Chapter 182: A Contest Between Undercovers

Inside the office.

One-Eyed Man sat in his boss chair, smoking a cigarette and smiling at the few people standing before him.

Gu Ao, Liu Ying, and the others stood there nervously.

Unease was clearly visible on their faces.

To be honest, they were truly afraid.

Trash-talking felt good at the time, but there was always a price to pay. If they could turn back time, they would swear to heaven they wouldn't have said anything, even if it killed them. Unfortunately, there are no do-overs in life. Regret was useless.

"What are you doing?" One-Eyed Man smiled at their cowering figures. "I really do have something for you to do. You don't think I'm so petty as to look for trouble, do you?"

Liu Ying thought, If only it were really just something to do. We're not blind. The people you called in are the ones who were trash-talking you the other day.

Thinking of this, he felt like crying. He had spent all night begging his girlfriend, and in the end, he only got 520 yuan.

His girlfriend said, "I love you."

Was he happy? He was indeed happy. It meant his girlfriend really loved him. But the sad part was that he had worked so hard all night and only coaxed this much money out of her.

Yang Jing, a female member, had been happy when she was trash-talking, but now that happiness had transformed into worry. She knew One-Eyed Man was settling the score, and it made her feel terrible.

"Boss, I suddenly realized you look really manly today," Yang Jing said with a fawning smile, hoping he wouldn't take her previous words to heart and just let her off the hook.

"Really?" One-Eyed Man stroked his chin, taking a silent drag on his cigarette.

Yang Jing hurriedly added, "Definitely! Especially the way you smoke. I've never seen anyone look so handsome doing it."

"I remember you saying something different last time." One-Eyed Man squinted, his meaning clear: Are you telling me the truth? Doesn't seem like it.

Yang Jing feigned surprise. "Did I? I've never said anything like that."

Gu Ao and Liu Ying waited for One-Eyed Man's instructions. Regarding what Yang Jing had said, they could only think, Girl, you're still too naive. Do you really think a few words can appease the boss? Keep dreaming.

One-Eyed Man smiled, enjoying the fear on their faces. It was as if he was telling them, Regret it, do you? Too late now.

They were all adults.

Life wasn't easy.

And they had to pay the price for their actions.

"Alright, it's nothing major. I just have an important task for you. The graduates from the four major academies have arrived, but I've noticed they're not very experienced in combat against evil creatures. They need training, and I'm entrusting this important job to you," One-Eyed Man announced.


"No way."

"Just us?"

They looked at each other, wanting to die. This job might seem good, but they really didn't want it. Training new members was the most difficult task, and it would take up all their spare time, leaving them with no time for anything else.

It was a thankless job.

"Yes, just you. I believe you can do it," One-Eyed Man said.

Liu Ying said, "Boss, just us? Isn't that a bit too few people?"

"Not at all. Too many people can cause problems. I'm entrusting this to you. I have great faith in your abilities." One-Eyed Man smiled, implying that this was definitely not revenge, but simply entrusting them with this important task. Then he waved his hand. "Go get busy. I've already spoken to the other departments."

After everyone left, a smirk crept across One-Eyed Man's face. That meaningful smile seemed to say, Offend me, and I'll make you crumble. How dare you talk bad about me. Outrageous.

Outside the door.

The group walked side by side.

"Sigh, this is revenge," Gu Ao said.

Liu Ying added, "What can we do? He's the boss. What he says goes. Can we rebel?"

Yang Jing complained, "Teaching those newbies… I won't even have time for a spa day."

If only they had known. It was too late for regrets.

On the street.

Lin Fan, accompanied by Lao Zhang, walked around with the hen, like city patrollers, checking on the city's situation. If they encountered anyone who needed help, they would offer assistance immediately.

"They're following us," Lao Zhang whispered, tugging on Lin Fan's sleeve and pointing behind them.

He was a little scared. They had been followed ever since they left work, and the followers were taking pictures with their phones. This frightened Lao Zhang, who had always been afraid of what others might do to them.

Now, he was naturally even more afraid.

Lin Fan turned around and saw many people following them, pointing their phone cameras and snapping pictures.

"I'm scared," Lao Zhang said.

"Don't be afraid. I'm here." Lin Fan put his arm around Lao Zhang's shoulder, reassuring him that no one could hurt him.

What a pure friendship.

Something everyone dreamed of.

A phone rang.

It was Xiao Bao.

Lin Fan answered.

Xiao Bao asked where Lin Fan was. After getting the location, he told Lin Fan to wait there; he would be there soon.

"We'll wait for Xiao Bao here," Lin Fan said.


Lao Zhang shrank his head, warily watching the followers. Although they had encountered strange people on the street before, there had never been so many.

In the distance.

Sun Xiao had arrived early at the special department, lying in wait for Lin Fan. When he saw Lin Fan appear, he immediately ran over excitedly.

"Hey, we meet again! What a coincidence!" Sun Xiao pretended it was a chance encounter, definitely not admitting that he had been waiting there for a long time, hoping to see Lin Fan and then rush out.

Lin Fan smiled. "Hello."

Lao Zhang said, "Hello."

They had met this young man yesterday, a brief encounter, so they were slightly familiar.

Sun Xiao always felt that the big shot's way of speaking was strange, somewhat different from how normal people communicated. But he couldn't pinpoint the problem; he could only say that the big shot's communication style was rather unique.

"Big shot, where are you going?" Sun Xiao asked.

Lin Fan said, "My name is Lin Fan, not Big Shot."

"Yeah, I know, Big Shot." Sun Xiao thought the big shot was really humble. He was so powerful, yet he didn't like being called Big Shot. He naturally knew the big shot's real name.

But he felt that only by calling him Big Shot could he show proper respect.

Lao Zhang gripped Lin Fan's sleeve tightly.

He realized that the young man in front of them seemed to have a problem, like he wasn't quite right in the head.

Lin Fan looked at Lao Zhang, giving him a reassuring look that said, Don't be afraid.

Sun Xiao just wanted to film an episode of the big shot's daily life.

To see what the big shot did on a regular basis.

For example, what were the differences between the big shot and ordinary people? Not only was he curious about this, but the members of the forum were also very curious.

In the distance.

Master Yongxin followed, like an ordinary old man, not attracting anyone's attention. Watching the situation from afar, he muttered to himself, "This is tricky."

He felt the problem was serious. It would be very difficult to continue building a good relationship with them. It would be very difficult to avoid being discovered.


A fleet of luxury cars arrived.

The glow of wealth was always so dazzling, instantly attracting everyone's attention. The thought in everyone's mind was simple: they also wanted to be the owners of such luxury cars.

But for most, it was just a thought.

"Lin Fan, Lao Zhang, get in the car!"

Xiao Bao lowered the car window and shouted. However, when he saw Sun Xiao, a look of "you obviously have an ulterior motive" appeared on his innocent, childish face.

Lin Fan and Lao Zhang were his friends.

And he knew Lin Fan was a mental patient, not quite right in the head, and easily deceived. As his friend, he had to protect his friend and not let anyone take advantage of him.

Sun Xiao saw Lin Fan was about to leave and felt a little helpless.

He really wanted to follow the big shot.

But he found that the rich kid seemed to have something against him, looking at him with vigilance, as if he knew who the bad guy was.

Sun Xiao hesitated, but still mustered the courage to say, "Big shot, can I follow you and record your daily life?"

Just as Lin Fan was about to say "Sure," Xiao Bao interrupted, "No way, the car's a bit small, not enough room for so many people. Driver, let's go."

The driver stepped on the gas.

Immediately afterward, only Sun Xiao was left standing there, bewildered.

"Sigh! This is going to be troublesome. If I want to film the big shot, I have to win over this little brat. Looks like I'll need to put in some effort."

Sun Xiao touched his face.

He didn't think he was ugly; he even had a boy-next-door vibe. Children usually liked to play with him. How could he encounter this situation?

Had his charm decreased recently?

It was possible.

Inside the car.

Xiao Bao hugged Lin Fan's arm and said, "You have to be careful of that guy. He doesn't see you as a friend."

Lin Fan blinked. "We're not friends with him yet."

Those words stung a little.

"Hehe, just trust me, you won't go wrong." Xiao Bao raised his head. "I'm your best friend, and I'll never lie to you."

"Good friend."

"Good friend."

Lin Fan and Lao Zhang smiled.

The evil chicken sat quietly, suddenly sensing a familiar scent. If it guessed correctly, it was the scent of its own kind.

Outside the car, a van drove alongside.

"Mr. Zhou, let's slow down. That's a luxury car next to us. If we accidentally hit it, we can't afford to pay for it." Wang Erdan looked enviously at the long luxury car, longing to own one himself.

In the past, when they were still kidnappers, seeing such a luxury car would have made them think about whether or not to target it.

But now,

Cleaning sewers was their main business. They were making a living with their own hands and no longer needed to do those things.

Zhou Hu said, "Don't worry, Mr. Wang."

They now addressed each other as "Mr. Zhou" and "Mr. Wang."

It sounded classy.

Sitting in the back, the evil Gargamel looked through the window and saw the evil chicken in the luxury car.

Curiosity flickered in his eyes.

A fellow creature…

The evil chicken was also surprised to see the evil Gargamel. It hadn't expected to see an evil creature mingling with humans, and such an ugly one at that. It had even managed to win over humans.

It seemed that this undercover agent was quite capable.

However, the evil chicken felt a slight sense of pride. Look at the shabby car you're riding in, while I'm in a luxury car.

In terms of choosing undercover roles, the evil chicken was clearly a step ahead, and it felt a little smug.

The competition between evil creatures.

It began with this glance.

The evil chicken had a slight upper hand.