Chapter 126: What a Touching Scene

The evil cat enjoyed being served by humans. A human wiped its body with a clean towel. Having just been bathed, it was very clean, its fur shining.

Glancing at the evil rooster, the cat, despite being a feline, displayed a human-like expression in its eyes—a provocative look that seemed to say, "What are you going to do about it?"

The look continued its unspoken taunt: "Look at you now, squatting there all alone, still holding your chicken head high. What can you do? Foolish humans are so forgetful. Fickleness is human nature. You've been abandoned, and now I'm the favorite."

"If you, as an evil creature, have any self-awareness, you should slink away without alarming the humans. Just disappear from the house. As a fellow evil being, I might even hold you in higher regard then."

The evil cat was a true fantasist, indulging in its own imaginary world.

It licked its paw seductively, , not just licking the fur, but seemingly licking the very essence of its irresistible charm.

The evil rooster watched silently, without any reaction, without the slightest ripple of emotion. It understood from this moment that not just any evil creature could be an undercover agent. It required dedication, a deep understanding of discretion, the ability to hide oneself, and to demonstrate one's inherent value. This was the truth of how an undercover agent could survive.

As for the evil cat, it was merely a jumping clown.

"We can start the treatment now," Lin Fan said.

He felt the same way as Old Zhang. Seeing the cat blind in one eye made him feel deeply saddened. If Old Zhang could help the cat, it would be a joyful thing.

Old Zhang took out his prized needle box and placed it on the bed. Then, he picked up a silver needle, his expression serious and focused. "I will treat the cat's eye with the utmost care."

"Let me tell you a little secret. My Half-Step Universe Operation Method is finally obsolete. Now it's the Universe Operation Method. I wanted to use it on you first, but now I have to use it on the cat first."

"You won't be angry, will you?"

Lin Fan smiled. "No."

Old Zhang was a very talented and studious person. His skill in acupuncture was beyond imagination. You could doubt his ability to avoid mistakes, but you could never doubt his mastery of acupuncture.

The evil cat, seeing the silver needle in Old Zhang's hand, felt a surge of anxiety. What was going on? What did the human intend to do with that needle?

Could it be that it had encountered a human who enjoyed torture?


How laughable. Evil creatures could endure any inhuman abuse, but their dignity wouldn't allow humans to mess with them. However, just to drive the evil rooster away, it would tolerate this once.

Old Zhang felt the cat's body, searching for any irregularities, planning to insert the needles wherever there was a problem. Having mastered the Universe Operation Method, Old Zhang had long since reached the realm of being able to insert needles blindly with his eyes closed.

But the cat was such a lovely creature.

Naturally, he wouldn't administer the needles casually. He had to treat it with one hundred percent care. He genuinely liked this adorable cat and didn't want anything to happen to it.

The first needle went in!

The evil cat didn't feel anything, just a slight itch. The life force of an evil creature was very strong, certainly not something that could be affected by mere human needles.


The cat tried its best to please the humans, as if conveying, "I've been pricked by you, and it doesn't hurt at all, it's even quite comfortable. You're so good."

Lin Fan pointed to a spot. "I feel like there's a problem here. What do you think?"

"You have a point." Old Zhang pondered for a moment, then inserted a needle, agreeing with Lin Fan's assessment. There was indeed a problem.


The evil cat never knew what awaited it, but it continued to act cute diligently.

Old Zhang stroked the cat's soft fur, unable to resist its charm. "It meows so sweetly, and it's so cute. My heart is melting."

Lin Fan said, "It is indeed very cute."

As he spoke, he stared intently at the cat. He liked it, but more than that… his mouth was watering profusely.

The eighth needle!

The ninth needle!

To be honest, the evil cat was a little confused. Pricking was pricking, tormenting was tormenting, but wasn't this a bit too much? How long was this going to go on? Although it was trying its best to please them, they should know when to stop. They couldn't go too far.

The evil rooster had never felt its position threatened.

It knew its own worth.

That was laying eggs.

As long as it could lay eggs, proving its value, nothing would happen to it.

The night was deep, and it was quiet outside.

On the outer wall, there was a Spider-Man in action. A closer look revealed it was One-Eyed Man. Instead of being a proper leader, he was acting like Spider-Man.

He suppressed his presence, clinging to the outer wall, poking half his head out to observe the situation inside.

Shadow had returned and told him that the two members had brought back another evil creature on their way back, the kind that hid among humans, making it difficult for people to detect their problems.

One-Eyed Man grumbled internally.

These two strange lunatics, what was so good about evil creatures? They actually liked bringing them back. It was simply absurd.

The evil cat before him was a level three evil creature. It couldn't really cause much trouble. It was just that the act of them administering needles to the cat piqued his curiosity.

So it was a one-eyed evil creature.

They shared a similar affliction.

They both had a kind of melancholy.

That was having one blind eye.

He waited patiently, just to see the outcome. He was very interested in Old Zhang's acupuncture, but having trusted him twice before, only to have both end in tragedy, he had long since given up hope on Old Zhang.

The twelfth needle!

Old Zhang became even more serious. The last needle was the key. He firmly believed he could succeed, but it wasn't his fault if he failed. I don't want this either.

The evil cat was starting to feel uncomfortable. Numb, itchy, a strange indescribable sensation.

But it still didn't believe it.

As an evil creature, how could it be affected by human needles? At this moment, it should cooperate with the humans' peculiar habit of torture, win their hearts, and kick the evil rooster out.

It looked at the evil rooster with a smug expression.


Look how much these two humans value me. From the beginning until now, have they said a single word to you?


They haven't paid any attention to you at all. Don't you feel even a little sense of crisis?

"Lin Fan, I'm a little nervous," Old Zhang said.

"Don't be nervous. I believe in you. Even if you fail, it's okay. No one can always succeed. Temporary failure is just laying the foundation for future success." Lin Fan comforted Old Zhang's anxious heart.

Treatment itself was full of uncertainties.

The evil cat was a little surprised. What are you talking about?


How laughable.

Don't tell me you're calling sticking needles in me treatment. Don't joke around. As an evil creature, how could I be treated by you?

The thirteenth needle!

Fast, accurate, and ruthless!


It landed.

Both Old Zhang and Lin Fan watched intently.

The evil cat originally wanted to meow cutely, but suddenly, it realized something was wrong. The blood in its body was boiling, and an unknown pain swept through it.

There was a popping sound.

Crackle, pop!

The evil cat went limp on the bed, motionless, without even the rise and fall of breathing.

Lin Fan and Old Zhang looked at each other, seeing a hint of confusion in each other's eyes.

Why isn't it moving?

The evil rooster stared in astonishment. It hadn't expected this to happen. It could clearly sense that the evil cat was dead.

"May you have a safe journey, smooth sailing."

As a fellow countryman, you did show me disrespect, but now that you're dead, what more can be said? Offering you the compassion you deserve is the last thing I can do for you as a fellow countryman.

The evil rooster was grateful to the cat.

If it hadn't witnessed this firsthand, it might never have known that these two humans could kill an evil creature with just needles.

The danger of being undercover had just increased.

So nervous, so scared.


"The cute kitty is dead."

Old Zhang held the cat's body and wailed, his heartbroken appearance bringing tears to one's eyes.

Lin Fan put his arm around Old Zhang's shoulder. "Don't be sad. It's not your fault."

One-Eyed Man, hanging on the outer wall, saw the situation inside and felt a chill in his heart. Something had gone wrong. That evil creature had just been stabbed to death.

No, wait.

Something wasn't right. The situation inside was very complicated.

It was difficult for ordinary people to kill a level three evil creature, but Old Zhang had killed one with just needles. Counting carefully, it was thirteen needles.

When he was being needled, he also received thirteen needles.

Damn it!

If he hadn't held on back then, wouldn't he have died just like this evil creature?

The more he thought about it, the more terrifying it became.

He definitely couldn't let this guy stick needles in him again. He had actually still harbored a sliver of hope during the day.

How terrifying.

Just thinking about it sent shivers down his spine.

One-Eyed Man quietly disappeared into the night, going back to recover. His mental state had been stimulated, and his mind was filled with the image he had just witnessed. He was truly lucky to have survived the previous two acupuncture sessions.

At this moment, Old Zhang was crying his heart out, his throat hoarse.

Lin Fan brought him some soy milk. "Drink some of your favorite Sprite."

Old Zhang sniffed, wiped his tears, his heart heavy. Then he drank the Sprite, his eyes lighting up. "Sprite is still the best."

"Good, good. It's not your fault this time. Mistakes aren't scary. You'll succeed next time." Lin Fan said.

Seeing Old Zhang crying so sadly, his heart ached. How could such a thing happen to Old Zhang? It was unacceptable.

"Yeah, your comfort makes me feel much better. I also believe I will succeed. Let's go bury it."

Old Zhang was kind-hearted. Even while drinking his favorite Sprite, he didn't forget to bury the cat.

How many people could possess such kindness?

He led the evil rooster outside.

At the flowerbed outside the Special Department.

Lin Fan and Old Zhang dug a hole and gently placed the cat's body inside. Sprinkling soil over it, they whispered,

"Cute kitty, rest in peace. We will miss you. Although our time together was short, we will never forget you."

The final farewell was always so touching.

The evil rooster shed tears.

What a touching scene, you dangerous and foolish humans.

My undercover life is full of uncertainty.