"How can you hide it from your best friend" shouted Mick from the other side of the cell phone.

Raheel who is still in sleep asked, "What are you talking about? Let me continue my sleep."

Mick instantly replied, "First you make an appearance and make the whole world go crazy and now your grandfather just revealed that you are engaged to Vedant Sharma."

The name Vedant Sharma, made Raheel fully awake from his sleep as he asked, "What did my grandpa do?" Mick repeated himself once again as this time Raheel heard it in complete somberness. So he replied, "Well, someday it was about to be revealed to the world and if my grandfather said that then there would be reason behind it."

Mick stood there in shock as he didn't know what to say to his best friend to his bad luck, he was in London for the shoot of his new series but he mentally made a note to video call Raheel and asked for the details later.

"So I guess, I'll call you later got to go back to set for filming" said Mick. To Raheel's surprise his grandpa wasn't at home as after the interview he left for his office.

Raheel ate the breakfast as after breakfast he called his grandpa.

"Good morning grandpa" greeted Raheel. As Ahmad wished his grandson a very good noon. As both the guys stayed silent for a minute or two.

After that Raheel broke the silence by saying, "I'll be going out with Mr. Vedant in the evening." Ahmad chuckled as he replied, "Looks like you two are going on a date." A blush appeared on Raheel's cheeks as it turned his cheeks red like a cherry tomato.

"It's not a date, we are just going out to spend time knowing each other" replied Raheel. Ahmad laughed as he said, "I know about it before hand as Vedant had already called me and let me know about it."

Raheel only hummed as he talked with grandpa for an hour and after that he got showered, changed into a green tshirt and a blue jeans. He did his hairs clicked a selfie and send it to his grandpa.

Ahmad was in meeting with his new business partners for the new mall project when he received a notification from his grandson.

Ahmad excused himself, as he took his cellphone and looked at the selfie send by his grandson. Everyone saw Ahmad smiling while looking at the cellphone as Ahmad called his secretary and said, "Make sure that this picture gets a good frame. As I wanna cherish the memory of my grandson going on his first date."

Prithvi had a bitter expression on his face when he heard that but he immediately calmed himself as they all began the planning of things.

Meanwhile a knock was heard on the door as Raheel walked towards the door to open it only to see Vedant in white shirt and black pants. He smiled looking at his date as Raheel asked him to come inside.

Vedant shaked his head as he replied, "No we will get late if I step inside." Raheel told the maid that he is leaving as he walked out with Vedant. Vedant purposely hold Raheel's hand as he liked the feeling of having his big hand in the hands of Raheel.

They both sat in the car as Vedant himself drove them. Raheel asked where they would be going but Vedant only said that it's a surprise. As Vedant played "Lover By Taylor Swift". Raheel looked at Vedant in surprise as Vedant give him a smile and said, "I know your favorites. So you don't need to worry."

Before Raheel could say anything the car stopped as Vedant said, "We are here." As Raheel stepped out of the car his inner child gets awaken as he excitedly jumped and said, "Amusement Park."

He immediately hugged Vedant who hugged him back as he said, "If you wanted to hug him that badly than we can go back home and spend time cuddling while knowing each other."

Raheel's cheeks turned red in shyness as he quickly pulled out from hug and while looking down said, "I guess I got more excited. It's been long since I have visited amusement park."

Vedant took Raheel's hand in his as if they are something precious as he started walking and said, "I know that, that's why we are here."

To Raheel's surprise the whole park is empty as there was not a single people other than the staff of the amusement park and before Raheel could ask Vedant said, "I booked the whole park for us. It's not like I don't like crowd and all. It's that I don't want anyone to see you or compliments you or try to approach you I'll get jealous and I might do something that will not be good."

Raheel chuckled hearing that as he replied, "So Mr. Vedant Sharma can also get jealous." Vedant hold Raheel's hand tightly as he replied in Raheel's ear, "If it's you I can be possessive and jealous too."

Raheel once again felt his cheeks turning red as he knew that today he is going to blush alot. Both the guys welcomed by the staff who guided them as to where which ride is situated. Raheel looked at Vedant and asked which one to go first?

Vedant hold the hands of Raheel and started walking as he stopped in front of Go Kart.

They wore helmet and sat in their respective car as both of them started driving. Sometimes Vedant would hit Raheel's car, while sometimes Raheel would hit Vedant's car. Vedant had his bodyguards followed him as one of them recorded their happy moments because Vedant wanted to record it and watch those happy moments.

Than they moved to the cup and saucer as they sat close to each other and enjoyed the ride. Raheel than excitedly goes to jumping jack as he jumped on it and Vedant secretly clicked the pictures.

Vedant than once again held Raheel's hand as the staff clicked some of their pictures together. They sat in a cafe and ordered food.

As Vedant than looked at Raheel and said, "Let's talk until our food arrives."