Chapter 162: Borrowing Money to Visit You in the Hospital

Dorm Room:

"Don't you think our watches look nice?"

Old Zhang, after inserting an acupuncture needle into Liu Ying's arm, waved his wrist in front of him. The gleaming watch exuded an unmistakable aura of nouveau riche.

But for Old Zhang, it symbolized…




Old Zhang wasn't one to discard the old for the new, but he found that his once-prized million-dollar Rolex paled in comparison to this new watch.

"Nice, very nice."

Liu Ying was envious, genuinely so. With his income, buying such a watch might be possible, but if his wife found out, he'd likely be beaten to death.

Basking in the praise, Old Zhang beamed.

"Our good friend, Xiao Bao, bought them for us."

Normally, such a statement would be pure bragging.

But Old Zhang meant no such thing. He simply wanted to show off their amazing friend.

Liu Ying was green with envy.

I want a friend like that.

Ding ding!

The phone rang.

"It's Xiao Bao," Lin Fan answered the call, lying down on his bed to chat.

Old Zhang, holding an acupuncture needle, glanced over, his attention captivated by the voice on the phone. He then placed the needle in its case and lay down beside Lin Fan, listening in.

Liu Ying stared wide-eyed. Master, we're in the middle of an acupuncture session! This sudden retreat of yours has caught me off guard. Can we be a bit more professional and finish the treatment before socializing?

He was currently immobilized, looking at the needles in his head through the mirror, understandably nervous.

Old Zhang reassured him, "Don't worry, we'll talk to Xiao Bao for a bit."

Liu Ying was on the verge of tears. Master, you have no professional ethics! At least finish treating me!

The evil rooster squatted quietly in the corner. Foolish humans, truly terrifying. They know I'm an evil being, yet they keep me around. Do they wish to engage in a battle of wits?

Arrogant humans, you will pay a heavy price.

The heroic evil rooster is not so easily defeated.

You think I've been subdued, but I'm merely undercover, feigning submission. At the most critical moment, I will strike a devastating blow.

Thus begins a new chapter, brought forth by the heroic evil rooster.

The Heroic Evil Rooster Saga.

April 4th:

The weather was clear, the azure sky a comforting sight.

Jin He Li hadn't slept all night. As a key member of the special department, she carried a heavy burden, a responsibility and drive beyond what a woman should bear.

Unmanned reconnaissance drones followed their routes, searching for the migrating hordes of evil creatures.

However, there were clearly some among the evil creatures with heightened senses. They had managed to have the drones destroyed by evil birds, leaving them without any useful information.

To understand the situation, they would have to send in a team to investigate. But any team dispatched would face almost certain death, only able to relay information in their final moments.

She sent an email to every member, explaining the situation and the low survival rate. Anyone unwilling to participate could simply ignore the message.

But to her surprise, within moments, numerous replies flooded in, expressing willingness to join the mission.

Selection would be crucial. If she told One-Eyed Man, he would never agree. Sacrificing lives for information was unwise.

Lost in thought, Jin He Li walked forward, oblivious to the glass door in front of her. If she continued, she would crash right through it. With luck, she might pass through unscathed; without it, she'd become a human mosaic.


Just as she was about to make contact, a hand reached out from the side, the back of the hand against the glass, the palm against Jin He Li's forehead.

"You seem a little out of it."

Lin Fan and Old Zhang were heading out, leading their hen. Seeing someone about to walk into the glass door, the kind-hearted Lin Fan extended his hand, saving her from a painful collision.

"Thank you." Jin He Li saw the glass door and realized she would have crashed into it if not for the hand. When she saw who it was, her expression shifted slightly.

The two mental patients.

"Old Zhang's acupuncture is very effective. He could give you a few needles. Are you interested?" Lin Fan asked.

Ever the helpful one, Lin Fan enjoyed promoting Old Zhang. He wanted everyone to see Old Zhang's brilliance, though few truly understood his skills.

Jin He Li was more curious about the two mental patients than anyone.

But she also knew they were dangerous.

Her investigation revealed that One-Eyed Man had been dealt with by these two.

The situation wasn't pretty. They were a threat.

"No, thank you."

Jin He Li declined and pushed open the glass door. She wasn't in good shape and lacked the energy to deal with the two mental patients. She'd talk to them when she was better rested.

"Wait…" Lin Fan called out.

Hua Tian Hospital:

Lin Fan carried a carton of milk, looking up at the familiar building. This was their second home, and returning here brought a sense of comfort, like a warm embrace.

"That young lady was a really nice person."

He had inquired about the man from yesterday and learned he was hospitalized. Guilt gnawed at him. Although the man had attacked his friend, his friend was unharmed, while the man was in the hospital, all because of him. He felt responsible and needed to visit.

Upon learning that Heng Jian Qiu was at Hua Tian Hospital, he borrowed a hundred yuan from Jin He Li, bought a carton of milk, and took Old Zhang to a breakfast stall, spending just enough to leave them with no money left.

"Yes, everyone we meet is nice," Old Zhang agreed.

"Let's go."

Lin Fan and Old Zhang arrived at the inpatient department and climbed the stairs to the top floor VIP ward.

The evil rooster wanted to curse.

Crazy fools. There's an elevator, but they insist on climbing. Their brains are mush.

The evil rooster was right; they were indeed a bit crazy, though some refused to admit it.

A nurse, spotting the two, paled and rushed to inform the doctor. Those two mental patients are here! We're scared!

The doctor had recently been promoted to director.

His rise wasn't solely due to the院长's favor, but largely because of his extensive experience and superb medical skills. For this, he had the two selfless mental patients to thank.

Their tireless efforts to endanger themselves had enriched his medical expertise, propelling him to this peak.

The doctor appeared before them, a genuine smile on his face.

"It's been a while. What have you been up to?"

The question was a bit loaded, as if he expected them to be up to something.

Lin Fan replied, "Working."

"Oh, that's great! Congratulations!" The doctor smiled, naturally disbelieving Lin Fan's words. Mental patients working? Best not to scare people. Fortunately, he was their long-time doctor and understood their behavior.

He wasn't a psychiatrist, just familiar.

"Thank you," Lin Fan smiled.

The doctor asked, "Are you here to visit someone you know?"

Seeing the carton of milk in Lin Fan's hand, he guessed the reason and was impressed. Who said mental patients were inconsiderate? They even brought milk for a hospital visit, better than some normal people.

"Yes," Lin Fan nodded.

The doctor smiled. "Go ahead. Come again sometime. I'm the director now, so we'll have plenty of opportunities to see each other."

After they left, the nurse looked at him with admiration. "Director, you're so amazing! You're not afraid of them at all, even though they're mental patients."

Basking in the nurse's gaze, he smiled faintly.

"Are you free tonight?"

"Yes," the nurse replied shyly. She hadn't expected the director to ask her out. Even though he was married, love could make people blind.

The director patted her shoulder. "Good. Come to my house tonight."

"Ah! Isn't that a bit fast?" The nurse blushed, embarrassed by the thought of such intimate contact so soon.

The director said, "Not at all. My wife is working late, and I don't have time to help my son and daughter with their homework. You can come over and tutor them, and then my wife and I will treat you to supper."

"That's settled then. Get back to work."

The nurse stood there, stunned. Ugh… that dog!

VIP Ward:

Heng Jian Qiu lay in bed, staring bored at the ceiling.

Truly a pragmatic bunch.

He sighed, resigned to lying in the quiet room, gazing out the window at the azure sky. Everything seemed…

Knock, knock!

Lin Fan pushed the door open.


They stood at the doorway, smiling.

Heng Jian Qiu turned, his face changing slightly upon seeing them, but quickly regaining composure. He wouldn't forget Lin Fan. If it weren't for him, he wouldn't be lying here.


A simple response. Nothing more.

He didn't know why they were here. Judging by the carton of milk, they were here to visit him.

But… wasn't a single carton of milk a bit…cheap?

He was a senior official at headquarters, after all.

He didn't expect much, but at least a decent gift would have been appropriate.

If Heng Jian Qiu knew that even the money for the milk was borrowed, he would have been touched to tears.

Lin Fan placed the milk down, walked to the bedside, and asked softly, "Are you alright now?"

Heng Jian Qiu smiled without speaking. Can't you see my leg in a cast? Whether I'm alright or not is pretty obvious. Why even ask?

Lin Fan continued, "I didn't mean to do that yesterday. But you hurt my friend, and I can't allow that. Her name is Hen. She's a great friend. She used to give us two eggs every morning, and now she gives us four."

"If you don't mind, could you apologize to her?"

Lin Fan held the evil rooster, who stared at Heng Jian Qiu in bewilderment.

It felt a flicker of panic.

Inwardly, it roared: Don't take me, this undercover agent, seriously! I, this evil being, just want to live in peace. I have no unreasonable demands.

Heng Jian Qiu narrowed his eyes, putting immense pressure on the evil rooster.

You're making me want to pee again.