Chapter 146: Did It Die of Happiness?

Watching the foolish crocodile continue to sleep soundly after its meal, the Rooster Monster, upon receiving the Roach Monster's sonic wave, could no longer endure it. It revealed its true form and, under the adoring gaze of the foolish crocodile, stomped it to a pulp.

The Rooster Monster was cowardly. Its fellow monsters, who disobeyed the Hero's commands, seemed to have enraged it, and it appeared to be coming to kill them. The Rooster Monster desperately pulled on the rope, its intention clear:


Running was the only hope of survival.

If its combat power was 3, then this monstrous crocodile's was 6.

The difference was significant.

It had to run. When it was welcomed back into the monster community as a hero in the future, it would definitely avenge today's humiliation. How dare this creature be so disrespectful to a Monster Hero!

The Rooster Monster anxiously looked at the two foolish humans.


You two idiots, you're going to die!

"Such a big crocodile! I've never seen one in person, only on TV." Lin Fan gaped, his curiosity evident. The pursuit of the unknown is always human nature.

"Is it in pain? It's injured." Old Zhang felt a pang of sadness. He couldn't bear to see animals hurt. Animals were lovely beings. Who could be so cruel as to harm them?

The Rooster Monster was dumbfounded.

Are you two sick?



It's trying to devour you! Take advantage of its lame leg and run!

Then, the Rooster Monster watched in horror as Lin Fan, oblivious to the danger, walked towards the monstrous crocodile. The Rooster Monster immediately collapsed on the ground, its claws digging into the earth, a look of despair on its face.

Don't go! I beg you!

Six claw marks were left on the ground, a tapestry of blood and tears replaying in the corner of the Rooster Monster's eyes.

If heaven could give it another chance, it would never let these two foolish humans appear here. Danger accompanied them, yet they never seemed to sense it. Perhaps they would only understand when death was upon them.

The monstrous crocodile was puzzled. What was this human doing, walking towards it?

Soon, Lin Fan stood before the monstrous crocodile, gently stroking its jaw, and said sympathetically, "You must be in so much pain. Missing a leg must hurt. Although I've never lost a leg, I can understand your suffering."

"My friend is very skilled in acupuncture. If you trust him, I can have him help you. He can definitely help you regrow your leg."

He was a kind and compassionate person. When encountering those in need, he would always be the first to rush forward and solve their problems.

Speaking of which, he thought of the one-eyed man. That generous man was missing an eye. Unfortunately, he never believed that Old Zhang could help him regrow it. Although they had failed twice, failure wasn't the problem. The problem was his lack of trust.

So, he had repeatedly advised the one-eyed man, "We consider you a friend. You should choose to believe us. Why would we harm you?"

If the one-eyed man knew their thoughts, he would simply tell them:

Get as far away from me as possible.

The monstrous crocodile, gently touched by Lin Fan, fell into a strange state. No one had ever caressed it like this.

It felt… peculiar.

Quickly, it reacted.

Damn it! I, the great monstrous crocodile, am being stroked on the jaw by a human! That's a place only Mother can touch!

It opened its bloody maw, sharp teeth gleaming. Even steel could be crushed by them.

"We're doomed!" The Rooster Monster was terrified. One bite, and no one could escape.

Then, something even more terrifying happened.

Lin Fan stuck his head into the monstrous crocodile's mouth, curiously looking around and tapping its sharp teeth.

"Are your teeth uncomfortable? Let me take a look."

Audacious Lin Fan never knew what danger was.

Anyone who saw this would be scared witless.

This was definitely not something a human should do.

Old Zhang appeared beside Lin Fan and asked curiously, "Are there problems with its teeth too?"

Lin Fan shook his head. "I don't know. I didn't notice any problems just now. Maybe it really is uncomfortable somewhere. Why don't you take a look at its front leg first?"

The moment he pulled his head back, the crocodile snapped its jaws shut, but it missed Lin Fan's head.

The Rooster Monster clucked, its feathers nearly standing on end. Brushing with death must feel exhilarating, but it was truly terrifying.

It knew these two humans were problematic, but it never imagined the extent of their issues.

Old Zhang carefully examined the monstrous crocodile's front limb. After a moment of contemplation, he declared firmly, "I can cure it. If I use my silver needles and the Cosmic Circulation Technique, I have a high chance of success, almost 99%."

"Such a high chance?" Lin Fan exclaimed.

Old Zhang nodded. "Yes. If I didn't have such confidence, I wouldn't say such a thing. Shall I begin the acupuncture now?"

He had great confidence in his acupuncture skills, especially after creating the Cosmic Circulation Technique. He found himself completely transformed, his abilities far greater than before.

"Let's begin. It looks so pained." Lin Fan gently stroked the monstrous crocodile, his eyes filled with pity. "So tall and mighty, yet so adorable, just like the puppies from before. They were all seriously injured, and I desperately wanted to save them."

The monstrous crocodile saw a humiliating look in his eyes.

Foolish human.

I, this monster, am different from the others. They may be cowardly, but I am audacious! I will devour you now!

The monstrous crocodile opened its mouth and lunged at Lin Fan.

A huge shadow enveloped Lin Fan and the others.

Lin Fan raised his hand and held the monstrous crocodile's lower jaw, whispering, "Don't be nervous. You'll be fine soon."

It seemed like a simple act of holding, but for the monstrous crocodile, the force transmitted was terrifying.


The monstrous crocodile's turbulent heart suddenly calmed down.

A bad feeling crept into its heart.

Its jaw was held, making it difficult to move. Its two large eyes looked at the human before it, revealing disbelief.

"Damn it!" The monstrous crocodile tried to swat Lin Fan with its other front claw, but Lin Fan caught it.

"Don't be nervous. We're here to help you."

Lin Fan soothed the monstrous crocodile. He could understand its unease; it was their first meeting, and they didn't have a deep connection. But he always believed that with a smile and sincerity, he could win anyone over.

Seeing the monstrous crocodile gradually relax, he knew he had succeeded. He had successfully made it let down its guard.

Old Zhang took out his precious kit and carefully opened it. Inside were silver needles, his tools for helping others.

He loved helping others with his needles.

Seeing the joyful smiles on their faces brought him great satisfaction.

The first needle went in!

"Can you feel it?" Old Zhang asked, then realized, "I forgot you can't talk. I know you definitely can't feel it."

The scene was somewhat comical.

The monstrous crocodile watched curiously.

What are you doing? What's the use of sticking such tiny needles in me?

The second needle!

The third needle!

Old Zhang's needle technique was professional, his movements swift and precise, almost ruthless. He had achieved this level of expertise through countless experiments on Lin Fan, a skill not easily attainable by ordinary people.

"Old Zhang, don't rush. Take your time. I believe you can do it," Lin Fan encouraged.

The Rooster Monster wondered why the monstrous crocodile wasn't moving.

Are you really enjoying having these foolish humans stick needles in you?

"Yes, I can do it."

Old Zhang was full of confidence. Although he had failed many times, he would never give up.

The needles fell faster and faster.

The twelfth needle went in.

Old Zhang took a deep breath and, under Lin Fan's expectant gaze, perfectly placed the thirteenth needle.


He waited quietly.

Lin Fan released the crocodile's jaw and stared intently at its front claw.

Gurgling sounds!

A miracle happened.

The flesh and blood of the monstrous crocodile's front leg moved. It was actually growing!

"Old Zhang, you did it!" Lin Fan exclaimed excitedly.

Even the monstrous crocodile was stunned. Just as it was thinking, "How is this possible?" a bad premonition came over it. The blood in its body boiled, making popping sounds like exploding beans.

"Do you hear that? Do you hear thunder?" Lin Fan asked.

Old Zhang listened carefully. "I hear it. It seems to be coming from inside it. Why is it thundering?"

Lin Fan shook his head, his meaning clear: The problem is complex, and I don't know.

"This situation is…"

The Rooster Monster noticed the monstrous crocodile's aura weakening. As it pondered, the aura disappeared completely.

A terrifying situation.

If its guess was correct, the crocodile's insides had been destroyed. The muffled thunder was the sound of its internal organs rupturing.


The ground trembled slightly.

The monstrous crocodile's head hit the ground, lifeless and still.

Lin Fan and Old Zhang looked at the monstrous crocodile curiously, both scratching their heads in confusion.

"What happened to it?"

"I don't know."

The monstrous crocodile remained motionless, arousing their suspicion. But that wasn't the point. The point was that they needed to continue celebrating.

Lin Fan patted Old Zhang's shoulder and praised him heartily, "Old Zhang, I knew you could do it! You really succeeded! You didn't fall into that 1% of failure."

Old Zhang's expression was one of pure joy, his eyes crinkling into crescents.

"I knew I would succeed. I had a premonition when I was placing the needles," Old Zhang said.

They had apparently forgotten that they had killed the monstrous crocodile.

None of that mattered.

What mattered most to them was that the crocodile had indeed regrown its front leg.

Lin Fan patted the monstrous crocodile. "Do you believe it now? Old Zhang is amazing! Look at your front leg, it's really grown back! If you're happy, smile!"

Old Zhang held his head high, beaming with pride.

That's right. I'm the best.

But gradually, they realized something was wrong. The monstrous crocodile wasn't moving.

The two looked at each other.

"What's wrong with it?"

"I don't know."

"Did it die of happiness?"

"Seems like it."