, matches, a flashlight. And his maps, folded carefully and marked with every route he could think of. It had all been preparation, months of it, every day since the first vision hit him like a hammer to the chest.

Now, it was time.

His hands trembled as he stuffed the last of the supplies into his bag. He thought he'd feel more prepared for this moment, but instead, all he could feel was the overwhelming sense of dread tightening around his chest. How could anyone truly prepare for something like this? For the end of the world?

The thought made his legs weak for a moment, but he forced himself to keep going. The shaking was getting worse. He could hear car alarms blaring in the distance, people shouting.

From the window, he could see more of the city beginning to stir, confusion giving way to panic as cracks began to spider across the pavement. He could practically feel the fear radiating from the people below, their minds scrambling to comprehend what was happening.

His phone buzzed again. Another notification.

Breaking News: Entire Streets Collapsing in Major Cities. Scientists Baffled.

The feed was chaos. Reporters yelling into their microphones, the camera angles shaking violently as they tried to capture the destruction.

Images of cities with buildings crumbling, roads split open by massive fissures, people running for their lives. And then came the footage that made Devyn's blood run cold.

The creatures.



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Linda Wilyuhm!



1. The Royal Obligation

2. From A Beggar To A Bastard

3. Our Accidental Forever

4. Between Fangs And Hearts.