Eight Alpha-level insectoids hemmed in Delilah, Onyx, Rockwell, Earthshaker, and Slagor.
"Damn fools—this loot belongs to the insectoids!"
Those were the words of one particular insectoid among the eight Alpha-level insectoids, the only one capable of speech.
"This was our find first. You came after—the spoils should be ours," Rockwell spat out bitterly. If not for Delilah and Earthshaker's quick intervention, he'd likely have been devoured moments ago by these eight insectoids.
"We've got the numbers, and our fists pack more punch. The treasure should belong to whoever's strongest."
The talking insectoid sounded full of itself, tearing into the group with smug confidence. Eight against five—by its calculations, the insectoids clearly had the upper hand.
"Since we're allies, you can still get out now. Otherwise, we'll eat you."