Chapter 102: I'll Kick You Flying

The one-eyed man pondered for a long time before deciding to return to the mental hospital for another "chat" with the two patients. The unknown always held a certain allure. He wanted to understand.

On the green lawn, Director Hao said, "You must treat them well. Although their behavior can be a bit odd sometimes, you shouldn't take it to heart. When you open your heart and accept them, you'll realize how endearing they are."

The one-eyed man ignored Director Hao, finding his words to be empty platitudes.

"Huh? What are they doing?" Director Hao saw a group of patients gathered together, a curious sight he hadn't witnessed before.

At that moment, the evil chicken felt a surge of confidence. It wondered if it should find a new human host. These two current humans were clearly not right in the head. The other patients, however, showed an intense affection for it.

It pretended to approach another patient, hoping the person would understand its unspoken plea: Take me away! I really don't want to stay with these two anymore.

Suddenly, a furious roar startled the evil chicken, its heart nearly leaping from its feathery chest.

"Audacious evil creature! How dare you appear in broad daylight! Prepare to be captured!"

Great Heavenly Dragon, Earth-Store Bodhisattva... (Wrong script, no such incantation here.)

The one-eyed man, upon arrival, instantly saw through the evil chicken's disguise. He leaped into the air, fingers spread like a cheetah pouncing on its prey.

The evil chicken's feathers stood on end. How did he discover me? The aura emanating from the man was terrifying, leaving it paralyzed with fear.

Lin Fan clutched the evil chicken protectively. "What do you want to do to my pet?"

The one-eyed man, seeing Lin Fan shielding the creature, abruptly stopped his attack just short of Lin Fan's face. "It's not a pet, it's an evil being!" He hadn't expected to find an evil creature within the confines of Green Mountain Mental Hospital. He glanced at Director Hao, as if to say, An evil creature is in your hospital, and you're completely oblivious?

"It's a hen. A hen that lays eggs. You can't steal my things," Lin Fan declared.

Old Zhang chimed in, "We thought you were a good person, but you're trying to steal from us! Lin Fan and I rely on her eggs every morning! We won't give you any more acupuncture treatments!"

The one-eyed man stared intently at the evil chicken. The chicken knew it was doomed. Against ordinary opponents, it might have a chance to escape, but the one-eyed man radiated danger.

A song lyric perfectly captured its feelings: I'm conquered by you, all escape routes severed.

"Evil creature, you can deceive others, but not me. Enough talk, prepare to die!" The one-eyed man attacked again. With his strength, eliminating the evil creature without harming Lin Fan wouldn't be a problem.

He lunged towards the chicken, his hand a blur, fingers glowing with golden light.

Lin Fan, with a seemingly casual kick, sent the one-eyed man flying. The kick, though appearing effortless, contained astonishing power.

The one-eyed man, focused entirely on the chicken, hadn't paid much attention to Lin Fan. The unexpected kick sent him sliding backward, staring at Lin Fan in shock. He sensed a flicker of danger. If that kick had landed squarely, it would have hurt.

"What are you doing?" Lin Fan was genuinely upset. This man was being incredibly rude, constantly attacking his pet. He never resorted to violence, but this behavior was simply too much. How could someone be so sick as to attack such a cute hen?

One-eyed man's inner thoughts: And you said you didn't know martial arts!

Director Hao patted the one-eyed man's shoulder, shaking his head, signaling him to calm down. If you weren't a professional, you wouldn't know how to handle this situation. However, he seemed to have uncovered a secret.

"That's an evil creature! What are you trying to do?" the one-eyed man demanded.

Director Hao replied, "You don't understand. Watch me." This kind of situation needed a professional like him. Look at this one-eyed fellow, completely clueless. Talking about "evil creatures" to mental patients was pointless. They wouldn't understand even if he explained it all night.

"Lin Fan, is this your pet hen?" Director Hao asked.

"Yes," Lin Fan replied. "Old Zhang and I raise her together. He wanted to steal our pet, and I won't allow it."

"That's truly outrageous! I won't allow such behavior either. I just gave him a lesson, he won't try to steal her again." Director Hao then leaned closer to Lin Fan and whispered, "He's not quite right in the head. You need to be more understanding."

Lin Fan, ever kind-hearted, nodded. "I will."

"Can I pet your chicken?" Director Hao asked.


Director Hao stroked the chicken's head, praising, "What a lovely pet."

The evil chicken trembled. This felt dangerous. It was filled with regret. What kind of place is this? How did I end up here? Any random household would be better than this!

The one-eyed man, observing Director Hao gesturing and Lin Fan looking at him strangely, knew that the director was up to his usual tricks.

Director Hao approached the one-eyed man. "This evil creature can't be killed. They will take good care of it."

The one-eyed man paused. "Fine, then I'll take them away."

"What? What did you say?" Director Hao looked at him in surprise. "Take them away? I admit, before I saw them, I wasn't sure. But now, I'm reluctant to let them go. Let's forget about it."

Did he really think he was foolish? He had seen the situation now. That kick had been powerful.

The one-eyed man stared at Director Hao, his expression conveying, You're truly despicable.

"Let's just forget it. The thought of separation makes me so sad." Director Hao dabbed at his dry eyes, trying to squeeze out a tear, but his eyes were too dry.

Previously, the one-eyed man would have simply left upon seeing this performance. Who are you trying to fool? Do you think I really need them?

But Lin Fan's kick had revealed something extraordinary. How could a mental patient possess such power? Could Old Zhang's acupuncture truly be that effective? If he weren't afraid of having his legs paralyzed again by Old Zhang, he'd want to try it himself.

"Name your conditions. As long as it's not too outrageous, I'll agree to them," the one-eyed man said.

"It's just that you don't lack money, fame, or power. What do you really lack...?"

"Money," Director Hao stated.

The two men locked eyes. The one-eyed man's gaze conveyed, You're obsessed with money. Didn't you just receive a donation recently? Director Hao's gaze, however, was utterly sincere.

I just need money. Nothing else matters. I need money, even if it kills me.

"Fine, I'll satisfy your greed. Now go and talk to them," the one-eyed man said.

Director Hao pulled a contract from his pocket, smiling. "Just sign here. It's not that I don't trust you, but we have to follow procedures."

The one-eyed man took the contract and looked at him. "You're a grown man. Can you be serious for once?"

Director Hao simply smiled. You're the boss. Whatever you say goes.