A genuine giant-king duel III

High above the battlefield, the nine Legendary-level fighters all held their breath when they heard the fight was about to move into its third phase. This phase also marked their own cue to act—at any moment, all-out war could erupt.

Truth be told, Orion had relished both the first phase of barehanded combat and the second phase of weapons. Ever since advancing to Legendary level, he'd never felt so thrilled by a fight. Giant King Balor was like a fierce sparring partner of equal rank, someone who could really take a beating.

"I'm the strongest one here. I'm the true Giant King!" 

"My patience with you is shot—I'm going to kill you," Balor growled, fixing Orion with open malice in his gaze. 

The murderous intent in Balor's eyes was unfiltered, growing stronger by the second.