Chapter 137: Big Brother's Profound Meaning...

Renhe Hospital.

Cars stopped slowly, one after another. Traffic jams were common in front of the hospital entrance, but now it was so congested that even pedestrians couldn't pass.

Xiao Dalong was bewildered.

Even after arriving at the hospital, things were still like this. What on earth was Brother Fei trying to do?

A group of men in black got out of the cars.

Drivers who had initially gotten out of their cars to curse because of the traffic jam quickly retreated back inside upon seeing these men in black, not daring to utter a word. Everyone in H City knew this notorious organization.

Their attire alone was a clear indicator.

Anyone who dared to challenge them clearly hadn't experienced the harsh realities of the world.

"Brother Fei, we've arrived."

Wang Meng respectfully opened the door, perfectly fulfilling his role as a loyal enforcer and underling.

"Thank you," Lin Fan said, lightly patting Wang Meng's shoulder.

"It's my honor to serve Brother Fei," Wang Meng replied with a serious expression.

The group then proceeded into the hospital.

Passersby fearfully avoided them, not daring to provoke them. They looked like dangerous criminals.

In various corners of the hospital, plainclothes police officers, disguised as ordinary people, whispered into their communication devices.

"Sparrow appearing, Elephant, please respond."

"Elephant received, Puppy, please respond."

"Puppy received, Rabbit, please respond."

The zoo meeting officially commenced.

"Which ward is your mother in? Take us there," Lin Fan said with a warm and gentle smile. Xiao Dalong was still in a daze, unable to comprehend what was happening and the meaning behind Brother Fei's actions.

Xu Jian observed the surroundings, searching for suspicious individuals. If the transaction location was chosen to be the hospital, based on his deductions, there were only two possibilities: the other party was either a patient or a doctor. There were no other options.

Inside the ward, Xiao Dalong's mother lay in a shared hospital room. Though Xiao Dalong cared deeply for his mother, his lack of funds meant she could only afford this type of accommodation. She looked at the other patients with their children by their sides, envious, though she didn't show it. She knew what her son did for a living and felt heartbroken, constantly blaming herself for not raising him well. If she had been stricter, things might have been different.

"Sister, your son hasn't visited you since he brought you here. He's a bit inconsiderate, isn't he?" a middle-aged woman in the next bed remarked, simultaneously instructing her own son to peel an apple for her. The implication was clear: look how good my son is, always by my side, doing whatever I ask.

"He's busy with work," Xiao's mother replied.

"No matter how busy he is, he can't even come for two days? In my opinion, raising him was a waste. Sigh, look at my children, so filial," the woman continued.

In the hospital corridor, Lin Fan stopped abruptly, noticing the bloodstains on Xiao Dalong's face. He took a tissue, dampened it with water, and personally wiped the blood away.

"We're going to see your mother now, and if you have blood on your face, she'll worry."

His movements were gentle and unhurried.

Xiao Dalong stood frozen, completely dumbfounded. Was this Brother Fei, the one he knew before?

"There, much better." Lin Fan examined Xiao Dalong, smiling. Noticing his dirty clothes, he took off his own suit jacket and draped it over Xiao Dalong's shoulders. "Put this on. It fits you perfectly. You look very handsome."

"If your mother saw how you looked before, she would be very worried."

The surrounding underlings witnessed this scene, stunned by Lin Fan's actions. If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they would never have believed it. Brother Fei had become a stranger.

But Brother Fei... had become humane.

"I..." Xiao Dalong's eyes reddened. Was everything Brother Fei was doing meant to allow him to leave this world with dignity? If so, he was willing.

He adjusted the jacket, cherishing these final moments.

"Brother Fei, I understand."

He had overthought things, assuming this was Brother Fei's final act of kindness, a chance to say goodbye to his mother. He had so much to say, but he didn't dare.

Perhaps this was Brother Fei's final mercy.

Inside the ward, Xiao Dalong pushed open the door. "Mom, I'm here."

Xiao's mother, feeling down after the conversation with the other patient, brightened up at the sound of her son's voice.

"Dalong, you're here."

The woman in the next bed was about to speak, but her son stopped her. She looked at him quizzically and saw the fear in his pale face, as if he had seen a ghost.

"Mom, don't talk, don't ask," he whispered.

He recognized Lin Fan. He would never forget that face. It was the same man who had publicly slapped his company's boss at a banquet.

Xiao's mother held Xiao Dalong's hand, whispering, urging him to stop the treatment. It was a waste of money. She wanted him to save the money to get married, not waste it on her. It was useless.

"Mom, don't say that. Focus on getting better. You'll be fine," Xiao Dalong said, patting his mother's hand. He felt the urge to cry and regretted his past mistakes. If only he hadn't gone astray. If only he had studied hard in his youth and become his mother's pride.

But now, he was just...

"Dalong, who are they...?" Xiao's mother asked, noticing the many men standing there, and even more outside, blocking the hallway. She felt uneasy, a premonition that something bad was about to happen.

Lin Fan approached Xiao's mother and extended his hand. "Hello, Auntie. I'm the chairman of Qingshan... Longfei Group, Dalong's boss. I heard you were ill and came to visit."

He almost said he was Lin Fan, the mental patient from Qingshan, but caught himself just in time.

He relied on the memories in his mind to guide his words.

"Hello, Chairman," Xiao's mother said, attempting to sit up, but her body was too weak. She knew Dalong was involved in shady dealings and had a feeling something was going to happen. She hoped they would spare her son.

Lin Fan patted Xiao's mother's shoulder. "I asked Dalong if he had money for your treatment, and he said no. I thought, how can this be? So, I brought everyone here. All your medical expenses will be covered by us. I also have some understanding of leukemia. I once donated blood to a young girl with leukemia, and the results were very good. But based on my understanding, finding a suitable bone marrow match is very difficult. So, I've brought all my employees here to donate blood."

"We'll try our best to find a suitable bone marrow match."

"To cure your illness."

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

At that moment, everyone in the ward stared at Lin Fan, some with their mouths agape, others dumbfounded. If anyone had told them Brother Fei would say such things, they would have sooner believed the sun would rise in the west.

Xiao Dalong lowered his head, his body trembling. He took a deep breath to compose himself and patted his mother's hand. "Mom, take care of yourself. The company has arranged for me to go on a business trip. It will be a long time before I can come back. You must take good care of your health."

He knew that Brother Fei's words were the greatest act of mercy he could offer.


Lin Fan placed his hand on Xiao Dalong's shoulder. "How can you be so unfilial? Your mother is sick, and you still want to go on a business trip? Of course, working hard is a good thing, but work cannot be compared to caring for your parents. You should stay in the hospital and take care of your mother."

"Huh?" Xiao Dalong stared at Lin Fan, dumbfounded.

Please forgive his expression.

It wasn't that he was unsophisticated.

It was that Brother Fei's words were truly incomprehensible.

Lin Fan smiled. "Auntie, if there's nothing else, please rest well. We'll go find a doctor to donate suitable bone marrow. Don't worry, you'll get better."

Then, Lin Fan softly addressed his men:

"Everyone, please leave quietly and in an orderly manner. Don't disturb the patients' rest."

Such polite behavior.

It was enough to move one to tears.

Xu Jian, as an undercover officer, possessed strong deductive abilities and was well aware of Zhu Fei's cruel nature. Honestly, even he was confused by the current events.

What was the hidden motive?

How did he plan to conduct the transaction?

Bone marrow testing?


Suddenly, he seemed to realize something startling.

His earlier deduction was correct. It was related to the doctors. Was he planning to complete the transaction during the chaos?

He quietly slipped out while no one was paying attention and sent a message to his superior.

[Be wary of the doctors.]

Wang Meng couldn't understand Brother Fei's actions. Brother Fei never did anything that didn't benefit him, yet here he was, doing such a thing for a mere underling.

What was the meaning behind all this?

Then, he heard the whispers of the other underlings.

"I'm so touched I could cry. I never thought the cold-blooded Brother Fei would be so righteous. Dalong made a mistake, but not only did Brother Fei not punish him, he's even willing to pay for his mother's treatment."

"Yeah, I thought Dalong was done for."

"This is what righteousness is, Big Brother's loyalty. I dare anyone to say our Brother Fei is disloyal."

"I'm willing to go through fire and water for Brother Fei, even through hell itself, without hesitation."

The underlings were moved.

Their desires were often simple. They wanted to follow a righteous leader, and Lin Fan's actions perfectly embodied the image of the Big Brother they envisioned.

Wang Meng pondered for a moment, then his eyes lit up.

"I understand. Everything Brother Fei has done has a profound meaning."

He was now completely awed by Brother Fei.

Brother Fei was indeed Brother Fei. His thoughts were so complex, some beyond even his imagination.

When the doctors learned that a group from Longfei Group had come to donate bone marrow for a leukemia patient, they were stunned.


These social scums, disruptors of social harmony, were capable of such kindness?

They didn't believe it.


"Chief, we need backup! There are too many donors, I can't handle it alone. Send some people over quickly!"

The doctor looked at the endless stream of people and felt a sense of despair.

How long would this take?