Clouds on the Horizon

At the CATs base, everyone was getting ready for a meeting as Luz was looking at her game device. Luz had put on a pair of beige puffy pants and a pair of brown combat boots. Her hair had grown a bit longer so she decided to tie it into a ponytail.

"What kind of language is that?" Eda asked

"The language of love, mom. But it's unfinished. It just says grounded, come quick, then nothing."

"Special delivery! Ta-da!" King said as he came up to the two carrying a box of coven scout uniforms. Next to him was Cruz and Skara.

Cruz had changed into a pair of black jeans with a short sleeve white shirt and black vest over it. He had a brown holster on his pants with multiple pockets. Cruz had modified his gloves to be fingerless now. His gauntlets were resting in sleep mode on his wrists.

Skara had changed into a pair of black jeans with a maroon sweater and a pair of black sneakers.

"Looks like we got some new duds for the upcoming fight," Cruz said

"Ooh! Disguises!" Lilith said happily. "Yes! A new milestone of malfeasance in my new life of crime."

"Is that something to celebrate?" Skara asked as she picked up one of the scout masks.

"This is just a trick to get me to wear clothes. Well, it won't work!" Hooty said angrily

"You don't have shoulders for clothes, Hooty," Cruz pointed out

"Anything else I can do? Grab some tea? Defeat some baddies? Create sentient life? I am a Titan—" King began as Eda covered his mouth

"Totally frightened?" Eda said as she chuckled and snorted. "Yeah. Me too, pal." Eda looked around and made sure that no one had heard before whispering to King.

"I know you wanna help, but you gotta keep this stuff a secret between us six for now. You may be a titan, but you're still a little guy."

King looked down in disappointment before he realized that someone did hear their conversation.

"Uh… guys," King said as he pointed to Skara, whose eyes widened more than they'd ever seen before.

"Oh yeah… I never told her," Cruz said

"Wait… he's a-then you're a-I was hugging a-" Skara stammered as she tried to process that King was a Titan this whole time.

"I'll explain it real quick," Cruz said as he started to lead Skara away. "I gotta check on my laptop anyway."

As Cruz led Skara back to the bunkbeds, he grabbed the laptop that Eda had found in the precinct and plugged in one of the flash drives that Luz managed to recover.

When he pressed the power button, the laptop didn't respond. Cruz sighed as he put the laptop and the flash drive back into his bag.

"Guess it's busted. Nothing I can do about it now," Cruz said as he looked over to Skara and saw her giving him an expectant look.

"Right. Let me get to the point real quick. King is a Titan. He's the last pure blooded Titan out there. Back in the cave, I got Titan blood infused into me. That turned me into a human-Titan hybrid. I found out that another name for Titan hybrids are called War Titans."

"So the little cutie is a Titan and you're a War Titan?" Skara asked herself before realization dawned on her. "Boscha tried to buy King when she first saw him. Imagine her reaction to finding out she tried to buy a Titan."

Cruz began to think about it before chuckling. "That'd be pretty funny. But for now, you can't tell anyone. It can only stay between us seven, including you. Who knows how everyone will react."

Skara stayed quiet for a moment as she thought about it. "You've got a point. If I'm freaking out this much, then who knows how everyone else would react."

"Alright, let's get this briefing over with," Darius said as he walked up to the group before they all followed him to the table. Everyone took a seat at the table.

"Okay," Raine began as they stood up between Darius and Eberwolf. "We have twenty-four hours until the Day of Unity begins and Belos activates the Draining Spell."

"And everyone in the Boiling Isles is taken out in one fell swoop," Darius said as he knocked over a couple of figurines.

"Well, not everyone. The spell only targets those with Coven Sigils, using the nine types of magic as ingredients for the spell itself," Raine said pointing to their wrist before pointing to a diagram for a stage. "It's channeled through each of the Coven Heads during the duration of the eclipse."

"So, what's the plan? Do we hide one of you?" Lilith asked

"We can't count on that after my stunt with the BATs," Raine said

"Belos made sure we all have... replacements," Darius said as Cruz frowned

"That makes sense. He'll probably have other members of your Covens who are close to your power acting as stand-ins," Cruz said as Darius nodded.

"We can't stop the Draining Spell, but we can corrupt it. That's where the Owl Lady comes in." Darius gestured to Eda who looked at him in confusion.


Darius groaned in annoyance. "The curse, Eda."

Eda then remembered when she played the duet with Raine and how her curse reacted.

"That's right! My curse warps magic. Huh, did quite a number on you two if I remember correctly," Eda said as she pointed at Darius and Eberwolf.

"You remember incorrectly! I was completely unfazed," Darius said as Eberwolf popped up next to him and hissed.

"I've got the video if anyone wants to see it," Cruz said with a smirk as Darius glared at him.

"Eda would have to sneak into the tower, and here's how," Darius summoned a pair of mini abominations that looked like Eberwolf and himself along with another pair of abominations.

"I'll control a pair of abominations to release Eberwolf's flesh-eating beetles into the crowd." One of the abominations opens its mouth and released the beetles. The crowd panicked as they saw the bugs.

"It will create a distraction so big, we can get Eda up with the coven heads." The mini Eberwolf and Darius take a mini Eda through the crowd and up the tower. "The spell will halt once it comes in contact with the curse, and the day will be saved! No problem."

Goo is splattered everywhere as Luz, Eda, King, Hooty, Lilith, and Skara look on in shock and horror. Everyone else just glared at Darius.

"What? Only a few people would get eaten. Even then, just the small ones," Darius said trying to defend himself

Raine wiped the goo from their hair. "If we must do this… the safest bet is to have Eda tap into the spell, by taking someone's place as Coven Head. My place. Sigil… and all," Raine said as they showed their Coven Sigil. Eda, Luz, Lilith and King looked at them in shock.

"As Head Bard, you'll also be flanked by me and Eber, where we can keep an eye on the others," Darius said as Lilith stood up.

"Why are we acting like Edalyn's the only one with a curse here? Please, let me do this, as a—"

"No. You haven't had your curse that long," Eda said interrupting her. "You don't know how it would react. But I do." Eda stood up proudly. "And how can I say no to sticking it to Belos one final time? Not only that, but I've got the Raine Whispers watching out for me."

"Heck yes, Owl Lady!" Katya cheered as everyone else stood up and started to cheer.

"Not to kill the mood but… how are we going to deal with the Abomatons that Belos already has?" Skara asked

"Cruz has a solution to that," Darius said as they all turned to look at Cruz.

"I finished up making the upgrades to my soldiers. Before the Day of Unity starts, I'll give them their orders by sending a remote signal. They're going to take out any Abomatons that they see. Then they'll focus on protecting the citizens from any dangers."

"Those soldiers of yours will be able to handle anything those stupid things can throw at them, right?" Darius asked

"Of course they can," Cruz said with a smirk. "I know what they were programmed with since I helped Alador build them before Belos took them. And besides, I won't just have a few soldiers running around like I have been before. I finished fixing all of them. We've got a small army of 1,000 J-Units that are going to rip those Abomatons to pieces."

Everyone looked at Cruz in shock. "You're telling me… we have a small army now?!" Darius exclaimed

"I think our chances at winning this thing just skyrocketed," Eda said with a smirk.

"But that still leaves one problem," Cruz said as they all looked at him. "How do we deal with Belos?"

"What do you mean?" Lilith asked. "Once the Day of Unity is stopped then so is his plan, right?"

"Not that simple. Let's say our plan goes off perfectly. What's stopping Belos from starting it up when there's another eclipse. Those aren't a one time thing. They happen every few years. He's lived through the Deadwardian era until now. We know he's patient enough to wait for the right time."

Everyone frowned as they knew that Cruz was right. Even if they did stop the Draining Spell, Belos still controlled the isles. His support wasn't going to go away just because the Draining Spell was stopped.

"Do you have a plan to take him down?" Cruz asked as Darius, Raine, and Eberwolf looked at each other with hesitation.

Cruz looked at them before letting out a long sigh. "Sweet merciful Papa Titan, you guys don't have a plan?!" Cruz exclaimed in exasperation.

"We do have one," Raine began. "It's just… I'm not sure if it's the best one. And one I'd honestly rather we not go with."

Everyone looked at Raine in confusion. "So what's the plan?" Eda asked

"The plan is simple," Darius said. "Once the Draining Spell is stopped, we'll confront the other Coven Heads and keep them busy while… Cruz deals with Belos."

"What?!" Everyone besides Cruz exclaimed. Cruz looked at them in shock.

"You can't be serious!" Eda exclaimed angrily

"She's right!" Luz yelled. "There's no way I'm letting my brother deal with Belos alone!"

"If you're dealing with the Coven Heads, then we'll all help Cruz fight Belos!" Skara said with determination.

"Exactly!" Lilith said. "We all have a stake in this fight! We're not letting Cruz do this alone!"

"Listen, I understand how you feel," Raine said before Eda slammed her hands on the table.

"No, you don't! You're all asking me to send my son to fight the biggest monster on the Boiling Isles and you expect me to be okay with that?! I don't get why he has to do it! Cruz has already done more than enough for all of you! He rebuilt an army, something this rebellion didn't have at all. And now you want him to go and fight Belos alone!"

As Eda finished, everyone looked conflicted at hearing what she said. Cruz had done a lot for the rebellion since it had started. He had made the potion to get into Belos' mind, he'd reprogrammed all of the J-Units so that they could fight on the Day of Unity. He'd saved the BATs from the Conformatorium. And now he was going to face the most dangerous person on the Boiling Isles. All while only being fourteen years old.

"Is there no other choice?" Cruz asked as they all looked at him in shock for considering it.

"Cruz, you can't be serious!" Skara exclaimed. Cruz looked at her and gave her a warm smile.

"I know that you're worried about me, but I have to know. So tell me... is there another choice?"

"There might be one. But it has a much lower chance to succeed," Darius said. "We'll go after Belos together once all of the Coven Heads have been subdued. But that plan is risky because we don't know if Belos will even stay. He might escape and who knows when we'll have the chance to get to him again."

"And you think I can stop him?" Cruz wondered

"I'm not saying this to boost your ego or anything. I've seen your abilities. I've fought against you myself. Right now, you have the strongest magic in this room. It's very possible that you might be the strongest witch on the Boiling Isles."

Everyone looked shocked at Darius' declaration. "Are you serious?" Eda asked

"Completely. If I wasn't, then we wouldn't have suggested that Cruz fights Belos. So now that you know, what do you say? Do we risk Belos escaping or do we let Cruz deal with him?"

Everyone was silent as they thought about which option would be better. As they thought about it, Cruz had made his choice.

"I'll do it," Cruz said as they all looked at him. "I'll take on Belos. But before I do, I'm going to need to make sure everything is done. When you all head to the head to take on the Coven Heads, I'll teleport to the head. I think I know where Belos will be keeping the portal. That's where I'll fight him."

"Are you sure?" Luz asked with worry

"Don't worry, hermana. I've got this," Cruz said with a smile.

After the meeting had ended, Luz, King, and Cruz stood out on a balcony as multiple blimps flew above them.

Luz looked at her game device reading the message that Amity had sent her with worry. Cruz held up a necklace with three small blue gems in the center. As King was about to comfort Luz, Eda walked up to them.

"There you are. Look what I got!" Eda said as they all turned to look at her. Eda handed Luz her newly carved sea foam green Palisman egg. "The coat's finally dry. I thought you'd carve something cute, like a tarantula. Why an egg?"

"I got to decide what my future looked like when I chose to be a witch, and I want them to have that option too. Until then, I'm willing to wait," Luz explained.

"Look at you being patient, Luz," Cruz said with a smirk.

"Try to play them music sometime. They can hear you," Eda said

"I love you already," Luz said as she held up the egg and kissed it. Eda let out a heavy sigh as they looked up to the sky. "Can you believe I gotta pretend to be a Coven Head?"

"Mom, are you sure you want to do this?" Luz asked

"Well, of course I don't," Eda said with a scoff. "You know, even before the curse, I couldn't stand covens. Only a select few can learn about different types of magic. It made no sense. But... if it's the only way to stop this, then I'm gonna do it."

Eda looked over at Luz and saw her looking at the message sadly before smiling. "But as exciting as saving the world sounds, it's not nearly as romantic as going on a rescue mission to save your girlfriend."

Luz looked at her in surprise. "I never said I was gonna—"

"Ooh, but you wanna. It's written all over your face."

"Of course I want to, but I also wanna be there for you."

"Hey, us adults can handle ourselves. Tell bossy boots I said, 'Yo'."

"As soon as we've rescued Amity, I'll just teleport us near where everything will be. After that we'll stop the Day of Unity."

"Is that what you meant when you said take care of things?" Luz asked

"Well duh. I'm pretty sure that you'd want Amity with you to be there when we fight. And I'm sure that she would too. We've got this. Not like our job is too though," Cruz said as they all looked at him unimpressed. "What?"

"You basically volunteered to fight Belos alone," Luz deadpanned. "What do you mean you don't have a tough job."

"Yeah, you're right. It's not gonna be an easy fight. But once it's done, we'll be all good. Although, it'll be a while before we're all together again."

"Stop talking like that," King said as he grabbed onto Cruz's arm. "This isn't goodbye! I command it!"

"He's right," Eda said. "We'll see each other after the Day of Unity."

"If we succeed," Luz said as she looked down

"When we succeed," Eda reassured her. "We've got the advantage after all. We've got King and Cruz the Titans and Luz the human on our side. Legends in the making!"

"Don't forget Eda the Owl Lady," Luz said with a smile

"Already a legend, and the most horrifying one of them all!" King said enthusiastically.

"Who's name now makes a lot more sense than before," Cruz said with a smile as Eda picked up King and tickled his tummy as they all laughed before sharing a group hug.

"So, you three protect each other, and we'll be back before you know it," Eda said as she noticed Cruz's necklace in his hand. "Where'd you get that, kid?"

"Steve gave it to me. He said it was something I was going to need when I went back to the human realm. Looks like a concealment stone. So I guess he's right," Cruz said as he showed it to them.

"Well… let's see it," Luz said

"Yeah! I wanna see your human disguise!" King said happily

Cruz shrugged. "Alright. Let's see how it looks." As Cruz put the necklace on, he was covered in a gold poof of smoke. As it disappeared. Cruz stood in front of the three looking identical to how he'd looked back when he and Luz first arrived in the Boiling Isles.

"Holy-you look human again!" Luz said surprised

"Honestly, I didn't expect to look like how I did before. Guess Steve remembered what I looked like," Cruz said as he looked at his hands and didn't see the bone.

Just then, Raine and Skara walked over to them. "Eda, let's get moving," Raine said before looking at Cruz with surprise. "Wait. Who's that?"

"It's Cruz!" Skara said as she looked at him with surprise. "You look just like you did when we first met!"

"Steve gave me a concealment stone. I'm just glad that I'll be able to go outside when we go to the human realm," Cruz said with a smile.

"You look cool with your hybrid form, but I missed your human form," Skara said with a blush.

"Alright, you two," Eda said as they turned to look at her. "We've got work to do." Eda walked towards the briefing room carrying King. Skara walked in following the two.

As Luz and Cruz were about to walk in, Luz grabbed onto Raine's sleeve startling them.

"Promise you'll protect her," Luz said as she looked at Raine with determination.

"Make sure that she's safe," Cruz said

"Promise," Raine said as the three walked into the briefing room. "Well, the next 24 hours are going to be rough. But everyone knows their part, and I'm confident we'll succeed. Because… we are... the Covens Against the Throne."

"Wait, can we please not make this our battle cry?" Darius said quickly with worry.

"AKA... the CATs!" Everyone hissed as Darius facepalmed

"Oh, Titan, help us," Darius said as they all laughed

"I'll… do my best," King said with worry as he felt Cruz put a hand on his head.

"Just leave this one up to your big brother," Cruz said with a smile.

As the Coven Head blimps flew off, Darius and Eberwolf were in one blimp with Abomatons while Eda and Raine were in another blimp.

Below them, Katya flew down to the forest with Luz behind her as Cruz and Skara flew in close to her.

"Why are we stopping?" Luz wondered as Katya gently pushed her and King off.

"To meet your security escort. Darius insisted. See ya!" Katya said as she flew off chuckling.

"What? I don't need a security escort!" Luz called out to her.

"Did you hear that, Gus?" Willow asked as Luz turned to look at the with surprise

"Yeah, I know, I guess we'll just have to go home," Gus said jokingly. "Well, it's been fun. See you around, Luz the Human. And Cruz... the human?" The two looked at Cruz's new appearance with confusion.

"I'm wearing a concealment stone," Cruz said, pointing to the stone around his neck.

Luz chuckled as she started to tear up. "Wait. Wait, wait, wait! Of course I want you around!" Luz said as she ran up and hugged the two. "I'm so happy! ...And confused? I thought you were all hiding after what happened at Hexside."

"They were," Hunter said as Luz turned and looked at him with surprise. "But then they heard Darius ordered me to protect you."

"More like he begged us to come because he's terrified of getting recognized," Gus teased as Hunter glared at him.

"Hunter, are you really up for this? You must be dealing with a lot after learning—"

"That Belos is evil?!" Hunter said quickly. "Don't worry, I'm A-OK!" Hunter bumped fists with Gus before bumping their foreheads together and making a little explosion noise.

"What the…" Luz looked at them in confusion.

"Yeah don't ask me," Cruz said. "Didn't really see that last time."

"This is what happens when you go missing for a week," Willow said as she put a hand on Luz's shoulder before walking over to them.

Hunter walked over to Luz and Cruz as Skara walked over to Gus and Willow.

"Don't you dare... mention that thing around them," Hunter whispered to Luz

"What thing? That you're a Grimwalker?" Luz asked as Hunter shushed her.

"Listen, I don't know if I'm a witch, or a human. All I know is that I'm a copy of someone Belos made... disappear."

"I'll tell you about him once this is all over," Cruz said

"I don't know what you four went through, but they seem to like you," Luz said

"She's right. They're your teammates. You know they won't care."

"So I shouldn't worry how they'd react, right? If that's the case, have either of you told them about helping Philip?" Hunter asked as they looked shocked

"Yeah, I overheard everything. Don't tell them. Please," Hunter said as Luz nodded.

"Hunter, you know that's not fair. She hasn't seen them in a while. That's just not something that she can bring up," Cruz said. "You should also know… I'm going to be fighting Belos once the Day of Unity starts."

Hunter looked at Cruz in shock. "Are you serious? That's crazy!"

"Maybe. But I have to do this. It's the only way to make sure that this can end."

Hunter looked over at Luz with worry but she shook her head. She knew that Cruz wasn't going to back down from his fight with Belos.

"We should hurry," Cruz said

They all ran through the forest as they headed towards Blight Manor. As Luz was about to step forward, Gus stopped her as he created a large spell circle. In the circle, they saw a scout creating an illusion around himself to hidden.

Willow stepped forward as she cracked her knuckles. She looked over to Luz as they nodded. Luz threw a plant glyph as Willow manipulated it and wrapped it around the scout.

"Sorry, man!" Hunter said as they ran past him.

As they reached the front of the manor, an Abomaton shot goo to the door before appearing behind them. As Luz tried to run, the Abomaton grabbed her.

"Luz!" King said in concern as he and Luz turned to look at the Abomaton.

As the Abomaton approached them, it was about to sound the alarm, when Hunter sliced its head off using his staff.

Willow then restrained its arms and legs before dragging it underground. Willow then helped Luz up as they all reached Amity's window.

Luz sees Amity pacing back and forth before smiling at her with a blush. Luz summoned a large flower to lift her up onto the balcony. Luz adjusts her hair as she prepares to enter.

"I can't believe mom broke it!" Amity cried out. She is holding her broken game device as she tries to fix it using a screwdriver.

"I'm gonna fix it, and I'm gonna get a message out to Luz. I-I'm gonna do something!" Amity said desperately.

"We already tried burning down the factory!" Edric said as he sat up from Amity's bed. "That's what got us grounded too."

"If Mom would just... hear us out!" Amity said as she walked over to the twins.

"We can shout as loud as we want, but money always shouts louder," Emira pointed out.

"Dad would listen. I know he would," Amity said as her voice began to break. "The world is ending, no one'll listen to us... and I just… I just wanna know that Luz is safe!"

"What do you think Luz would say to you right now?" Emira asked

"Probably something dorky, but also sweet," Amity said as she wiped away a tear. "Like how I shouldn't give up and that anything is possible. Or she'd say that I might be scared now but to not let that stop me, because… because every problem has a solution."

Emira noticed Luz by the window as she nudged at Edric. The twins smile as they leave the room.

"And everything's been so crazy, we've barely been able to spend time together. And I am not letting the world end before we go on a *real* date!"

"Whoa, you're right!" Luz said as Amity gasped when she saw Luz standing at the open vine covered window. "I would say all that."

"Luz!" Amity ran up to Luz with tears in her eyes.

"Sweet potato!" Luz said as she ran up to Amity.

The two laugh as Luz grabs Amity and spins her around before the two hug.

"I'm gonna take you out when this is all over, Amity, I promise. No monsters, no mysteries, no deadly duels, it's going to be the most mundane, slice-of-life date ever. And it'll be awesome."

"I know," Amity said as she held onto Luz's cheek before she pulled her into a kiss. Luz returned the kiss as she held onto Amity's cheek.

After a few seconds, the two pull away looking at each other with shock.

"Oh… crikey!" Luz said in an Australian accent

"I can't believe I just did that," Amity said flustered

"I can't believe I just said that! Oh, crikey. How did I even think that? Come on, Luz, be cool next time," Luz said as Amity's expression fell.

"Luz, I don't think my parents know what they're helping Belos accomplish. Will you help me tell them about the Draining Spell?"

"Of course. That's why we're here!"


The two look out the window to see the others looking at them with a smile. "Wait… is Cruz human again?" Amity asked in confusion.

"He's wearing a concealment stone," Luz explained

At Blight Industries, Kikimora landed with her blimp as she looked at Odalia with annoyance.

"Mrs. Blight. I hope this last shipment will be swift," Kikimora said as she and a pair of scouts followed Odalia into the factory.

From the bushes, the Noceda twins and their partners, Willow, Hunter, Gus and King popped up. Gus created a spell circle as they all were disguised as coven scouts.

As they walked out of the bushes to follow the others, Luz stoped King.

"Stay here, King. It's safer. If anyone asks, you're guarding the perimeter," Luz said as she put a mask on King's face.

"But…" King reached out but Luz had already run off.

As they reached the factory, Cruz looked up towards a window and knew that it was the window to Odalia's office. He smirked before looking over to Skara.

"I'll be right back. I'm going to see if I can't sabotage Odalia some more."

As he was about to jump up, Skara grabbed onto his arm.

"I'm coming with you," Skara said. "I'm sure the others can handle this without us."

Cruz nodded before creating a white spell circle and lifting the two up to the window.

As they opened the window, Cruz and Skara climbed into the office. They looked around and saw a large desk with multiple papers on it and a laptop.

"Oh, sweet. I'm gonna steal that laptop!" Cruz said as he walked over to the desk.

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" Skara asked.

"I mean… it's Odalia we're talking about here," Cruz pointed out

Skara thought about it for a second before shrugging. "Good point."

Cruz disconnected the laptop before putting it into his bag. Cruz then turned to the papers on the desk as Skara started to look around the shelves.

"Looks like these papers are all about deals that she's made and plans about absorbing companies," Cruz said before looking surprised. "Take a look at this!"

Skara walked over to the desk as Cruz handed a paper to her. Skara looked at the paper in surprise.

"This is a plan to absorb my dad's company and Boscha's mom's company after the Day of Unity. She's planning to completely destroy both of the companies and take them over. It says that she has the complete support of the Emperor's Coven."

"Looks like she didn't learn her lesson," Cruz said as his eyes began to glow in a low hue.

Suddenly, their coven scout disguises disappeared. "What happened?" Skara asked

"Looks like Gus dropped the illusion," Cruz said as he and Skara walked over to the window. They saw that the others had been thrown together as they were surrounded by Abomatons with a pink forcefield around them.

"They got caught!" Skara said

"That explains why the illusions dropped. We don't have time to go through all of these papers. There's one quick way to get rid of her plans to absorb the companies."

"And that would be?"

Cruz rummaged through his bag and pulled out multiple metal disks with a yellow liquid in them.

"We make everything go boom," Cruz said with a smirk.

Skara looked at the explosives before looking back at Cruz. "I love how your brain works so much!"

Out in the courtyard, Luz and the others glared at Odalia as she smirked at them.

"Odalia, is my airship ready yet?" Kikimora asked as she rode on top of a giant Abomaton with spikes on its shoulder and an arm cannon.

"Just about. And I found two adorable little scoundrels trying to steal it," Odalia said smugly as a pair of Abomatons carried off Edric and Emira. "But they'll be dealt with."

"Edric! Emira!" Amity called out with worry.

"Don't worry, they'll just be grounded. With maximum security," Odalia said

"Don't you get it?" Amity asked as she turned to her. "You're helping a witch hunter destroy everything."

"Really, Mittens, I am tired of all this drama. Sneaking around in little disguises, convincing the twins to act out, are you trying to make me look bad?"

"She's trying to help people," Luz said as she walked next to Amity.

"Hush, brat."

"Don't you talk to my girlfriend like that!" Amity yelled enraged

"Girlfriend?" Odalia asked in surprise. "Oh, no, no. That won't do. We'll find you a new girlfriend. Someone who's not on wanted posters everywhere."

Odalia drew a spell circle and summoned one of Luz's wanted posters.

Amity growled as the abomination around her hand bubbled up before bursting and formed a spiked gauntlet around her hand. She then punched the dome causing it to shimmer.

"Ugh. Really, you're embarrassing yourself," Odalia said

Kikimora walked over towards Hunter as she looked down to him from her Abomatron. "I always knew you were rotten to the core. Belos will probably snap you in two after I hand you over. Maybe he'll make me the new Golden Guard."

Hunter flinched back in fear as Luz ran up to defend him.

"Leave him alone!"

"I'm surprised you're even here, human. Aren't all your friends at the Day of Unity?" Kikimora asked as Luz gasped. "Oh, that's right. The Emperor has eyes everywhere. And they're all pointed at the Owl Lady." Kikimora laughed as she walked away.

As Kikimora walked away, Luz began to think before leaning over to Gus.

"Okay, here's the plan..."

Gus gasped when Luz whispered her plan to him before nodding with hesitation.

As Amity continued to punch the dome, it suddenly burst before disappearing.


Hunter and Willow looked in relief as the dome and the goo around their hands disappeared.

"How did I do that? Was it the power of believing in myself?" Amity asked as she looked down at her hand.

"No! It was the power of science!" Alador said as he and King walked out of the factory while holding a remote. "But you almost had it, sweetie. Odalia, the Emperor is planning to wipe out everyone with a Draining Spell, and our Abomatons are helping him do it."

Odalia looked unfazed as she looked at her hand.

"You already knew?" Alador said, outraged.

"What he does with our products is none of our business. What is my business, is keeping our family ahead of the rest. You're welcome, everyone."

Alador's face turned bright red from anger as Odalia scoffed.

"Ugh, there you go making that face. This is why I don't tell you things," Odalia said. "With the Emperor's favor, we'll live like royalty in the new world. Crowns and everything."

"This is too much, even for you." Alador flipped a switch on the remote as all of the Abomatons surround Odalia.

Odalia clutched her necklace as a ghost came out of it before it flew towards Alador. He summoned an abomination as it grappled with the specter. The ghost opened its mouth as another ghost popped up and grabbed the remote from Alador.

The ghost gave the remote to Odalia before retreating back into the necklace.

Suddenly, Odalia's office exploded as Cruz and Skara burst out of it.

"Is that my office!" Odalia yelled as Cruz and Skara landed in front of them.

As Cruz looked up towards Odalia, she felt a chill run down her spine as she looked into his glowing eyes.

"I warned you," Cruz said in a low voice. "I told you that if you ever crossed me, you would regret it. Not only did you ignore my warning but you went one step further."

As Cruz walked towards her, Odalia stepped back. The air around them seemed to chill at Cruz's words.

"You decided to join Belos in genocide. Do you really think he'll let you live? To him, you're just another witch that needs to die. You are nothing more than a fool, Odalia!"

Odalia growled at Cruz before pressing the button on the remote as all of the Abomatons faced him.

"Oh please." Cruz drew a yellow spell circle above him as his body was enveloped in lightning before shooting off towards the Abomatons and knocking them all away. Cruz quickly shot towards Odalia as he kicked her in the stomach sending her skidding across the floor as she reeled in pain.

"I don't have time for this," Kikimora said in frustration as she shot up into the air. Before she landed on the ground, Luz burst forward in a dash as she pushed Willow out of the way.

Cruz looked over to Hunter before looking back at Gus. He teleported next to Gus before whispering in his ear.

Luz looked over at Kikimora before blowing a raspberry at her.

"I don't need you, human," Kikimora said as Luz looked at her hands in surprise. Kikimora flew towards Hunter as she grabbed him. She rushed towards the factory as Alador created a wall of abomination goo. He picked King up when he saw that Kikimora was about to ram them.

Amity unleashed waves of abomination goo that trapped the Abomatron's feet as Skara shot off multiple arrows of magic towards her.

Willow rose up into the air using vines. As she launched vines towards Kikimora, the gremlin held up Hunter as she used him as a shield. Willow looked in shock as she redirected the vines to the sides.

As Kikimora aimed the cannon towards Willow, Gus came up and created an illusion that engulfed everything in darkness.

Kikimora looked around before she started to blast around wildly. She shot a part of the ceiling that dispelled the illusion.

"I don't need all you cretins, but this one is mine!" Kikimora said as she held up Hunter. She then slammed the button on the jets before launching into the air.

"Ha! The jet pack actually works! Ha..." Alador celebrated with joy before realizing what had happened. "Oh, the jet pack actually works."

Suddenly, multiple Abomatons surrounded everyone as Odalia walked up to them. "Looks like you didn't manage to bust them completely. And, since we finished with that little mess, let's get back to business, shall we?"

"You! I am never speaking to you again," Amity said with rage.

"You'll thank me when you're a literal princess, princess. It's what's best for the family."

As a furious Amity creates a spell circle, Alador placed a hand on her shoulder as he stepped forward.

"What's best for the family... is putting an end to all this." Alador's eyes began to glow purple as summoned two large abomination fists and slammed them into the Abomatons. He then turned the first and started busting up multiple pipes.

"No, wait!" Odalia rushed over to an Abomaton as she dropped the control device. Alador picked it up as he shut down the Abomatons.

"Oh, no, no, no, no, no. You're destroying our life's work!" Odalia said as she stood up. "But I won't let you destroy it any further."

As Odalia prepared her necklace, she saw that everyone was standing poised to attack her.

"This work is finished. Also, I quit," Alador declared

"Fine. I've been meaning to find a more competent business partner anyway. And you won't be getting your severance package."

Odalia walked off into the clouds of smoke clutching her stomach as she glared at Alador.

"Oh, Titan. That was terrifying."

Willow then rushed towards Kikimora's ship. "Willow, wait!" Amity called out as she rushed after her.

Everyone followed after Willow as she and Amity started to desperately push and pull levers to try and get the ship to move.

"Come on, stupid thing, we have to follow them!" Willow said as Amity turned towards Alador.

"Dad, can you use that thing to shut down the Abomatons at the Head?" Amity asked as she pointed to the device.

"You're going to rescue your friend," Alador said as he knew that his daughter wasn't going to back down. He smiled as he nodded to her. "You'll need a pilot." Amity smiled back at him as the two stood next to Luz.

"And Luz, I apologize for Odalia. You are always welcome at our home." Alador placed a hand on Luz's shoulder as tears started to form, shocking the two.

"I'm confused," Alador said as he looked at Amity.

"Luz, what's wrong? We'll get Hunter back," Amity said reassuring her

"That wasn't Hunter," Luz said as she looked towards Cruz

They all turned to him as he was covered in a puff of blue smoke. When the smoke cleared, Hunter stood there looking remorseful.

"I'm sorry. It happened so fast. I didn't even realize what was going on... until he was gone," Hunter said as Skara looked at him in shock

"He… he told me to switch you and Luz out for the plan. He said it was his job."

"Then that means…" Willow said as she realized where Cruz was going

"He's going to face Belos," Skara said as she grew worried for Cruz's safety.

Up in the air, Kikimora was flying off towards the skull as she held Hunter in a pink bubble. Inside of it, the illusion around Hunter dispersed as Cruz looked back at his hand and then back at the skull. He knew what was coming, and one way or another, the fighting would come to an end today.