With a huge influx of walking dead on the field, the pressure on the defensive line dropped sharply, and the situation stabilized.
Little by little, more and more walking dead joined in, and the tide began to turn for the better.
Orion stopped fighting and returned to the section defended by the Stoneheart Horde, landing right next to Lilith.
"Respectable Lord!"
Orion nodded, giving a small grunt in greeting to his gathered subordinates.
"The tide's shifting in our favor. Onyx, Thundar, Earthshaker, Slagor—take your cavalry and the cave spider armies and pursue the fleeing enemies!"
As soon as Orion finished speaking, the four men's eyes lit up. They gave a resounding confirmation, then charged off with the little spiders in tow.
"Orion, are we not defending this spot anymore?"
Lilith and Lysinthia stepped up behind him, gazing into the distance at the battlefield.