I want a challenge

The battle raged on. It wasn't that Grommash didn't want his people's help, or that they refused to lend a hand—it was Grommash himself who turned them away. 

In fact, as long as he kept these Alpha-level fighters occupied, the surrounding orcs would remain much safer.

"Kill them all!"

Blademaster Grommash roared. His greatsword had been snapped in two, but clutching its broken half only seemed to fire up his battle spirit even more.


From the rear of the battlefield, a figure approached Orion and spoke—it was Bluehide. Rather, the smaller of Bluehide's two heads was talking, and he eyed Orion with evident warmth and interest.

"That orc chieftain seems… off," he remarked. "Looks like he's forcing himself to break through. He keeps pushing his own limits."

Orion glanced at Bluehide. His response carried a double meaning.

"You've noticed?"