Chapter 1: Avada Kendavia

Chapter 1: Avada Kendavia

July 29, 1990, Muller Orphanage, London.

"As you have heard, Mr. Kendavia, you are also a wizard."

"So, now, please tell me, are you willing to go to Hogwarts, to learn magic, and join the magical world?"

Avada Kendavia sat nervously. On the table in front of him was an envelope with a big letter "H" written on it, surrounded by four animals: a lion, a snake, an eagle, and a badger.

At the other end of the table, there was a white-haired old man wearing half-moon glasses, with a crooked hooked nose, a frighteningly long white beard, but a very kind and gentle face. He was smiling at the boy in front of him with his blue eyes, waiting for his choice.

But Avada Kendavia dared not move.

There was no way he could move. In his perception, Albus Dumbledore in front of him was like a magnificent star, shining like an emperor, ruling all the magic and matter around him. Although his face was kind and his mental fluctuations showed that he was indeed very patient at the moment, he still felt suffocated.

This was not Dumbledore's active emanation of pressure but rather Avada's unique talent, "magical senses."

Avada Kendavia was a transmigrator; his body and mind in this life were fully developed, and he could think clearly. Then he was surprised to find that he had one more sense than in his previous life.

It was a sense that did not belong to any of the five normal senses and was somewhat similar to the "divine consciousness" described in novels about cultivators and immortals. With this sense, the world he "saw" was composed of countless complex lines and blocks of color. In addition to the corresponding structure of everything in his eyes, those places that seemed to be empty also had lines and blocks of color, but they were much simpler, more regular, and more solid.

The only special thing was the human body - under that kind of perception, each person had two circles of glow, one red and one gold, around their body, which contained countless extremely complex structures, while the middle was completely blank, as if there were no bones or internal organs.

Gradually, Avada discovered that he seemed to be able to influence the golden glow on his body through thinking, emotions, organizing language, and controlling his body, controlling it to extend outward and produce specific fluctuations, touching and affecting the structure of all things in the world. After continuous exploration and experimentation, he successfully found the model structure that symbolized "gravity" and disassembled it with his own golden glow, making a pen float.

The method was very simple; just wave your arms a few times and say "Wingardium Leviosa."

He realized then that this was the world of Harry Potter.

As a veteran fan of the original novel, he remembered the spell of the levitation chant clearly.

The lines and blocks of color he sensed were probably the so-called magic. In his perception, the material world floated on the magic, like floating ice on the ocean. The flow of seawater could interfere with ice, and seawater and ice could also transform into each other. The same was true for matter and magic.

After his long-term observation, the two circles of red and golden light revealed their identities: they were the vitality and spiritual power of the human body.

Then, there was the letter that arrived yesterday, and Albus Dumbledore's recent visit.

"Of course, I do!"

Finally, Avada nodded heavily and accepted the invitation from Dumbledore.

"Very good."

Dumbledore smiled and nodded but then his smile faded. "According to standard procedures, I should have taken you to Diagon Alley to collect the scholarship for Muggle-born students and buy wands and other equipment. However, your situation is special, and I hope you can go somewhere else with me first."

"Where are we going?" Avada asked, and was also curious about what made Dumbledore feel special about him - it couldn't be because of his outrageous name, right? Using the spell "Avada Kedavra" as his name, he shouldn't be sent to Azkaban, right?

"Ministry of Magic."

Without waiting for Avada to show surprise, Dumbledore stood up and pushed open the door. "Relax, that's not a place to be nervous about. They are only responsible for maintaining the basic order of the wizarding world and ensuring that the wizarding world will not be discovered by Muggles - people who don't know magic."

"Professor Dumbledore, are you finished?"

After hearing the sound of the door opening, a young woman in uniform came over and looked at the strangely dressed old man with curiosity.

"It went well. Mr. Kendavia has agreed to study at Hogwarts." Dumbledore responded with a smile. "I want to take him to visit the school first and maybe buy some school supplies. No need to pack. We'll be back soon."

"Okay, Professor Dumbledore."

"Thank you, Mrs. Green," Avada said, smiling and thanking Mrs. Green for her blessing, then followed Dumbledore out of the orphanage and came to the street outside. After walking for a while, he turned a few corners and entered a secluded alley.

"The feeling of Apparition may be a little difficult for you to accept..."

Dumbledore muttered to himself and thought for a while, then stretched out his hand and waved: "Fawkes."

A brilliant firelight flashed beside Dumbledore, and a beautiful big red bird emerged from it - the phoenix Fawkes.

There was a hint of surprise in Avada's eyes. Not only was the light on Fawkes dazzling, but the structure contained within it was countless times more complex than that of a human. He felt a sharp pain in his head after just a brief observation.

"Take my arm."

Dumbledore ordered, and Avada knew what was going to happen next, so he held Dumbledore's arm tightly. The next moment, his vision was filled with red flames.

By the time the flames died down, the scene before his eyes had completely changed.

In front of him was a magnificent hall with a dark wood floor that was polished to a brilliant shine. The peacock blue ceiling was inlaid with glittering golden symbols that kept moving and changing, like a huge bulletin board in the sky. The walls on all four sides were inlaid with dark, shiny black wood panels, with densely packed gilded fireplaces inlaid in between.

There was a fountain in the middle of the foyer. In the middle of a circular pool stood a group of pure gold statues. The tallest of them was a noble wizard, holding his wand high up, pointing to the sky. Surrounding him were a beautiful witch, a centaur, a goblin, and a house-elf.

"Welcome to the Ministry of Magic, Professor Dumbledore."

Seeing the iconic fire, the receptionist of the Ministry of Magic immediately stepped forward and said respectfully.

"The Mysterious Man of the Department of Mysteries is waiting for you; please follow me."

"So, Professor Dumbledore, what are we doing here?" Avada asked curiously.

"Deal with your name."

Dumbledore's face was a little serious. "You don't know yet; your name has an extremely evil meaning in the wizarding world. Using this as a name is basically the same as a curse. This will cause you to encounter all kinds of troubles in your future life."

"And according to my research, your name seems to come from the Department of Mysteries of the Ministry of Magic, a department that specializes in studying all kinds of secrets and unknowns."

"In order to prevent my students from being used as experimental subjects, there are some things I must clarify myself. This is also the reason why I came to see you in person. Generally speaking, the work of guiding students is usually done by professors who have free time."

Avada's pupils shrank. The Department of Mysteries was the most mysterious institution in the original book, and it studied cutting-edge fields such as time, space, and destiny. How could a Muggle orphan like him be related to them?