The Lying Witch and Warden

A young man wearing a white hoodie and a pair of green steam punk goggles with a target logo on the lenses was being escorted to the principal's office. He had short brown hair and an olive brown skin complexion with a small scar over his right eyebrow and had one dark brown eye and the other eye being gray. When he opened the door a Dominican woman wearing a blue nurse outfit was waiting with the principal and a young Dominican girl the same age as the boy was sitting down. "Looks like I'm not the only one who got busted" he said with an awkward smile. "Mijo, come in we have to talk about what you both did" said the woman who was the young boy's mom. "Cruz Noceda you really made a mess out of the science lab today. The little concoction you made ended up being highly gaseous and when the temperature in that room rose it ended up causing a small explosion. Luckily no one was hurt but still, the room received a lot of burn marks. How are you planning to repair them?" asked the principal.

"I can always pay for the damages that were made," said Cruz sheepishly. The principal turned to the woman, Camila Noceda, who only nodded confirming what her son had said. "Well regardless it's still a reckless thing to have done, we'll have to see about your punishment as well as your twin sister's" he said. "What did you do Luz?" Cruz asked his twin "honestly nothing it was just my book report" she said while holding her Azura doll and a live snake. "Your book report is why you're here in the first place" said the principal as a group of children ran in the hall with snakes covering their heads. "Oh so that's where the backup snakes went" said Luz with a smile "I told you I could've just built you some fake snakes hermana" said Cruz.

"And what were you going to do with this?" asked Camila holding a firework with two smaller ones attached to it with tape. "That was for the act three closer," said Luz looking down. "Wait, you took the fireworks from my room?" asked Cruz "you did make some good ones last time" said Luz "well true I'll give you that" "mija I love that you express yourself creatively, and mijo I love that you're always thinking of new things to help out your sister and to see how things work, but if you two don't shape up you'll have to spend the summer here" said Camila holding two pamphlets to her kids that said reality check camp. "I promise you mama I won't let you down, no more weirdness" said Luz as the snake in her hand jumped and latched onto the principle. "Oof tough break but I'm still good" said Cruz before an explosion could be heard from the other side of the school. "Timing is everything, am I right" he said with a deadpanned look. "Do those two count? Please tell me they don't" said Luz sheepishly.

Later outside of Noceda home

Luz and Cruz were holding their bags with some sleeping bags and Cruz was looking over some of his old notes to see where his experiment went wrong while Luz was holding her favorite book, the good witch Azura. "Oh my babies" said Camila hugging Luz and Cruz "don't worry summer camp is only three months you two will be busy balancing checkbooks and…appreciating public radio the time will just fly by" she said "but, I don't like any of that stuff I like editing anime clips to music and reading fantasy books with complicated back stories" Luz said holding up her book for her mom to see. "Yeah and I honestly just like spending my time in my lab finding new stuff to work on and fixing old stuff up" said Cruz, holding up his notes. "Mija your fantasy world is holding you back, do you have any friends besides your brother? Not imaginary, or drawn, or reptilian? And mijo, your experiments can be good but you also need to take a minute to slow down and just live in the moment, you don't have friends besides your sister either" said Camila. As she said this both Noceda siblings walked towards the trash can holding up their book and notebook respectively.

"Summer camp is a chance to make some new friends but only if you try, can you do that for me please?" "Yes mom" said Luz as she put her book in the trash "I'll try too mama" said Cruz as he put his notebook in the trash too. Camila's phone began to beep letting her know that it was time to get to work. "Whoops I'm going to be late, the bus will be here soon. Text me when you get there, cuídense mucho mis niños que les vaya bien" said Camila in Spanish.

"Bye mom" said Luz sadly "take care at work mom" said Cruz as he looked towards their mom driving away. As soon as she had left Luz had jumped towards the trash and began to dig around for her book desperately. "Where is it?! Where is it?!" exclaimed Luz in desperation. "Luz look," said Cruz to his sister as they saw a little brown owl holding a bag of trash with Luz's book and Cruz's notebook hanging in it. "Tiny trash thief!" exclaimed Luz as she ran after the owl with her brother following close behind her. The owl quickly ran into a shack behind some trees, when the siblings saw this they hesitated for a moment before rushing in to catch the owl and their belongings.

As the owl ran past a door with a large yellow eye on it still holding the bag Luz and Cruz followed behind it before the door closed. "Stop hoping away, you adorable little…" began Luz before noticing their surroundings. "Are we in a tent?" asked Cruz "whoa, I thought I had a lot of weird stuff but this…this is impressive" said Luz holding up a crocodile doll with its head changed for a baby doll head hanging with a coat hanger and one of its arms changed for a fork. "You do have a lot of weird stuff but at least it's not this weird" said Cruz.

"Finally! You're back!" said a woman from outside the tent startling Luz and making her drop the doll. As Luz and Cruz opened the flap of the tent they saw a woman with long and large silver hair wearing a red dress and the owl that had stolen their book was next to her flapping above a wooden stick. When the owl landed on the stick the woman began to spin the owl, turning it into a wooden owl decoration earning a gasp from the Noceda siblings. "Now then let's see what we've got here" said the woman as she began to dig into the bag she fished out a phone followed by a diamond ring and a glowing chalice. "Garbage, garbage, garage" the woman gasped as she spotted something in the bag that clearly had more value to her than the three items. "Now this" she said as she put on a pair of glasses with fake eyes attached with slinky rings "this will make me rich, and these, well these can make some decent kindling" said the woman holding up Luz's book and Cruz's notebook as she put them over an open fire and was going to begging burning them.

"Sorry excuse me that's mine" said Luz as she grabbed her book from the woman "yeah and this one's mine thanks but bye" said Cruz as he snatched the notebook and ran towards the door with Luz that they had come out of. Before they could reach the door it had closed and folded up to turn into a briefcase. "You're not going anywhere" said the woman with a scowl showing off her single golden fang. "Book it hermana!" yelled Cruz as he and Luz ran out the back of the tent and stopped abruptly before falling off a cliff. When they saw over the cliff they could see a town and what looked like large ribs surrounding and going over it. A large dragon was seen flying over the town before a hand reached out and grabbed it and dragged it down to possibly be eaten.

"Oh no no no what's going on?" asked Luz as she and Cruz backed away from the cliff. Luz gave a shriek as she saw a large pink fairy approaching her. "Oh hello little fairy are you going to tell me this is all a fantastical dream?" asked Luz hopefully "give me your skin!" yelled the fairy, baring its very large fangs at Luz and Cruz. "Nope, none of that!" exclaimed Cruz as he sent the fairy flying by smacking it away using his notebook. "Where are we? Did we die? Are we in the bad place?" asked Luz slightly disturbed "why is that your first thought?" asked Cruz, equally disturbed by his surroundings. "You wish" said the same woman as she placed a hand on both Luz and Cruz's shoulders.

The woman dragged both of the Noceda's to the tent before placing them both on a stool sitting in front of her. "I'm really sorry I just wanted my book back, if you're going to eat my skin please just make it quick" said Luz fearfully "oh nah you ain't eating us we ain't going down without a fight first" said Cruz getting ready to defend his sister. "First of all I like your spunk kid" said the lady pointing to Cruz " and second of all, eat you? Why would I eat…a potential customer!" exclaimed the lady happily confusing both Luz and Cruz. "Can I offer you this human foot filled with holes?" she said holding up a croc then held up a deodorant stick "how about this green human candy or how about this human shadow box that only reflects sadness" she said as she held up an old battery powered tv.

Luz chuckled at how wrong the lady was describing regular things from her home. "That's not all it can do," she said as she grabbed a pair of batteries from the bowl labeled human candy before she noticed that one of them was too small. "This ones too small, what do we do Cruz?" Luz asked her brother "no problem give me a sec" he said as he grabbed a piece of foil that was laying on the table before putting it on the battery from the positive side and placing both batteries in the tv. When the batteries were put into the tv it came to life showing a workout video that was already inside of it. "There we go, back in business," said Cruz, happy with his work. When the video was playing a lot of the people were attracted to the music and began to gather around the stand.

"I'll pay forty snails for the screaming box!" yelled one of the customers "I'll give you 100!" yelled another "can I eat the tiny person inside?" asked a third before all of the customers began to clamor about the tv and making bids for it. "What did you say your names were?" asked the woman "I'm Luz, Luz Noceda and this is my twin brother Cruz Noceda" said Luz introducing herself and her brother. "We'll you two that was pretty clever…for a couple of humans" said the woman as she took the money from the customers. "That's kind of a weird thing for another human to say" said Luz nonchalantly "seriously you're acting like you're not like us" said Cruz matter of factly. "Oh dear children, I'm not like you" said the woman taking off her green bandana showing off her pointy ears. "I'm Eda the Owl Lady, the most powerful witch on the Boiling Isles!" exclaimed Eda as she stood up on the table. "A witch?" asked Luz "wait seriously that's crazy" said Cruz shocked.

"I am a respected, feared-" started Eda before getting interrupted "busted!" said someone slamming their fist on the tv breaking it. "Run it's a guard!" yelled a customers as everyone ran in different directions. "Eda the Owl Lady, you are wanted for misuse of magic and misdemeanors!" said the guard holding up a wanted poster of Eda along with a small gray creature. "Whoa! Witch criminal" said Luz hiding by crouching next to the table. "Not a good thing Luz" said Cruz hiding next to his sister. "You are ordered to come with me to the conformatorium" said the guard grabbing onto Eda's arm.

"Would you guys quit following me around? I haven't done squat" said Eda as she pulled her arm back crossing both arms in annoyance. "And you're coming too, for fraternizing with a criminal" said the guard holding up Luz and Cruz startling the siblings. "What! That's not cool!" said Luz holding herself up defensively "hey man we haven't done anything!" said Cruz getting ready to punch the guard "alright alright you win. Just let me get my stuff" said Eda as she reached for something under the table. When she came back up she had her staff in the hand and was about to smack the guard with it before she saw that Cruz had beaten her to it. Cruz had swung his arm and punched the guard in the face forcing him to drop both him and Luz onto the ground.

"Very impressive human" said Eda as she began to hold up her things in the air using magic. "Whoops can't forget this" said Eda pulling out a brown key with a yellow eye on it before pressing on the eye bringing the portal suitcase to her. "Follow me humans" said Eda as she began to run away from the guard with her things in a green bag. "This is crazy if I die here my mom's gonna kill me" said Luz running along side Eda "yeah and if you die then I'm really dead since I'm supposed to be responsible" said Cruz catching up to his sister. "Ha! I wont let them hurt you. A couple of humans like you are more valuable to me alive than dead" said Eda with a smirk. "Wait what's that supposed to-" began Luz before Eda grabbed her Cruz and threw them on her staff and flying off with them. "You won't get away with this Owl Lady! Yeah, alright. You did. You got away with it. She got away with it, everybody! Typical" said the guard in frustration.

High in the air Luz was squeezing her eyes shut while hugging her book while Cruz had his eyes closed due to the wind gust when they had taken off. "You can open your eyes now humans" said Eda. Luz and Cruz opened their eyes seeing how far in the air they were being startled. Cruz had grabbed on the staff tighter in excitement and Luz almost fell off before grabbing onto the staff and hugging it tight. "Flying staff, crazy monsters, you're a witch! What is this place!" exclaimed Luz as Eda pulled her back up onto the staff. "This place looks amazing" said Cruz with a smile on his face seeing all of the trees. "This is the Boiling Isles. Every myth you humans have is caused by a little of our world leaking into yours" said Eda "you've got to be kidding me" said Cruz "not even a bit kid" said Eda before a large griffin flew past them roaring into the air.

"A griffin!" exclaimed Luz in excitement seeing the creature before it threw up spiders from its mouth. "I knew it!" said Luz being happy that she was right about the relation with griffins and spiders. "Well you were kinda right, you said it had spider breath and that's more like spider vomit" said Cruz smirking at his sister. "Still got its look right" said Luz smugly earning a grumble from Cruz about his sister being a brat. "Yep griffins, vampires, giraffes" listed off Eda earring confused looks from both siblings. "Giraffes?" asked Luz "oh yeah we banished those guys, bunch of freaks" said Eda as they landed in a forest. "I took a picture with them at the zoo when I was little" said Cruz in whispered voice. When Eda got off of her staff Luz turned and saw that her hand was still attached to it before being startled and falling off the staff. "Holy! Your hand's still here!"exclaimed Cruz seeing the hand.

"Oh yeah sorry that happens sometimes" said Eda as she screwed her hand back into place. "Well I've had enough adventure for one day. This is clearly not the PG fantasy world I've always dreamed about, so can you help us get back home?" asked Luz before Eda pointed her staff at her. "Only if you two help me first" said Eda before noticing Cruz had grabbed some stuff from a tree nearby "that means you too explorer, now come along humans" she said as she walked away with her sack floating behind her. "Oh come on, what could we possibly-whoa" said Cruz before he saw that large cottage home with a large yellow window in the front that looked like an eye along with a large gray stone tower behind it. "Whoa is right" agreed Luz as she followed Eda and Cruz.

"Aren't you worried about those guards finding us?" asked Luz looking around for anyone that followed them "might not be too easy sis, I mean we did fly all the way here. Not exactly the easiest thing to track from the ground" said Cruz reassuring her. "The kid is right but also, my house has a state-of-the-art defense system" said Eda proudly.

"Hoot hoot! Password, please" said the owl looking doorknob before Eda poked it in both of its eyes. "We got not time for this Hooty, let us in" said Eda annoyed at her door. "Alright, alright! Geez! You never wanna have fun! Ow! Hoot!" said the door Hooty annoyed at getting his eyes poked before he opened his mouth letting the three inside of the cottage.

"Welcome to…" began Eda snapping her fingers "…the Owl House" she finished as the house seemed to come to life as objects began to move around and candles lit themselves. Luz and Cruz began to look around absolutely amazed at the sights that were in the house unlike anything that they ever seen before. "This is where I hide away from the pressures of modern life. Also the cops, also ex-boyfriends" said Eda with a chuckle. "This place is beautiful! Do you live here all by yourself?" asked Luz setting her book down "it's seriously so impressive! But she's right all this for yourself?" asked Cruz with a grin before hearing large footsteps coming from the stairs. "Actually, I have a roommate" said Eda crossing her arms in annoyance

"Who dares intrude upon I,the king of demons!" said a small little gray creature with a skull mask with two little tusk fangs coming from the front of its mouth, and its eyes had yellow sclera and magenta pupils. The little creature had with two yellow duck towels one wrapped around its waist and the other on its head. The little creature was holding up a small yellow rubber bath duck before squeezing it earning a squeak from the duck. When Luz saw the little demon she gasped sharply before rushing to scoop up the little creature "Ay Que lindo!" she excitedly exclaimed.

"Eda, he's so cute!" she said snuggling the little demon "who's a widdle guy? Who's a widdle guy? Is it you? Is it you?" she said talking to him like a small baby. "No! I don't know who your little guy is! Eda, who is this monster?!" exclaimed the demon trying to get away "oh this is Luz, the human and the one over there trying not laugh is her twin brother Cruz" said Eda holding Luz back as she tried to get away and back to snuggling the small bone demon and true to what Eda had said Cruz was trying to hold in his laughter at his sisters antics. "They're here to help us out with our little…situation" said Eda putting Luz down after she had calmed down. "Oh hooray!" said the little demon happily. "Wait wait wait, im not liking the sound of this situation" said Luz backing up a bit. "She's right you know, what kind of situation could you have that needs a couple of powerless humans to solve it?" asked Cruz as he put a bottle in his bag "what'd you put in your bag?" asked Luz in a whisper as Eda had her back turned to Cruz. "Don't worry about it" said Cruz nonchalantly.

"Just…let me explain" said Eda as she drew a large yellow circle in the air using her fingers. Inside of the circle an image started to appear of a large gray demon with a skull head. "King was once a mighty king of demons. Until his crown of power was stolen and he became…this" said Eda pointing to King who was being held up by Luz again. "You mean this little bundle of joy?" asked Luz snuggling up to King. "The crown is being held by the evil warden wrath and being locked away behind a magical force field that only a human can break through, a couple of humans like you two. If you help us retrieve his crown, then we'll send you two back to your realm. So what'd ya say? Plus who can say no to this cute face?" asked Eda holding up king from his head. "No! Please don't encourage her!" exclaimed king as Eda dropped him. "I mean we're kinda your only way home" said Eda "she makes a good point" said Cruz with a shrug "so we kinda don't have a choice, huh?" "Nope! Now we've got no time to lose!" said Eda as she picked up Luz and Cruz. "Soon Mr.Ducky, we will drink the fear of those who mocked us!" said king as he picked up the rubber duck and started to follow after Eda. "Where are we going?" asked Luz "somewhere supper fun" said Eda with a knowing smile.

Eda had taken to two Noceda siblings to a large castle suspended in the air surrounded by large walls and most windows blocked by metal bars.

"Yeah we need to work on your definition of fun lady" said Cruz with a deadpanned look. "The conformatorium, a place for those considered unsuitable for society" said Eda with an annoyed look. "So its basically like a prison?" asked Cruz "pretty much yeah" responded Eda "whoa! These guys really got the hots for you" said Luz holding up a wanted poster of Eda and King "yep but we were never caught because were too slippery" said Eda proudly "try to catch me when im covered in grease. I'm a squirmy little fella" said King from the top of Luz's head before jumping off. "Santo cielo! You've got a bounty of 1 trillion! I've never even seen a bounty that big back in our world" said Cruz surprised by the bounty. "Like I said kid most powerful witch on the Boiling Isles" said Eda proudly.

"You two and I are going to sneak up to the top of the tower where they're holding my crown" said King pointing towards the building. "And I'm going to make sure that the warden's distracted" said Eda getting ready to fly off. "Am I going to need a disguise?" asked luz excitedly "I really don't think we're gonna need one sis" said Cruz amused at his sister's excitement "I've been waiting to use this!" said Luz as she pulled up her hoodie "meow meow!" she said as she flipped up the cat ears on the top of her hood.

Eda and King both looked at Cruz expecting him to do something similar to his sister. "Yeah no, I don't know what you two expected but I'm not pulling something like ears from a hood. I do have these though" said Cruz as he pulled down his hood along with goggles and pressed a button on the side making them glow. "Whoa looks like a lot of heat signatures in there" said Cruz looking up at the tower. "Heat signatures?" asked Eda "yeah these goggles of mine can see body heat along with night vision and even see the electrical signals in body and the air" said Cruz proudly "huh that's actually pretty impressive, I've gotta say humans make some interesting stuff" said Eda "oh no these are custom made" explained Cruz "wait seriously?" asked Eda "that's right my brother is a genius! He makes all sorts of different stuff all the time! Those goggles are just one of the things he can make" explained Luz with a smile.

"Well either way you two are going to blend right in looking like that" said Eda slamming her staff on the ground making a platform out of light to lift up Cruz, Luz and King to the top window of the tower. As soon as the platform reached the top window it disappeared startling Luz and Cruz before they jumped and Cruz managed to grab onto the window with Luz grabbing onto his shoulder and King grabbed onto Luz's sweater before climbing over both of the siblings. Cruz managed to pull him and Luz up into the window letting Luz jump in before using his head a step. "Oye! I'm not a stool!" said Cruz angrily at his sister. "Sorry Cruz" said Luz sheepishly before slipping and landing on her face. "Ha ha, Cats don't do that!" said King mocking Luz. As Luz and Cruz looked up they both managed to see the sheer size of the prison and how all of the floors were lined with cells.

"Hey cat lady, bug eyes. How did you get out of your cells?" asked a young prison lady from behind them. "Oh I'm not a cat" said Luz lowering her hood. "Bug eyes? Now that's just rude, I'm wearing goggles plus we're not criminals" said Cruz lowering his goggles with an annoyed look. "Not yet you're not" said King jumping up on Cruz's shoulder. "Neither are we. Stupid warden likes to lock up people who don't fit in. Like I like to write fan fic about food falling in love. I like food I like love…just let me write about it" said the lady angrily. "I'm in here because I like to eat my own eyes" said blue demon with multiple eyes as he pulled one out and swallowed it whole to prove his point before it popped back out into his skull. "Alright that's a thing I guess" said Cruz trying not to look disturbed. "We are agents of fwee expwession! They will never siwence is!" exclaimed a small demon who was only a head with a large nose. "Yeah, she's really into conspiracy theories" said the fanfic lady pointing towards the small demon. "The world is a simulation! We are but playthings for a higher being!" exclaimed tiny nose proving her point.

"Wait, these aren't crimes. None of you actually did anything wrong" said Luz as she took out the wanted poster for Eda. "You're all just a bunch of weirdos. Like me" said Luz in a sad tone. Cruz came up to his sister placing a sympathetic hand on her shoulder. Suddenly they could hear large footsteps coming towards the prison cells. "Oh that can't be good" said Cruz looking around "it's warden Wrath, quick hide!" exclaimed the female prisoner. Luz looked around and saw an empty cell before both her and Cruz jumped into it closing the door behind them with out locking it before Luz accidentally dropped the wanted poster.

The door swung open revealing a very tall man wearing a doctors lab coat and a witch doctor plague mask. "I can hear you" said the warden earning a whimper from Luz as Cruz used his body to shield both her and King. "Just what are you fools whispering about?" asked the warden as he looked down and saw the wanted poster that Luz had dropped. "Ah. The Owl Lady. I'll get my hands on her soon enough" said the warden as his hand morphed into a hammer slamming into the cell that Luz and Cruz had hidden in. "Fight against the oppressor! We will wessist! We will conquer! We will never be afwaid of you, you old cweep!" exclaimed tiny nose before the warden pulled a lever and opened her cell. "Hooway I'm fwee!" she said before the warden grabbed her and picking her entire body up in his hand. "Let this be a lesson to all of you, there's no place in society for you if you can't fit in" he said as he squeezed tiny nose earning a muffled scream from her. Cruz had seen the fear in tiny nose's eyes and had become angry with the warden at how he treated the inmates. Both Noceda twins and King walked out of the cell and towards the fanfic writer when they were certain that the warden had left.

"Don't worry I can get you out" said Luz as she tried to lift the handle but noticed that it wouldn't budge. "No! My weak nerd arms!" looking at her arms before looking towards her brother. "Hermano, you got anything in your bag of tricks?" she asked hopefully "yeah sorry Luz, I don't got anything that can melt the bars. I could've made something earlier if I knew we were coming to a prison break" he said sadly. "Just get out of here while you still can you two. Enjoy freedom for us" said the fanfic writer somberly. Cruz and Luz both looked on with sadness as they walked away and knowing that they couldn't do anything for these people that, in their option, hadn't done anything wrong.

They walked down a corridor in sadness before Eda managed to catch up with them. "Hey, I just checked. The warden is distracted tormenting some tiny creature. He won't be coming around here anytime soon" she said as she hopped off of her staff. Luz simply walked passed her ignoring what she said earning a confused look from Eda as she looked at Cruz for an explanation. "Yeah sorry about that, it's just…this whole prison doesn't just hold people that ended up doing actual crimes and that really threw us off" he said somberly.

As they continued walking they came up to a door that said contraband on it in large letters. "My crown! It's close! I can sense it's power!" exclaimed King as he rushed towards the door and began trying to turn the knob. "Aww, he gets so cute when he's thirsty for power" said Eda with a smile on her face. "It's not fair that they're all in here. They just wanna be themselves. Why does everyone think that being a weirdo is so bad?" asked Luz towards Eda. Before she could answer the knob fell at their feet and Cruz reached towards the knob and put it in his bag. "Why the knob?" Luz asked her twin "might need it, who knows" he said before they saw King run inside towards the contraband room. "Come on you two, before he hurts himself" said Eda with a sigh before they heard a crackle from inside of the contraband room. "Ow!" "Heh, too late" said Cruz with an amused look.

Inside of the room was a large green pillar of light that King was running head first into before being knocked back and the same crackle could be heard. "We have a couple of humans, remember?" asked Eda as she knelt down to him. "Oh yeah!" said King with glee. As Luz and Cruz looked at the pillar of light they braced themselves before reaching out with their hand and stepped through the light. When they looked up they saw a shiny crown at the very top. "Hold on is that…" began Luz as she began climbing up towards it.

Cruz looked towards the side before noticing a medium sized metal box that had the words warning in bold red letters. "Oh come on it might as well say open me" said Cruz as he grabbed the box and opened it to see two metal bracelets with a written instruction on the top on the lid. "Fill with liquid and have at it?" read Cruz examining the bracelets. "Meh, nothings gonna happen if I don't put them on" he said before placing both bracelets on his wrists. "So you got the crown?" Cruz asked his sister "yeah I did but…" she began before showing Cruz the crown "oh you've gotta be kidding me" he said blankly.

As Cruz and Luz came back out of the pillar Luz was holding up a paper cardboard Burger Queen crown for small children. "My crown!" King exclaimed excitedly as he was jumping up before Luz gave him his little crown. "Yes! I can feel my powers returning! You there nightmare creature" he said as he pointed towards a stuffed bunny "I shall call you Francois, and you shall be a minion in my army of darkness!"

"That crown doesn't actually give him any Powers, does it?" asked Luz "and to think we broke into prison for something that comes with a burger meal back home" said Cruz exasperated "yeah no" said Eda as she saw the twins crossing their arms. "Oh look at us you two. King and I don't have much in this world except each other. So if that dumb crown is important to him, then it's important to me. Besides us weirdos have to stick together you know?" asked Eda with a smile. Cruz got what Eda was saying to them since he would always stick with his sister no matter how crazy some things ended up getting. "Well we owe you guys one, so let's get out of here before the warden finds us and loses his head" said Eda. "Too late" said the warden as he looked over Eda and swung his arm that had morphed into an axe chopping off her head.

The head flew landing in Luz's arms before both siblings screamed at the witch's decapitated head before it blinked and started to function like normal. "Ow! Oh I hate it when that happens" said Eda earning a scream from both Luz and Cruz. "Eda! Are you okay?" asked Luz "yeah this just happens when you get older" she responded "does it?" asked Luz "yeah no that's so not how anatomy works! I think?!" said Cruz both confused and surprised.

"Finally, I have you cornered, Eda the Owl Lady" said the warden as his arms turned back to normal. He walked forward towards King snatching his crown earning a surprised yelp from him. "My guards could never catch you" he bagan as he walked to towards the three with King attempting and failing to grab his crown back. "But I knew that if I took your pet's toy, you'd come running" he said before crushing the crown. "No! My power!" King exclaimed falling to his knees crying. "What do you want with me? I've never actually broken any of your laws…in front of you" Eda said defensively "oh real smooth saying that Eda" said Cruz in a whisper. "I want you…to go out with me" said the warden holding up a bouquet of flowers.



"Que paso?"

"Go boss!" exclaimed one of the guards while another one gave him two thumbs up. The warden got on one knee before he began to speak. "You've always eluded our capture, you've always been the one who got away. I always found that alluring"

"I hate everything you're saying right now" said Luz "yeah seriously that's just wrong" agreed Cruz. "You stay out of this!" exclaimed the warden throwing away the bouquet and turned his arm into tentacles grabbing the two siblings. "Oh what's wrong, don't like opinions much?" asked Cruz being help up in the air. "Not the time hermano!" exclaimed Luz slightly scared.

"So what do you say, Owl Lady?" the warden asked as he picked up Eda's head from the ground. "The strongest witch on the Boiling Isles and the feared warden Wrath, we'd be the strongest power couple ever. I mean- it's not like you can say no right now" he said as Eda looked up to see Luz and Cruz struggling to get out of the warden's grip and saw that a guard had grabbed King. "Alright warden, you win. I'd just like to say something first. Come closer" the warden pulled her head closer to his face. "No, just come a little bit closer. Just..yeah that's good" said Eda noticing she was close to the warden's face before blowing a raspberry on his face, distracting him long enough to drop the siblings. Eda chuckled as the warden wiped away his face with disgust.

"Impudent wench! Don't you know how many germs are in your mouth?" asked the warden in disgust. "Get over it, you had your guards stalk me then you cut off my head. I am *not* going out with you" she said mater of factly. "If you don't accept then I'll have no other choice but to des—" began the warden before being cut off by Luz hitting his head with Eda's staff falling over unconscious. Luz had a slightly frightened look in her eyes while Cruz had a proud smirk on his face. "Nice job" said Eda proudly before two guards loomed over them before Eda's body appeared behind them pulling their hoods over their helmets.

"Okay, time to go now!" exclaimed Luz before she and Cruz grabbed Eda and King and running towards the door. When they were farther away Luz gripped the staff before taking a seat on it. "Expecto…flying? Magicus…escapicus!" yelled out Luz trying to get it to fly away. "Hey Eda real good time to tell us how to fly this" said Cruz looking over to Eda. She noticed that Wrath was begging to wake up before narrowing her eyes. "Gun it magic stick!" she said as the flying staff took off with the owl ornament opening its wings. "Owl Lady I won't let you get away again!" Wrath exclaimed as both of his arms turned into tentacles and he used them to shoot himself forward.

The four of them flew around the corner before ending up in the floor with the three prisoners that Luz and Cruz had met earlier. "Eda, Cruz, lend me a hand" said Luz as Cruz and Eda both held up their hand and the three of them lifted the levers opening the cells. The four of them burst through the front door with Wrath following close behind them. As they barreled towards the town, Wrath shot his tentacle forward knocking the staff off course knocking the four of them onto the ground. When the warden landed he morphed his hand into an axe with intent to slice them to pieces. "Ow my bones" complained King picking himself up from the ground as Eda picked up her head and put it back on her body. "Luz, Cruz, go back to the human world" Eda said as she pulled out the key from her hair and gave it to the twins before running towards the warden. "What about you guys?" asked Luz with worry.

"If you think this guy is bad, you should've seen her last boyfriend" said King running towards Eda as she dodged the warden's axe attack. "Not my boyfriend" said Eda as she grabbed King and jumped out of the way of his swing and jumping back towards the Noceda siblings. "Go! Go!" she exclaimed as she put them on her staff. "But we-" began Luz before bing cut off as Eda slapped the staff and it took off with the siblings being flown away. "Eda seriously!" exclaimed Cruz but they were too far away for Eda to hear them. The warden took off his mask to reveal that most of his face was fangs and when he opened his mouth fire was shot forward towards Eda, who spun her finger creating a hole that the fire went into before making another hole that shot the same fire back at the warden knocking to the wall slamming into it.

"Oye! Stop magic stick!" exclaimed Cruz as he managed to get control of it and getting it to stop flying away. Luz noticed that the warden had created a hole and the same three prisoners they met earlier were watching the fight but not making an attempt to escape. "If we're gonna handle this guy then we defiantly need their help" said Cruz as he looked towards his sister who was thinking the same thing. They managed to safely guide the magic staff toward the three prisoners before landing in front of them with Cruz giving the staff to his sister. "Why are you guys just standing there? This is your chance to escape" said Luz motioning toward the distracted warden. "The warden will catch us, he always does" said the demon with multiple eyes sadly. "We belong here" said the fanfic writer adding to the statement. "Self-doubt is a pwison you can never escape fwom" finished tiny nose showing that she had a black eye from the warden.

"So, you have a different way of doing things, a different way of seeing things. That may make you weird but it also makes you awesome. Don't you see?" said Luz trying to rally them up. "Why are you helping us?" asked the fanfic writer. "Because us weirdos have to stick together" said Luz as she pulled up her hood "and nobody should be punished for who they are" said Luz as she got on the staff rallying the three prisoners. "So as great as that speech of yours was, if we just rush in he's probably gonna knock us back, you do realize that right?" asked Cruz as he was fishing for something in his bag deflating some of the enthusiasm. "Come on Cruz we were on a roll here" said Luz dejectedly. "Oh I know, and that's why I've got a plan. Wait for me to whistle and then you can guys can charge at the warden and tie him up with his tentacles" said Cruz as pumped his arms back making the bracelets extend into gold gauntlets with a valve on the side and multiple glass charges on the top. "Ooh! This is really nice, I wonder how much I can do with this thing" said Cruz with a mischievous grin on his face. "Wait for my signal so you can charge in and go for it" said Cruz as he began to run towards Eda as she was fighting Wrath.

As Eda was hit by Wrath she grabbed onto King to keep him safe as Wrath began to approach them. "No more running away Owl Lady. Today I capture you once and for all" Wrath said as he lifted his axe to cut Eda and King who was whimpering while clutching onto Eda's leg, right before he could swing at them they heard footsteps running towards the fight. "Hey Wrathy! How about you take a swing at me!" yelled Cruz as he ran towards Wrath earning a confused look from the warden and a concerned look from Eda. "Kid! I told you and your sister to get out of here!" "Yeah but what's the fun in that? I got an idea that I wanna try out" said Cruz holding up two bottles filled with green liquids. "What is that?" asked Eda "just a little potion that goes boom!" said Cruz with a smirk. "Wait did you steal that from my house?" "No way, I made it when we were there" said Cruz as he took off the cork and put the bottle into the valve on both of the gauntlets filling up all six of the charges. "How are you using those things? Our mechanics studied those bracelets for months and couldn't ever get them to work, how are you doing that?" asked the warden surprised.

"Oh come on warden, it's not that hard. I just read the directions" Cruz said with a smirk as he pumped his arms back making the liquid mix in the gauntlets, they began to glow yellow as streaks of yellow passes through the gauntlet until they reached the knuckles turning them yellow with a certain level of heat to them. "Ooh now that is real nice" said Cruz as he launched himself at the warden who was still too stunned to move. Cruz reeled his arm back before punching the warden with one of the gauntlets and making an explosion at the point of impact sending him flying. "Hot damn! I'm definitely calling these things boom hammers!" said Cruz with glee at the new items he took. "Now I gotta say that was really impressive" said Eda with a smirk.

"Alright time to call in the cavalry" said Cruz as he put his fingers up to his lips before whistling at a high and loud pitch. "Go, go, go, go!" shouted Luz as she charged at the warden with the three escaped prisoners who tackled the warden as he began to get back up. "I eat my own eyes!" yelled the demon shoulder tackling the warden forward. "I think the world is a twiangle!" said Tiny Nose as she used her body to trip the warden to land on his back. "And I practice the ancient art of fan fiction" said the fanfic writer as she pinned the warden down as the demon tied the warden with tentacles before turning his over to his front.

"You two, who do you think you are?" demanded the warden "do not underestimate us warden Wrath, for we are Luz the human, warrior of peace. And her twin brother Cruz the human, scientist of destruction. Now eat this sucker!" yelled Luz as she launched the fire cracker that she brought with her from home before hitting it with the staff like a baseball at Wrath having it land in his mouth. The rocket was lit by the flames that were spewing from the warden's mouth causing it explode and send fireworks in all sorts of directions making Wrath get up and start to run away to try and put out the fireworks. "Woohoo! We won! Yes!" exclaimed the prisoners while watching the fireworks and their victory.

"That was actually one of her better break ups" said King as he and Eda approached Luz and Cruz. "That wasn't a break up" said Eda "anyway let's get out of here before any more monsters fall in love with me" said Eda as she and the others flew away on her staff with the fireworks still firing behind them. "Man you got some seriously bad luck with dating don't ya" said Cruz "keep up the snark and I'll knock you off the staff" said Eda with a warning "I'll shut up now" said Cruz as his sister laughed at him.

After they had returned to the Owl House Luz and Cruz were relaxing slightly as Eda put down her staff on the couch. "Well a deals a deal. Let's get you home" she said as snapped her fingers retrieving the key from Luz's backpack. When she pressed the eye the suitcase unfolded back into the door that had brought both the siblings into this crazy world and even crazier adventure. "Yeah I'm keeping these, they're way too cool to just ditch" said Cruz as he figured that turning a small knob on the gauntlets turned them back into bracelets. Luz walked towards the door looking back towards King and Eda as she saw that King look sad to see them leave. "Before I go…" began Luz as she rummaged thru her bag and took out the Azura doll and removed it's small gold crown "…I know it's not the same, but a King shouldn't be with out his crown" she said as she handed him the little crown as he took it and placed it on top of his head. "This, shall suffice. You there, plant. You are now under my command" he said said as he walked towards a potted plant.

"Oh and don't forget these" Eda said as she handed Luz and Cruz their book and notebook along with the brochures for the camp. "Yeah guess it's time to go" said Cruz disheartened. Luz looked up at the mirror in the living room before looking at her Good Witch Azura book before gasping as she noticed the similarity between her and the cover of the book. "Okay so, I know you got your head chopped off. And we started some kinda prison riot, but this was the most fun I've ever had" began explaining Luz "I don't fit in at home. You don't fit in here. If I stay, we could not fit in together" said Luz as she held up the brochure for reality check camp before crushing it. "I am not going back to summer camp" she said with a determined look on her face earning a surprised look from Cruz. Eda chuckled in confusion, "what's summer camp? What's going on here?" she asked "I wanna stay and become a witch, like you and Azura" said Luz holding up her book.

"What? That's crazy, humans can't become witches" said Eda as she pushed the book down. "Maybe that's because they haven't tried. If you teach me to become a witch, I'll do anything you want" said Luz "let them stay" said King gripping onto Eda's dress. "They can make us snacks" he said in a whisper "well I could use a hand keeping this goofball out of trouble" Eda said as she picked up King in her arms. "Alright I'll teach you how to be a witch. But, you have to work for me before you learn any spells, deal?" asked Eda as she held out her hand that Luz ignored and instead went in for a hug grabbing both King and Eda. "What's going on?" asked Eda "too tight! Too tight!" exclaimed King trying to get away. Luz turned around to face her brother who had been unusually quite this whole time. "What?" he asked "so what do you think?" asked Luz hopeful that her brother would let her stay.

"Yeah there is absolutely no way that I'm letting you stay here" he said with a frown but before Luz could respond to what he said his frown turned into a grin. "At least not without me anyway. How could I seriously not let you stay, I mean come on this world has so much magic and potential that honestly I was just waiting for you to say something. Hey Eda, if my sister is working for you to get some magic lessons then I want the same deal. I can share what I know about chemistry and that should help you make some even better potions what do you say?" he asked the witch. "I don't see why not kid, I mean you did make an explosive potion in record time. I could definitely use someone with your skills" said Eda with a grin. "You know that if we ever get caught we are so dead right?" Cruz asked his sister "yeah but we can handle that when we cross that bridge" said Luz happy that she was going to stay in a world of magic. "You got any room for the two of us, preferably a separate room?" Cruz asked sheepishly "yeah no problem kid, I've got a room upstairs for your sister and a couple extra rooms in the tower in the back if you need them. They're honestly not bad either pretty good rooms if you ask me" Eda said as she lead the twins to their rooms.

As Luz opened her room she set down her sleeping bag before laying on top of it. She laid on it wearing the pajamas that she brought before taking out a picture of her, her mother and Cruz all hugging each other with smiles plastered on their faces. As she put the picture next to her she heard her phone vibrate and saw a text from her mom.

"How's summer camp?" it read

Luz looked up thinking about what to say to her mom before the door to her room opened up and King walked in. "Your sleep cocoon looks fluffy" he said holding his stuffed rabbit. Luz patted her sleeping bag signaling for him to climb on with her. He scampered over and he circled a spot on the sleeping bag and curled up into a ball before falling asleep.

"I think I'm going to like it here" she texted her mom back before laying down and falling asleep. In the tower Cruz had walked into his new room and saw that the room was a perfect size for him to put his sleeping bag and all of his things. "This could work real well" said Cruz imagining all the new experiments he could do and try to help out his sister and maybe even Eda. Before he could think any further his phone vibrated as he got a message from someone.

"Are you enjoying camp mijo?" read the text from his mom

Cruz looked out the window and could only imagine how much fun this new world could really be for him and Luz.

"yeah I think I'm going to really have some fun here" he messaged his mom back before laying down and falling asleep in the tower. On the outside the eye window of the house blinked as if watching over the residents in the home and the new resident in the tower.