Chapter 118: Gargamel's Got Some Decent Tricks

When the alarm blares, it signifies the emergence of a malevolent entity, and not just any ordinary one. These entities emit energy fluctuations of varying intensities.

Weaker fluctuations trigger a response from local special forces to subdue the entity, followed by specialized personnel to clean up the scene.

"Two energy signatures, currently assessed as level eight," reported Jin He Li, her attire as provocative as ever, a sight straight out of a man's fantasy. Adjusting her glasses, she relayed the current situation.

Special forces were already en route to the scene.

As their leader, he wouldn't casually involve himself in the field. He needed to oversee the bigger picture. Grand marshals don't charge into battle alone; they delegate tasks to their subordinates.

"Level eight is quite formidable," the one-eyed man mused, gazing into the distance, lighting a cigarette, and taking a drag. His mood was far from cheerful, perhaps due to the entity's appearance, or maybe because the two mental patients hadn't met his expectations.

Jin He Li stepped back, waving her hand to dissipate the smoke. She detested the smell and couldn't fathom men's fondness for smoking. The dangers were well-known; prolonged smoking blackened the lungs, leaving a foul, oily residue.

The one-eyed man chuckled. "Smoking is to men what makeup is to women. Learn to accept it." Women sought beauty with makeup, while men pursued coolness with cigarettes.

Jin He Li rolled her eyes. It was pure sophistry. Men who smoked always found ways to justify their habit.

"Here's the data analysis of the entities in various locations."

"Yanhai City's entity activity frequency has climbed from thirty-second to tenth place in a short period. This isn't good."

"After analyzing data from the past few decades, I've concluded that the recent surge in entity appearances is strongly correlated with the demon god's emergence."

These were the results of her painstaking all-nighters, achieved without relying on machines. She firmly believed the human brain was the most intelligent tool, superior to any human creation. Even the most sophisticated devices couldn't match its capabilities.

The one-eyed man flipped through the data sheets, engrossed in the information, oblivious to the cigarette burning close to his fingers.

"You're suggesting a strong connection to the demon god?" He hadn't considered that possibility. Not being an analyst, his approach was more direct – crushing entity skulls with his iron fists. He was a leader of the more…kinetic variety.

Jin He Li affirmed, "Precisely. Ten years ago, after the energy surge and destruction in Cang City, the surrounding cities experienced a gradual increase in entity activity. Those cities are now among the top ten."

The one-eyed man stroked his hairy chin. "This is troublesome. Yanhai City lacks high-level personnel. If entity activity intensifies, they won't be able to withstand it. We need to deploy more experts there."

"That's your concern, not mine," Jin He Li stated coldly, turning to leave after delivering her report.

The one-eyed man watched her departing figure: graceful, alluring, cold, with those captivating waves in her hair, her attire amplifying her charisma.

"Such a cold woman. I considered introducing her to a suitable boyfriend, but perhaps not," he muttered, the image of the mental patient, Lin Fan, flashing through his mind. He couldn't forget that figure.

If…perhaps…just maybe…it could be quite exciting.

On the outskirts of the city, in a deserted factory, a dilapidated van slowly pulled up.




Two men in blue work clothes emerged.

"Brother Zhou, are we really safe here?"

"In broad daylight? What ghosts could there be?"

"They said on TV that there are entities in the suburbs. If we encounter one, it'll be big trouble."

"Don't worry. With Big Brother here, I won't abandon you. If we weren't short on startup capital, I wouldn't bring you here to scavenge metal."

These two were locally renowned, having once successfully kidnapped the son of a wealthy man. However, thanks to a certain mental patient, they abandoned their criminal ways.

Scarred Zhou Hu!

Sleazy Wang Er Dan!

They pushed open the factory's creaking metal door. Er Dan looked up, tapping the door to assess its material.

"Brother Zhou, this is a metal door. Let's take it. I reckon it's worth a few thousand."

Despite his shady past, Er Dan was a college graduate with a knack for financial matters.

Zhou Hu replied, "Too big. Let's find smaller pieces inside."

Though tempted by the potential value of the door, a glance at their rickety van revealed the stark size difference. They couldn't transport it, a frustrating realization. They'd return for it when their business thrived.

Their dream was to establish a professional cleaning company specializing in unclogging drains, with a simple slogan: "No matter how dark or smelly, as long as you pay, we guarantee smooth flow."

The abandoned warehouse was eerily quiet.

In the past, Zhou Hu would have kicked the door open, but after experiencing the rewards of hard work, he had developed a fondness for honest labor. Perhaps he felt that taking metal from the abandoned warehouse, even if deserted, was still a form of theft, unsettling his conscience.

Wang Er Dan trailed behind, adhering to the subordinate's code: never walk ahead of the boss. If a blade came swinging, at least he'd have a chance to escape. He was now highly valued by his boss, who often sought his professional opinions. Even when clueless, Er Dan could concoct convincing explanations, earning him praise: "It's good to be educated."

Er Dan had never felt so proud of his college degree. His boss's compliments made him feel like he had finally risen in the world. It was truly wonderful.

The long-closed warehouse reeked of decay.

"Brother Zhou, do you smell that?"

"Smell what?"

"The smell of blood."

Zhou Hu's attention sharpened. His once-naive subordinate was now a college graduate whose words carried weight.

The warehouse was in disarray, as if ransacked.

"Brother Zhou, look at these footprints…" Wang Er Dan pointed to the enormous prints on the floor, his hair standing on end. These weren't human footprints; even wild beasts couldn't leave such marks. Could it be an entity?

Zhou Hu gasped at the sight of the footprints. The temperature, which had risen after his earlier intake of cool air, plummeted again. He was cold. His hairs stood on end.

Suddenly, a massive shadow enveloped them.

Zhou Hu and Wang Er Dan exchanged glances. The shadow's owner was behind them, and judging by its size, it was no human.

The already chilled air grew colder.

They slowly turned, slowly looked up, their eyes widening in terror. A green-haired gorilla stood before them, bleeding, one eye closed, blood trickling down its face.

"A gorilla…"

"A green-haired gorilla!"

Gargamel, severely injured from a battle with an entity that had sought him out, shrank before their eyes, collapsing to the ground. His weakened state prevented him from maintaining his larger form. He needed to conserve energy to recover.

"Brother Zhou, I'll protect you!" Wang Er Dan, seeing the gorilla shrink and collapse, bravely stepped forward, prioritizing his boss's safety. As for the entity, he'd face it head-on.

Zhou Hu slapped Er Dan aside, then curiously examined the gorilla.

"What's the going rate for a gorilla these days?"

"For meat?"

"For a zoo."

"Brother Zhou, that's illegal. Capturing a mutated green-haired gorilla is a crime. Selling it to a zoo is profiteering. We'll go to jail."

Zhou Hu narrowed his eyes, stroking his chin, his mind racing.

Images flashed through his mind: monkey shows…or rather, gorilla shows, with the creature performing tricks in a collar.

No. Their dream was to establish a drain-cleaning company, not this.

"Take him. Let's go." Zhou Hu decided to ponder the matter further at home.

"Brother Zhou, really?"

"Er Dan, I know you're a college graduate, more educated than me, but let me tell you, you lack my courage. Trust me. I won't harm you."

"Even if something goes wrong, I'll take the hit. What are you afraid of?"

"I trust you, Big Brother." Wang Er Dan nodded. He had followed Zhou Hu for years, thoroughly impressed by his boss's bravery.

Soon, they abandoned even the scrap metal, tossing the gorilla into the back of the van. They started the engine, sped off in a cloud of dust, and disappeared into the distance.

Shortly after, special forces arrived. The detected energy signatures indicated two level-eight entities. Ordinary members were no match; only these elite forces could handle the threat.

Entity! Come out and face your doom!