Chapter 7: No Azkaban

Chapter 7: No Azkaban, No Azkaban

At the same time, the Sorting Hat's whispers began to echo in his mind.

"Hmm... Fuck! That's your name!"

Avada's eyes twitched, and he quickly whispered, "No Azkaban, no Azkaban..."

"Not going to Azkaban?" the Sorting Hat asked in a faint voice. "Have you made up your mind? You can achieve great things. You know that in your mind, Azkaban can help you achieve glory. There is no doubt about it..."

"What the hell?!" Avada was shocked and angry.

"Haha, just kidding. Who made you so nervous? Don't worry, I don't have the ability to put anyone into Azkaban, and I won't do anything to you because of your name..."

The Sorting Hat laughed, then began to analyze seriously.

"You don't seem very brave, lack courage and drive, and are hesitant. So not suitable for Gryffindor..."

"You don't have much ambition, nor do you have a strong desire to control. So even Slytherin won't do..."

"mmm, you are very curious, has a strong desire for knowledge, and has your own set of logical thinking..."

"You are kind-hearted, hardworking, and values friendship and reputation, seems to like cooking..."

"Which one should I choose? Which one should I choose..."

Avada's face twitched again, and he really wanted to ask what was happening.

The Sorting Hat hesitated for three minutes before saying with difficulty, "Then... Hufflepuff!"


Avada smiled slightly; this was pretty much the result he expected.

So he stood up and walked to the Hufflepuff table amid cheers and applause and chose a seat at the back, next to a handsome brown-haired young wizard.

"Cedric Diggory, second year, nice to meet you, Ken," the boy named Cedric smiled and extended his hand to Avada.

Avada returned the greeting and shook hands and understood that this person was Cedric Diggory, the only representative of Hufflepuff in the original book, who died tragically at the hands of Voldemort, was reincarnated as a vampire, and finally became Batman.

But this time, I'm here, so I won't let him die.

"Would you mind telling me?" Just as he was thinking, Cedric poked Avada and asked in a low voice, "What's the matter with your name? Why doesn't even the professor pronounce your full name?"

"I'm sorry." Avada smiled bitterly: "Professor Dumbledore told me not to reveal my name to others easily."

"Professor Dumbledore?!"

Cedric's reaction was exactly the same as Baron and Cho's. "Okay, I'll tell others not to ask for your name. But don't worry, it won't affect your life in Hufflepuff. No one will care about it."

"Thank you." Avada said gratefully.

As the two were talking, the Sorting Ceremony came to an end. After the last freshman was sorted into Ravenclaw, Dumbledore stood up, stretched out his arms to the students with joy, and smiled very happily.

"Welcome everyone! Welcome to Hogwarts!"

"I know everyone must be starving and can't wait to have a big meal. But I'm sorry, before the meal starts, I have an important announcement. That is, I want to welcome this year's new professor to join our team."

He turned around and looked at someone in the teacher's seat, signaling him to stand up with his eyes, and then continued:

"Professor Benjamin Baker will be the professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts. He is a director of the International Defense Against the Dark Arts League. In his early years, he had adventures in Greece, Eastern Europe, and Africa, defeating countless dark wizards and dark creatures. He has extremely rich experience in dealing with dark magic. I believe that under his guidance, your defense against the dark arts will be greatly improved."

In the teacher's seat, a handsome man who looked to be in his thirties or forties stood up with a smile amid applause and waved to the students. He was tall and thin and looked gentle and refined, like a gentleman, without any trace of having experienced the vicissitudes of life.

"Well, now I only have three words to say." Dumbledore smiled and raised his hand, looking at the students: "Let's eat!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the empty plates were instantly filled with all kinds of food, emitting a warm aroma. The dishes were so varied that even Avada, who had lived two lives, couldn't recognize them all. British food, Italian food, French food, Turkish food, Russian food, and even some standard-looking Chinese and Japanese food...

But think about it,...with the pitiful number of main courses in the UK, it is really difficult to support a large banquet; only the desserts after the meal are acceptable.


Someone screamed loudly, but it was not because of the sudden appearance of delicious food - but dozens of translucent, pearly white ghosts suddenly appeared from the walls and under the tables, floating in the auditorium with different emotions.

"Hey, freshman?"

A chubby man passed by Avada and a group of Hufflepuff freshmen and said, "Welcome to Hufflepuff, and I wish you a happy study and life in the next seven years."

"Thank you very much. May I ask who you are?"

"This is the Fat Friar, the ghost of Hufflepuff House." A sturdy student who looked like a rugby player explained, "He was a clergyman when he was alive. But later, the senior clergy suspected that his method of curing smallpox was just to poke farmers with a stick, and he was always in the habit of conjuring rabbits from the chalice, so he was eventually executed."

"Well, there's no need to talk about the past, Truman." The fat monk said dissatisfiedly.

Cedric also added: "Hufflepuff's results in History of Magic basically rely on him for tutoring. After all, Professor Binns's class is really..."

As he spoke, he picked up a piece of food he had never seen before with a fork and tasted it, then exclaimed: "What is this? It tastes great and is very new!"

Avada recognized the dish immediately and tried a piece of it, raising her eyebrows slightly.

"It's roast goose in Chinese cuisine. It tastes pretty authentic."

"It seems that the kitchen elves have expanded their menu a lot." Cedric couldn't help but fork another piece and put it into his mouth. After swallowing it, he smacked his lips with satisfaction. "The food at the start-of-term banquet is usually the most abundant in the year, so there will be a variety of dishes that are not usually available. I don't know when I can eat this kind of... uh, roast goose again?"

"If you're really hungry, you can try to get on good terms with Cho, the Chinese girl who was just sorted into Ravenclaw." Avada was working on a piece of chicken pot pie and suggested, "I talked to her about it on the train. Her family has Chinese ancestors. Maybe she can cook this dish."

After saying this, he suddenly froze for a moment.

In the original book, Cedric and Cho seemed to be a couple?

If what he said just now really contributed to the relationship between Cedric and Cho, then was it a coincidence or fate? Just like what Trelawney predicted?

When everyone had filled their stomachs, the remaining food disappeared from the plates in an instant, and the plates and knives and forks became clean again. Dumbledore stood up again, and the restaurant (Hall) returned to silence.

"Now that everyone is well fed and well drunk, I think I'd like to say a few words to you all. I want to give you a few things to keep in mind at the beginning of the term."

"First years, please note that students are prohibited from entering the woods on campus. Some of our older classmates should also remember this. In addition, the caretaker Mr. Filch also asked me to remind everyone not to perform magic in the corridors during class breaks."

"Also, the review of Quidditch players will be held in the second week of this semester. Students who are interested in joining the house team should contact Madam Hooch."

"Then finally..."

Avada keenly noticed that the professors' faces twitched.

"Before going to bed, let's sing the school song together!" Dumbledore waved his hand happily, and rows of glowing lyrics appeared in the air: "Everyone choose your favorite tune, ready - sing!"

That night, Avada witnessed what it meant to be a riot of demons.

"Hogwarts, Hogwarts, Hogwarts, Hogwarts, please teach us knowledge~"

"Whether we are old men with bald heads or children with broken knees~"

"Our minds can take in some interesting things, because right now they're empty, full of air, dead flies and trivia~"

"Teach us some valuable knowledge and return to us what we have forgotten~"

"Just do your best, and leave the rest to us. We will study hard until we are reduced to dust..."

Wait, which little idiot sang the tune of the Ilvermorny school song?!

(End of this chapter)

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