Northern Coalition, makeshift tent.
A crackling electric current sizzled and popped as Orion manipulated his transcendent power to lock down the tent, ensuring no one outside could overhear the conversation within.
Inside the tent sat five Alpha-level beings—Delilah, Onyx, Rockwell, Earthshaker, and Slagor—as well as Gronthar, Gort, Dirtclaw, and Ursa, four council elders.
Orion explained the Four-Faction Alliance situation in detail, leaving the elders utterly speechless.
"Lord, are you saying this southern invasion drags our entire continent into war?"
Even as Delilah asked, her lips parted slightly, showing just how shocked she really was.
"Yes," Orion replied.
"And not only that—until this war ends, there won't be any dark beast tides on this continent. Clearly, there's someone at the demigod-level pulling the strings from the shadows."