Chapter 209: Déjà Vu

Standing atop a skyscraper, the younger demon sister blushed slightly, a hint of anger in her expression as she listened to her older sister's suggestion. Annoying humans! If you hadn't sucked my blood, things wouldn't be so troublesome.

A kiss?

I refuse to kiss a human.

As a demon, I would never do such a thing.

The older demon sister said softly, "I knew you couldn't. Take your time, there's no rush. We'll figure something out. Given the human's condition, he won't be able to digest your blood for a while."

From the moment they gained sentience, they'd been unsure of their purpose. They spent their days in a hazy, chaotic space, sleeping most of the time. Occasionally, they'd appear in a city, deciding its fate through a game.

They didn't enjoy destruction.

But a voice in their minds constantly reminded them: This is your duty. This is why you were brought into existence.

"Sister, I'll think of a better way." The younger demon sister's beautiful eyes watched Lin Fan in the bustling city below. Then, her body gradually dissipated until she vanished without a trace.

The older demon sister remained silent for a long time, then said with pity, "My poor sister."

Down on the street, Lin Fan looked up at the skyscraper. He felt as if someone was watching them, even though he couldn't see anyone.

"What are you looking at?" Old Zhang asked.

Lin Fan shook his head. "Nothing."

The evil rooster trembled. It had just sensed two terrifying auras. Constantly surrounded by such terrifying presences, the undercover evil rooster was completely unnerved. Who could understand its suffering and torment?

April 28th.

A helicopter landed on the roof of the Special Department building.

Jin He Li already knew the details. Headquarters had invited the two mental patients to attend. She suspected headquarters was truly desperate, but based on her investigation, they had made a wise choice.

One of the patients, Lin Fan, was incredibly powerful. She had compiled some specific data, such as the incident with the virtual reality equipment. The overload had been caused by the virtual space generating corresponding evil creatures based on individual mental states. Lin Fan's level was so high that the equipment couldn't keep up, causing it to explode.

This had only happened once before, during the initial development of the equipment. A City Protector level expert had tested it, and the imperfect equipment had malfunctioned similarly.

After improvements, the problem had never resurfaced.

Therefore, she knew Lin Fan's power was off the charts, exceeding even the improved virtual equipment's capacity.

One-Eyed Man stood before Xia Kun Yun, saying gravely, "No matter what, their safety is paramount."

"Understood," Xia Kun Yun replied.

For some reason, One-Eyed Man felt uneasy. He felt they were safer in Yanhai City, under his watch. He worried something might happen away from home.

"If anything happens to them, not only will I not spare you, Hao Ren won't either. You must watch over them, no matter what." One-Eyed Man repeated himself several times to emphasize the seriousness of the matter.

He was genuinely afraid.

After all, these two were mental patients.

Who knew what they might do? He, as the second strongest in Yanhai City, acknowledged Xia Kun Yun as the strongest. But the problem was their mental instability. If their minds faltered, trouble could easily arise.

He even considered going to Xia Du in Lin Fan's place.

But what if evil creatures attacked during their absence? They couldn't rely on the hope that these two would suddenly become lucid and drive the evil creatures away.

Xia Kun Yun said, "Don't you trust me?"

Both One-Eyed Man and Xia Kun Yun froze after this sentence.

It felt strangely familiar, as if someone had been deeply hurt by those words before.

Oh, right, there had been such an incident.

One-Eyed Man had been strolling on campus with his first love when someone challenged him to a fight. He was ready to accept, but his girlfriend's presence was a complication.

Xia Kun Yun had patted his chest and assured him, "I'll take her back. Don't you trust me?"

Perhaps recalling this, Xia Kun Yun hurriedly added, "Don't worry, I'm not that kind of person."

One-Eyed Man gave him a strange look, suspecting he was doing this on purpose. Although so many years had passed, and he had long forgotten, this felt deliberately provocative.

Perhaps realizing he was digging himself deeper, Xia Kun Yun shut his mouth, choosing to say and ask nothing more, leaving One-Eyed Man to interpret his words as he wished.

Lin Fan and Old Zhang pointed at the helicopter, discussing it excitedly.

"Lin Fan, I know what this is! It's a helicopter. I saw it on the news."

"I saw it too, on the news."

"Right, exactly!"

They were like children who had never seen the world, filled with curiosity about new things.

One-Eyed Man approached Lin Fan, patted his shoulder, and said, "Stay safe. If anything feels wrong, run. Safety first."

"Old Zhang and I are very safe," Lin Fan replied.

One-Eyed Man wanted to say something more, but fell silent. Communicating with mental patients was exhausting.

Better to avoid further conversation. Safe travels.

Soon, the rotors whirred.

Rumble! Rumble!

The helicopter lifted off and flew towards the distance.

One-Eyed Man watched the receding silhouette, his brow furrowed in thought. He didn't know what the future held, but he hoped everything would go smoothly.

He took out his phone and called Hao Ren.

He was still afraid of bearing the responsibility.

He told Hao Ren that Xia Kun Yun from Xia Du headquarters had persuaded Lin Fan to go to headquarters to participate in an activity – searching for the legendary Bai Yun.

Hao Ren was calm on the phone.

But his calmness only lasted a few seconds.

A furious roar erupted from the phone, deafeningly loud. He unleashed a torrent of abuse at One-Eyed Man, threatening to chop him to pieces in his office if anything happened.

One-Eyed Man held the phone away from his ear, letting Hao Ren vent. He then returned to his office, hands clasped behind his back. There was still much work to be done.

Many people had arrived in Yanhai City recently. Their backgrounds appeared normal upon initial investigation, but the more normal things seemed, the more suspicious they became. Were they members of the Shadow Society? It was hard to say.

On the helicopter, Xia Kun Yun looked at Lin Fan curiously, then glanced at the evil rooster they held in their arms. He was intrigued, but One-Eyed Man had warned him that the rooster was their pet and not to provoke it.

"Your pet is very cute," Xia Kun Yun said, smiling as he stroked the evil rooster's head.

Lin Fan replied, "Thank you for the compliment."

The evil rooster tucked its head in, afraid to move. The hand stroking it was dangerous. A slight movement could be fatal.

It could only try its best to remain calm.

Don't panic.